The first thing you did after walking out of your second class was to check your phone if you had received any messages from Tom. There was nothing. So you decided to message him yourself.

(your account)

Sorry I ran away like that
And basically anytime after class
and making those dumb excuses not to meet up
Just so you know I do really wanna hang out with you
I'm just not really great with crowds or with places like bars and stuff
And ive also never really been asked to go anywhere with anyone, like personally
Idk why im telling you this. I'm definitely rambling
Texting is definitely easier than talking huh
Sorry for all this

It took Tom two minutes to see your messages and to respond.

It's totally okay. I get it
And sorry if i made you uncomfortable with all that. 
Can i come to your place tonight?
Or how about we go to Le Moulin?

Le Moulin. You had been there before. You could do that. With trembling fingers of excitement, you replied

(your account)}
Deal. Around 7?


Sounds perfect. See u then 
