
“So Ms Nia, can I take you out for lunch?” Asks Liam as they stand outside the bus after getting breakfast together as a group.
“Uhm, sure. When?”
“At four o’clock.  I would say now but knowing you, you will want to discuss with your sisters and scream your ears off. So I will pick you up outside your hotel room at four o’clock.”
“Ok, looking forward to it.”
“Cool.” They part ways while Nia makes her way to the hotel going straight to Nyx’s and Nova’s room with Norah behind her whom she collected from their shared room.
“Ladies we have a crisis.”
“What?” Nova
“Liam just asked me out on a date.” Silence and then screams erupt in the hotel room. Axel and Nate come running into the room to find the ladies jumping around showing excitement. As they were passing
“Everything well ladies?” Axel
“Yes, sorry for worrying you.” Norah
“Just Nia has a date.” Nova
“Oh well ok, we will leave you alone then.” Nate
They walk out and the ladies migrate to Nia and Norah’s room to start helping Nia getting ready for her date. Liam knocks on the hotel room at four o’clock on the dot. Nova opens the door and welcomes him in.
“Liam, welcome. Please have a seat.” He is seated on the couch found in the room. All the three sisters are facing him

“So please tell us, what are your intentions with our sister?” Norah
“I want to get to know her.”
“Why?” Nova
“She interests me and I would like to get to know her and show her that I want to expand us further.”
“When should we expect her back?” Nyx
“We will be waiting and Liam please behave.” Norah
“Now I will go fetch your date.” Nova says standing up going to get Nia. They come back and Liam stands up. Nia stands next to him.
“Now kids, please behave because there are many eyes out there looking.” Nova
“Liam keep your hands to yourself.” Norah
“Enjoy kids and bring her back on time.” Nyx
Nia is blushing hard and is rushing to get out of there. As soon as they are in the hallway waiting for the elevator. They burst out laughing
“Your sisters are brutal.”
“I understand it’s fine.” They get to the restaurant and Liam has booked a private sitting.  They order their food and just have light conversations.
“So Liam tell me about yourself.”
“I am from Rhode Island, I have one brother, he is in his sophomore year this year. However I moved to New York to pursue education then met the guys. We had to share a dorm.”
“Was music always the goal?”
“No, Axel was the music guru in our dorm. We all knew instruments, he persuaded us to join him and we started doing gigs in college eventually we started going to bars and it exploded from there.”
“That’s amazing.”
“What about you?”
“Well I was born and raised in Staten Island. I am a quad as you know.”
“That is still weird. So was music always the journey?”
“I think we always were interested but our mom insisted that we finish school first then she helped us until we landed here.”
They talk and order dessert eventually they leave and head back to the hotel. As they stand outside Nia's hotel room
“Thank you for tonight. Hope we can do this again soon.” Liam
“Of course. Thank you for inviting me.”
Liam steps forward and hesitates for a bit but leans down and waits. Nia meets him half way and they kiss. He moves away
“Goodnight Nia.”
“Goodnight.” He walks away and Nia walks into her room and they all hug and squeal while jumping around the room.
Nia relates the date.
