Oneshot#9:The Swan kissed commercial(Stegosaurus X Night Angel)

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When black swan hires Stegosaurus  and Night Angel to act in the commercial things will get weird

Anyways let's start this one shot,and make sure to comment and vote for more oneshots and head cannons

Anyways our story starts when Night Angel and Stegosaurus get  text from Black Swan to run to her house for an important thing

Stegosaurus is at night angels house,both snuggled up on the couch watching tv when both of their phones beep because someone texted them

Stegosaurus:Who texted me?

Night Angel:Yeah my phone beeped too

The both read their texts

Night Angel:Hey stegobaby did you get a text from black swan?

Stegosaurus:Yeah I did

Night Angel:It says we should go to her house ASAP, she says it's something important 

Stegosaurus:ok let's teleport over there to see what's up

They both teleport to black swans house and open the door to see black swan and piglet making out on the couch

Black swan:Kiss me more

Piglet:I love this 

Stegosaurus:HOLY CRAP!

Black swan and piglet let go

Piglet:Oh sorry

Night Angel:It's fine 

Stegosaurus:Yeah it's cool,anyways what's the important thing black swan?

Black swan:I need your help, how would you like to be in a commercial?

Night Angel:Sure I like being on Tv


Piglet:It's a commercial about black swans soda, called Swan kissed soda

Stegosaurus:I love swan kissed soda

Night Angel:same it's delicious just like my stegobaby 

Stegosaurus blushes at this

Black swan:Ok filming will start tomorrow 

Night Angel:Ok sounds good

Night Angel and Stegosaurus teleport back to their houses

Black swan:Now piglet where were we?

Piglet:making out?

Black swan:Indeed

They both start making out again 

Then the next day stego and night angel go to stegos house to rest after a long walk and find something in stego's house

Stegosaurus:Anyways so then he told her that h.........what the hell happened to my house?

Stegosaurus noticed all the video equipment in his house

Black swan:Suprise!

Stegosaurus:why is there this video equipment in my house?

Black swan:For the commercial silly

Stegosaurus:Oh I forgot about the commercial 

Night Angel: yeah but at least we're in it right stegobaby 

Stegosaurus:yep indeed night angel, so what do we do in your commercial black swan

Black swan:You and night angel will be sitting on the couch watching tv, you say "I'm thirsty Imma get Some swan kissed soda",night angel asks"How many sodas are there left?" There is 1 left and night angel you let stego drink the last one but then you get so tempted to drink it, you passionately kiss stego to try to get the flavor of the soda, me and piglet have done this before so it's no problem for us

Stegosaurus:Sounds good 

Night angel:Yep indeed I love kissing stegosaurus 

Stegosaurus:Yep same with night angel

Black swan:Ok ready 3,2,1 Action

Stegosaurus and Night angel sit on the couch watching tv

Stegosaurus:Imma get some swan kissed soda

Night Angel:Ok babe I will pause the tv

Night angel pauses the tv

Stegosaurus then comes to the kitchen to get the soda

Night angel:How many are left stegosaurus?

Stegosaurus:Theres 1 left, do you want the last one?

Night angel:nah you can have it, it's fine


Stegosaurus then goes back to the couch and night angel unpauses the tv, but she is staring at stegosaurus while he drinks the soda

Night angel to herself:Ok night angel don't panic it's just soda,but it does taste good just like the taste of stegosaurus so I guess we can just do this

Then night angel ends up passionately kissing stego after he finished the soda

Then night angel let's go tastes it in her  mouth and likes it

Black swan narrating:Swan kissed soda, so good you will go as far as kissing your lover to get some

Then the commercial ends

Black swan:That was amazing, good job,good job

Stegosaurus:Thanks I liked it very much,especially night angel kissed me, she's a good actor

Night angel:That part I wasn't acting

Black swan:Hold up!

Well another one shot finished, I hope you liked it,because I will have more one shots and head cannons and other random stuff in the future

Don't text and drive and have a good day

Credit to @Thatfrostybunnygirl for the idea
