The bubble

Dipper's POV:

I just kept running and running, and they just didn't give up, I had to do something and fast. I quickly started running faster and jumped over a wooden busted up fence into an alleyway and hid against it until they ran past me, phew, I sighed with relief. I pulled my walkie talkie out and tried to contact Mabel "Mabel, Mabel are you there?" I desperately called out into the walkie talkie, but no response "Mabel it's me, so far I've eluded capture, but I haven't been able to find you or Stan anywhere. I don't know if you can hear me, but wherever you are, whatever happens, I'm going to find you." I vowed to her, though all the walkie talkie picked up was static. I then heard the shriek of a pterodactyl that caught my attention, I turned to look to see it on top of the gravity falls mall, It bit off the 'A' in 'Malls'and flew off. That's it! "The mall! Maybe they're hiding in there" I suggested aloud to myself. Just then a being that was just a massive head and an arm scuffled past in front of the mall and I quickly ducked to avoid being spotted by the creature. I then ran towards the Mall and faceplanted the glass window "Oh no!" I shouted, a little too loud "Hey, hey you, hey I wanna talk to you!" The monster yelled at me as it used its arm to turn round and face me, "I wanna talk to you about going inside my mouth. I-I think you wanna get in here. Hey you, hey! I'm talking to you man!" the monster continued to ramble on at me, I'm a panic I quickly turned around as he kept yelling at me and started using all my strength to pry open to mall doors. After a lot of struggling I managed to wiggle my way through the doors and fell through to the other side. I then quickly backed away from the door while the monster tried to push its way through, but was left stuck outside.
I turned around to see the mall had been completely demolished, broken class ceiling, completely crumbled walls and pillars. It was a dump. "Stan! Mabel!" I called out in the hopes I'd find them there. While looking I turned my head to see some very tempting nachos, lit underneath one flickering light, "Maybe at least I can't get something to eat." I said aloud to myself, walking towards the snack. "The last nachos on earth." I commented as I picked them up and stared in awe. Just then I was snatched up in a net, "Help the nachos tricked me!" I screamed in a panic. Just then a familiar face emerged from a bush pot, "Dipper?" It was Wendy, oh no the monster must've got her too,
"Wendy? Oh no, you've been transformed into some sort of tree monster!"
"It's just camouflage. My dad made me and my brothers do apocalypse training every year instead of Christmas. Guess it's sorta cool their paranoia paid off." She commented and then proceeded to shoot a bat that flew in with a crossbow, "Nice! Bat meat," she then turned round to me and walked towards me, spinning her axe, "Let me get that for you," she then impressively threw her axe at the top of the net I was trapped in and I fell to the ground with a thud, along with the nachos. "Wendy! I'm so glad to find you!" I exclaimed, running at her and hugging her, "I thought everyone I knew was gone," I solemnly said to her.
"Hey, hey, it's okay." She reassured me, while kneeling down to my level and placing her hands on my shoulders, "We have each other now...and Toby Determined, who I accidentally mistook for a monster."
"This just in: this arrow in my shoulder," he quoted, with an actual arrow stuck in his shoulder, wow I didn't even notice he was there. "We shouldn't stay out in the open for too long. Let me show you my hideout." She wisely stated. All free of us proceeded to run towards an abandoned alternative shop, basically a rip off of hot topic, called edgy on purpose with a sign saying 'DUDE KEEP OUT' in green spray paint on the shutter. Wendy lifted it up and we ran inside closing it behind us. She began to tell me what she was doing when Weirdmageddon struck, about how all her friends got captured by the eye bats. "What about you?" She turned to ask me,
"I was in a fight with Mabel when it happened." I begun, "Uncle Ford asked me to be his apprentice after the summer was over, but that would mean I wouldn't go back home, it would mean growing up without Mabel," I recalled to her sadly, "oh dude," Wendy said remorsefully,
"Mabel didn't take it well and she ran off into the forest...she couldn't even look me in the eye," I continued with pain in my voice, I looked down at the floor in remorse and shut my eyes fold my arms over my legs not being able to bear the memories or hurting Mabel. "Come on let's get some fresh air," Wendy suggested, trying to cheer me up.

Me and her wound up sat on top of a building with pit colas in hand as we watched the end of the world, with Toby watching the camp as Wendy had asked him to. "End of the world, man those death metal album covers got it shockingly right," Wendy observed as she proceeded to take a sip of her cola, "You know I used to think I could get out of anything, but this...the journals are destroyed, Ford is captured and I can't find my family anywhere! Bill's monsters were right I can't be a hero, we lost." I told her, looking down at the ground despairingly, "Look did it's not over yet, you've beaten Bill twice before, why is this time any different?" She questioned,
"Cos then I had Mabel," I told her sadly, beginning to miss my sister even more, Wendy grabbed my shoulders and turned me to face her, "Then you need to get Mable back. Look, this summer I've seen some amazing things, but nothing as amazing as you and your sister. I don't know if it's dumb luck or yin and Yang or whatever, but when you two work together there's like nothing you two can't accomplish, you just need to make up and team up and save the universe!" She told me, very inspiringly I might add, but there's one problem, "But how will I ever find her?" I questioned, just then we both heard a monster screeching and turned to look in that direction where we witnessed an odd monster eat a sign and behind it we saw a pink bubble with a shooting star design on it, wrapped in chains. "The shooting star from Mabel's sweater! She's in there I know it." I exclaimed to Wendy, "Woah is that like twin esp?" Wendy questioned me in awe,
"No we don't have that, but we do have this thing where our allergies totally act up at the same time." I told her and then proceeded to sneeze, "Mabel needs us."
"How are we gonna get out there without getting caught?" I asked
"I have an idea." She told me.

Me and Wendy then made our way to an old abandoned car sales place, considering I can see vandalised lil Gideon advertising, I assume it's Bud Gleeful's. Wendy picked out a nice black car "Dude let's use this one!" She exclaimed as she ran over to it, "if it'll help us save Mabel, anything will do," I added. Wendy smashed the car window of the driving seat and stuck her hand in to open the door, then opening my door from the inside, "You ready man?" She asked as we sat in and started buckling our seatbelts, "yes, quick question, did you ever get your license?" I asked cautiously, "Nope." She responded as she started the car and we begun to drive off. What was I expecting though really she is only 15. It was a dangerous journey, we had to swerve a few arms and monsters, drive through a few weirdness bubbles, but then we were beginning to reach a large split in the earth, that we easily could've fell into, "Total lack of drivers training don't fail me now." Wendy said to herself as she begun to drive faster and jumped the crack. The car just narrowly made it, but it was a rocky landing, the car did five rolly pollys and fell apart at the landing, badly injuring me and Wendy, I crawled out of the car in immense agony "so close...Mabel...I'm...almost...there," I said, struggling with every breath, a dark figure was then stood in front of me, I looked up to see a hooded scary looking figure looking over me, but the figure held its hand out to me and took its hood down "Heya Dipper, how's it hanging?" The figure asked as he revealed himself to be Soos, "Soos!" I yelled, overjoyed to see my friend alive and well, "ugh, Soos?" Wendy questioned as she crawled out from the car in obviously bad shape, holding her head in pain, "Handyman of the apocalypse at your service." He told us as he adjusted his cap,
"'d you- where'd you?" I stuttered out as he went over to help Wendy "I been wandering the plains like a desperado, helping strangers. I guess there's some folks songs about me now. Lemme see what the damage is here." He informed us as he helped Wendy sit down and examined her arm, "Well the good news is your arm is okay." He told us with a big smile on his face, "So what's the bad news?" I questioned worried, "Bad news is we're surrounded dudes." He told me. I then looked around to realise we were surrounded by Bill's monsters.
"Haha found you!" One of the freaks exclaimed, "Listen you monsters you don't know who you're messing with!" I yelled, trying to sound intimidating, I couldn't let them stop me from saving Mabel, "Haha cute kid, but if you wanna get to the bubble we'll help you," another freak told me, I was shocked and so were Soos and Wendy. "Wait what?" I questioned, clearly confused, "Yeah, in fact we'll take you there," It told us, just then 3 monsters subdued me, Soos and Wendy, "Hey what are you doing?!" I shouted out,
"Let go man!" Wendy shouted
"Not cool dude," Soos commented
"We're nearly helping you." Another freak commented, "Now come on."

They took us right up to the Bubble and the one with 8 balls for eyes pulled out a golden key with the same shooting star symbol on it, but in colour. They unlocked the chain and and took us in and all I saw in that moment was a blinding pale pink light.
