This is what she wears, and ofc her squad robe. I think she and Aya ended up looking the best. I hope you like what I drew, it's just so you can get an image of what they look like.


Her hair is gray, not white like Ume. I just think I could have done it better. Ofc, again, her robe is missing bc i didn't want to draw it to.


Let's just not talk about it...

I had to glue body 'couse I was to lazy to draw it all over.


I made his hair green in the story, but let's imagine him w/ brown hair, 'couse it looks bad. This is just how they should look like, I'm doing better drawings and will be posting them soon.

I hope you like the characters, comment if you have anything to add about them. Oh and btw, that on their arms is symbol that they work under Rimuru, I'm gonna make his every subordinate have that on their arm. It will be explained better later on in the story.
