under the stairs (changlix)

Changlix little story

"Hey, pretty boy, why did you want me to stay," Changbin asked. "Well..., I got to tell you something" Felix stuttered. "Just say it already" changbin shouted still. "I like you Hyung, I really like you, you're handsome and cute at the same time. You care for people even though you don't show it. You know what I don't like you, I love you. And I know we've known each other not long but, I am already head over heels for you" Felix said with a worried expression. Changbin was in the biggest shock he had ever been in he wasn't even as shocked when he heard his mother was pregnant. An awkward silence filled the staircase. "You don't need to say anything, I just wanted to let you know," Felix said while trying not to cry

Changbin on the other hand was blushing like crazy but the younger didn't see because he was looking at the ground. Changbin tried to say something but was stopped by his own body. They held Felix crying face in his hands and before he knew it he smashed his lips on the lips of the half-crying boy.

Felix was shocked but it didn't take long before he kissed back. When changbin came back to reality he pulled away from the kiss and said "I'm sorry I'm not so good with words but I still want to say". Before he could finish his sentence the taller boy pulled the shorter in for another kiss. This time it took a little bit longer but changbin pulled away again. Felix was concerned that the shorter didn't like it but his worries stopped when he heard changbin make his confession.

"You didn't let me finish, well I started approaching you because I thought you were really cute and pretty, but after the time I spend with you even if it was little I began to like you and after I know it was already love. This is so not me, what I'm I even saying but, will you be my boyfriend?" Changbin asked after his little confession of course Felix started jumping around yelling yes at least nine times. After that he jump onto changbin and said "how should I call you: baby, babe, mine, boyfriend, or hubby" Felix started teasing.

After changbin started blushing from all the nicknames he put Felix down because he fell almost. "just call me whatever you want" changbin said. then I call you "Binnie" Felix answered After the taller was done they kissed again but it was special this time they took their time and their lips were moving together perfectly fitting each other. Changbin licked the taller boy's lower lip to ask for permission to enter. The younger opens his mouth and lets the older slip his tongue inside. Changbin was taking the lead exploring and the insides of Felix mouth. until they hear Minho say "we'll I wondered where you two were, looks like you two are just sucking each other's faces off".

Jisung softly hit Minho's arm a hint not to be so mean. While Felix was blushing changbin said, "you two will do the same in a short amount of time". "Not this again we just argued about this with Seungmin and hyunjin," Jisung said while his cheeks got a little pink Color.

They talked a while and then went to class.
