
I plant a kiss on Stiles' forehead hoping for his awakening to come soon. I simply can not wait any longer for him to wake up. So much time has been wasted, and It's time for me to move on. I leave the room, turning his lights off. I walk into the hallway as I sob lightly, leaving the hospital.

I go into the parking lot where I walk in the dark towards my car with my seduced driver. My guard is down as I know nobody will expect me here, and the pack is gone. I suddenly feel a threat from behind me, and I quickly turn around seeing Derek with a huge rock in his hand. He quickly bashes it to my head and I fall to the ground dead.



I wake up in what looks like to be a horse's stall where I sit against a wall on hay, with my hands chained up. I feel a pounding headache come in from my dehydration and what seems to feel like as if someone bashed my skull. Nothing that a little water can't heal.

I open my eyes and look around to see Derek walk into the stall with some toys to play with on me. Physical torture doesn't amuse me neither bring me any pain. He puts his things down and tightens my chains and chuckles at me.

"Ah! Back from the dead. How's the devil? Any words of wisdom for his disgraced servant." Derek mocks me and I want to devour him entirely. Werewolf meat is a magical treat that I have not had in a very long time.

"Nope. Just chitchat. Sports, weather, movies... What I'm gonna do to you when I get out of these!" I shout at him as this time, he's the one in control.

"Well, that's not gonna be for a long time." Derek mocks me more attempting to intimidate me but I've been through so much worse scenarios in my life. "And if you think you can siren yourself out of here thanks to whatever you did to my brain so many months ago? That's gone, too."

"I got that. Upside the head." I get snarky with him and sigh as I'm not amused. "If you think there is any kind of torture that I haven't suffered, I would be very interested to hear it." I mock him for my own entertainment now and he tightens the chains on my ankles and I whince at the slight pain.

"Oh, maybe I'll just get in your head and make your life a living hell." He says getting serious about it and I chuckle.

"You wouldn't even know where to start." I roll my eyes and get bored. Derek gets close to my face trying to put fear into me and I'm not buying any of it.

"That's not true at all. I know you spent your life forgotten and abandoned. Feared and hated. Hell, anyone who loved you had to be sirened to do so. I mean, except your brother... that's debatable. But I know why, after 2,000 years you have nothing." Derek gets close to me and looks straight into my eyes. "Because you are nothing. Nothing but a spiteful, insecure, unloveable little boy." Derek's words begin to get to me as he's true. "Don't forget. I've seen you. The Real You. Pool-of-blood you. You think you're redeemable because some 19 year old boy says you are? Your act is up little mermaid. Sooner or later you're going to end up back in your habits."

A tear runs down from my eye as everything he said is true. Slightly. "Aw." He mocks me once more. "I made a siren cry. What's my prize?" Derek flicks the tear off my cheek and I repress my emotions as he's wrong. I am redeemable. "Well, I guess I'll take a few centuries of torture." He mocks me once more and then raises the chain on my left arm higher and as he does, I quickly whip my claws and stab him in the back of his neck.

"You want a prize!?" I mock him as I get dominant with him, bringing him down to me. "How about your precious humanity back?" I threaten him as it'll ruin him. I unlock bits of his memories back into his mind that made him kind, soft and sweet. Nothing unlike the sociopath I created. "All of it?" I threaten him as I continue to unlock them in his mind, flooding his brain with them all.

"I'm not the thing inside your head you have to fear Derek. You are." I let go of his neck, taking my nails out of his flesh and drop him to the floor. I free myself as he lays in the hay overwhelmed and conscious. "You know threatening me, wasn't such a good idea." I stand over his body as I'm liberated. "You'll be consumed with guilt. Your humanity is gonna flood back and crush you. Think of it as my last act of kindness." I dispose of him, and walk out of the horse stall as my work is done.

Derek will be traumatized for the rest of his eternal living werewolf life.
