5: Getting Ready

Shades P.O.V

So I tracked the others by using my slayer archive so now we are all standing in a cave planning our next move. "So what do we do now" "We complete the prophecy." "What is that" Natsu asked "The prophecy foretells of the one named Slayer which is our friend here Shade." "So how do we complete the prophecy." "We have to get him ready to slay Achologia and God Serena" "How do we do that" "We teach him everything we know."

~2 years later~

"Alright just one more time."


"Good now you got it" "Good now that you've leaned everything we could teach you then lets go slay a dragon and a god that is also a dragon slayer" "Not yet there is still more for him to learn." "Yes,there is still more for him to learn, much much more" Jane said
