Chapter 5: Running away

"I don't care anymore!" Me and fater got in an argument over me being able to go out in my own.

"Your still a baby." I got in fathers face and yelled.

"Im 17 I'm old enough to go out on my own!" I ran off. It was pretty late I heard people following. 'He sent the maids after me they all be old but the one new girl i think father likes alot, Jillian. She's 26 fathers 36. I was in down town when I snapped back to reality. "Wow." I've never seen thisnplace before lots of people and tall buildings. "Ummm...sir can you tell me where I am?"

"5th street." He said annoyed and walked off. I looked around and I saw Jerry.

"Jerry!" I ran up to him.

"Bre what are you doing her?" I noticed some girl stand next to him. 

"Who's this?"

"Oh... This is umm..."

"His girlfriend." She interrupted and put her hand out for me to shake.

"Ummmm...who?" My eyes started to water.

"No she's..." He said softly.

"Im his girlfriend did you get it that time?" She said annoyed dragging Jerry off, with what was left of my heart id never get back. I stood there for a moment just processing what just happened. 'He...he cheated on me?!' I ran back to the mansion.

"Sweetie whats wrong?!"

"LEAVE ME ALONE!!" I slammed the door behind me a flopped on my bed. The jillian walked in.

"What happened?"

"He..he...cheated on me."

"It'll be ok..."

"No i loved him!"


A/n I probably broke some hearts but i ran outta ideas and y'all didn't give me any so this what ya get. ~bre😊✌️
