(bf) Your period is really late pt. 1


-He'd ask if you were joking or pulling a prank on him and kind of not believe it at first

-Once he knew you weren't lying he'd think of every different scenario that could happen to you. Probably end up thinking you were pregnant

-Take care of you and make sure you didn't work too much, he'd try to get you to take a pregnancy test 

-Would be concerned but not unhappy

"You'd look so cute with a little baby bump. If you are pregnant I hope it has your eyes."


-Panic and start asking you questions like how late it is and if you've been getting cravings and things like that

-Tries getting you to a doctor but you insist you're fine

-His brain would be working double time trying to figure out what to do 

-Thinks you're really sick when the pregnancy test comes out negative and rushes you to a hospital

"I don't want you dying because who else is gonna play with Kkami when I am busy!"


-Didn't really know what that was and that it was bad if it was late so he was calmer 

-Took your temperature and asked you what late periods could mean

-Was shocked when he found out that you had a possibility of being pregnant and rushed to the store to buy a test

-He was so confused with the whole situation and not really prepared so he was relieved when he found out you were fine and it was normal for that to happen once in a while

"I can barely take care of myself I don't think I'm ready for a baby me yet."


-He'd be deep in thought for awhile, considering how he should react 

-Gets a little too exited with the possibility of you being pregnant but doesn't forget to be worried about you and he takes you to a doctor, much to your dismay

-He'll tell all the members and brag to them how he'll be the best dad

-Not too disappointed when it's negative, and he's amused at how he acted

"I can't wait to be a dad. I'll be the best one ever!"

A/N: Sorry I've been updating slower, everything has been really hectic since vacation started and now that I'm back in school it's really difficult with writing and doing school at the same time. I will try harder for the people who like this book and read it constantly. Hope you enjoy. 

Also I will not be quitting this book or marking it as complete any time soon. I hope to get to 100 parts or more, but I need the inspiration and the time so please be patient.

I am also not updating as much because I'm starting to take dance classes and vocal classes, and that takes up a lot of time with school. 

Hope you've enjoyed the story so far and that you'll continue to enjoy the parts ahead! Love you <3 and thank you so much for reading!!!!! <3<3<3 
