6. The Reckless Idealists

ღ✎Authoress's Noteღ✎: This entire chapter is going to be told from Walter's perspective. There's going to be a lot of information coming at you guys, but don't worry, it'll all make sense in time~


Walter made his way to the Communications Room, a rarely used place that could get in touch with the other worlds. He flicked the lights on, illuminating the entire room at once, revealing a small desk that had a holopad built into the surface. The majority of the room was taken up by crystals and tech that helped to facilitate this kind of long distance call.

"Call Yen Sid," Walter said simply as he turned the holopad on. An image of a miniature, cartoon version of Yen Sid appeared—tilting its head from side to side. Even in the current circumstances, the silly representation of the esteemed wizard made Walter smile ever so slightly. From the triangular hat adorned with large stars and moons, to the long grey beard and thick grey eyebrows—the image was Yen Sid down to the letter. Just in a much cuter form, reminiscent of the chibi art style in Japan. The chibi Yen Sid made a face before pulling out its holopad—the call had connected.

A 3D projection of the real Yen Sid appeared where the chibi once was. His eyes were daunting as ever—large, and yet with a small pupil that seemed to pierce right through you. "Walter Von Laur... It has been quite some time."

"It's my pleasure, really," Walter stated without a hint of sarcasm, "I didn't expect you to pick up the first time," he admitted as he sat down. This was going to be a long conversation.

Yen Sid glanced at Walter—dressed in a winter coat, covered in branches, and littered with small cuts. "I didn't expect a call from you. The situation must be dire."

"As you know, darkness on this world manifests in Hollows, which are usually regulated by Shinigami. There was an incident tonight, however, and I'm inclined to believe that it was Earth's manifestation of a Heartless." Walter didn't waste any more time with small-talk, and he knew Yen Sid would appreciate his directness. 

Yen Sid crossed his arms and furrowed his brows deeply. "A Heartless, manifested on that Earth?"

Walter nodded grimly. Darkness infestations spread quickly. Once the first Heartless was spotted, the rest would follow suit. He wasn't sure whether the size of Earth would work to its advantage or against it. "A boy in the forest was attacked. He suffered numerous lacerations and his wounds started to fester with dark energy as I carried him from the woods to the infirmary. I didn't see the Heartless. (Name) did. She broke the seal on her abilities and got rid of it, I presume. Her abilities are also keeping the darkness from consuming the boy's heart. Though, based on the fact that he didn't lose his heart with the injuries he sustained, he must have some inherent resistance to its effects."

"A boy with an affinity for light, (Name) breaking the seal placed on her by the Richmonds, and a Heartless sighting... I cannot believe these circumstances would arise by chance. Are her parents involved?"

"I haven't heard anything." While Walter may have worked for (Name)'s parents, it was a very loose arrangement. He didn't have their number for emergencies, they always seemed to contact him—with rather uncanny timing. "Have you?"

"Are you asking about the Richmonds or the (Surname)s?"

"Both." Walter couldn't predict either of their actions, especially not in regards to (Name) or in regards to Earth.

Yen Sid took a deep breath. "The Richmonds were recently at Middangeard as guest lecturers, acting on behalf of Deorcyness. The (Surname)s are elusive and yet active as ever. Have you been informed about the incident with the Shinra Company?"

"Bits and pieces," Walter stated. He may be outside of the Multiverse, though there were still people who kept him informed on major events. "I know that Rufus Shinra has become the company president after his father's untimely death and that he's up for a seat on the Council."

"You are informed." Yen Sid expected no less. "I presume our mutual friend has been in touch?"

Walter merely gave a nod in response to Yen Sid's question. "If they've both been spotted in the Multiverse that recently, it's unlikely they're involved in this incident."

"Hmm. I wonder," Yen Sid mused. "Regardless, blind speculation will not help us with the situation at hand. Do you intend to invoke the Magical Protection Act?"

He nodded again. Yen Sid was sharp as ever. "At least in Japan. The magic concentration per capita for the world is low, but if you concentrate on Japan and include the Shinigami, you can make a valid argument."

Yen Sid closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. "On paper, you have the right idea. However, you are aware of how long the process could take, especially with everything going on at the moment. At the very least, I'll get a small team sent out to help you and inform the Council." He opened his eyes, only to narrow them at Walter. "Knowing you two reckless idealists, you've already cooked up some other ridiculous plan."

For the first time in the conversation, Walter's lips pulled into a slight smile. It'd been a while since he heard Yen Sid say that. "Something along those lines," he responded vaguely. "Thank you for all your help, Yen Sid."

"Of course. You and Cook should take care."

"You too."

The call ended and the light on the holopad slowly dissipated into nothing. Walter rose from his chair. Was Yen Sid right? Was the situation too coincidental? He had no idea. Still, he should go see how the three were doing in the infirmary. He had a vague sense that things would be all right. It was just a question of what side-effect the Heartless Venom would have.

When Walter made his way to the infirmary, he found (Name) slumped over the bed, asleep, yet still clutching onto the unknown boy's hand. A blanket had been draped around her shoulders, loosely knotted around her neck like a cape so it wouldn't fall off. Cook's work. Also Cook's work, was the sweater slipped over the boy's white button up. There was a small smile on her face as she gazed upon her handiwork, and a smile on Walter's face as he gazed at her. She loved the chance to dote and fuss on others.

Walter gently placed his hands on her shoulders, giving them a light squeeze. As expected, she jumped, though relaxed into his touch. "Everything went well?" He slightly massaged her shoulders, feeling how stiff they were from working all day.

"Fortunately. Thanks to (Name), the darkness doesn't seem to be a problem. The hardest part was getting the two of them to let go of each other's hands so I could pull that sweater on," Cook remarked as she turned to look back at the Walter with a smile on her face. Hope. He could see hope shining in her brown eyes. Her eyes misted over, and he let go of one of her shoulders to reach for his handkerchief. "How long has it been since she's looked that peaceful...?" Cook blinked quickly, her eyes filling with tears.

"Far too long," Walter stated as he handed Cook the handkerchief. "She must have been exhausted from breaking that seal." His heart nearly stopped when he saw the bright beacon of light coming from the forest. It was pure chance he had been facing that side of the house. He expected (Name) to be hysterical and in denial when he found her. She was worried, but that concern hadn't been directed inward, but toward the blond haired boy.

"I have a feeling this incident will be good for her," Cook said with a faint sniffle.

He couldn't suppress his smile. "I believe so." 

"How was your talk with Yen Sid?" Cook asked, she knew who he was going to call without being explicitly told.

"Mmm. He thinks the incident is a bit too coincidental. However, he agreed to send help, and plans on bringing up the MPA on behalf of Japan."

"Japan, huh... So we're going back to where this all started." Cook rose a clenched fist to her pursed lips.

He knew that face. It was her worrying face. "Yen Sid did say something interesting," he said, purposefully being vague to get her attention in spite of her worrying. 

Cook looked up at him, tilting her head slightly.

"He called us reckless idealists again."

Laughter spilled from Cook's lips, making her slap a hand over her mouth so that she wouldn't wake (Name) or the boy. Walter quietly guided Cook out. He dimmed the infirmary lights without fully turning them off, and closed the door. He had a feeling the two of them would be sleeping until tomorrow. "I suppose that hasn't changed after all these years, has it?"

Walter had glanced over at Cook. The corners of her eyes had small crow's feet, her dark hair had strands of silver mixed in, she had put on more weight and gotten even shorter, yet the woman in front of him still had the same unwavering spirit that drew him to her. "No. Not at all," he said with a smile and a small shake of his head.

In truth, he thought of himself as a realist, though he couldn't help but want to protect the world Cook inhabited: where there was beauty to be found in every living thing, where dreams were made for chasing, where any oppression could be overcome with healthy doses of creativity and determination. She was the idealist, he was just the reckless one who'd do anything to make those ideals a reality.


ღ✎Liz's Behind the Scenes ღ✎:

Yen Sid: An esteemed wizard and former headmaster of Lucere. He is acquainted with Cook and Walter, and trusts their judgement after working with them for countless years in the past.

Lucere, Middangeard, & Deorcyness: Three interlinked organizations in the Multiverse charged with keeping the balance of the worlds (more to come) 

Multiverse: A collection of worlds which are linked despite their locations in different universes.

The Council: The official law-makers in charge of the crossover areas of the Multiverse (More to come)

Unlockables: (Remember, you can answer both prompts!)

The Shinra Incident: Someone's got the nerve to take out the head of Shinra Co. But can they really tie this crime to his own son? Or will Rufus Shinra go untouched? 

Unlock Conditions: 7 commenters answer: Who do you think is the mutual friend Yen Sid mentions? Why do you think they aren't mentioned by name? (Hint: They are an important figure in KH)

Dream Shards: 1 for answering

The Reckless Idealists: the First Meeting: Let's go back in time to when Cook and Walter first met. Love at first sight may not be a thing, but this is only the beginning of their journey~ 

Unlock Conditions: 2 commenters answer: Familial love vs Platonic love vs Romantic love, how do you distinguish between the three? [I expect a detailed answer, at least more than 100 words. I understand it's a pretty personal question, which is why I'm only asking two people to answer and this question can also be answered by PM if you're shy. I am curious however, especially since I personally disagree with a lot of ideas of romantic love and especially how it's portrayed often in fanfic.]

Dream Shards: 5 for answering

Dream Shards Miscellaneous:

1 for voting on this chapter (if you voted before, either let me know or unvote and vote again... I think that's a thing. Maybe)

1 Dream Shard per typo found

1 Dream Shard per 50 words, around 250 characters with spaces. Comment length includes, answering the questions for the unlockables, as well as just commenting on what happened on the chapter overall. Gimme dose meaningful rambly comments. 
