Chapter 30: Isn't It Obvious

Ariel POV:

The boys had to go to the recording studio for the past few days. So I decided to spend some time with the girls. I was either with Dani at the dance studio or Emily and Eleanor for a photo shoot. Watching them work was a lot of fun. Mostly with Dani because she taught me some dance moves.

The girls and I have become really close. Which I am really happy about. We are literally unsepereatable.

"So has either of the two made a move with you?" Dani asks me,getting all giddy.

"I really don't know if they like me and no they haven't. They just have been busy these past few days." I explain to her.

"That is really no excuse and I know they both like you. It is so obvious. Even the girls and the boys know how Zayn and Niall feels about you." Dani points out.

"The third card explains love by someone. Well not just one but by two men in your life. These two people will always be there for you but it can cause your downfall as well. Be careful with them two."

I really don't know if I want them to like me. Ever since I went to that fortune teller I couldn't get what she said out of my head. I really don't want to get my heart broken at all.

"Helloooo. Earth to Ariel." I snap out of my thoughts. Seeing Dani waving her hand in front of my face.

"Huh? Sorry what did you say?" I ask her.

"I said that we're leaving . So do you want to go grab a bite to eat?" Dani asks me.

"Sure. I know there's a Chipotle down the street from here." I suggest.

Dani agrees with my choice and we both head out of the dance studio. As usual with no surprise we had 3 guards following us around.

We arrive to Chipotle and went inside. The guards stayed outside of the restaurant.

Dani and I decided to order chicken bowls and sprite. We paid for our food and sat down.

"Ariel are you okay?" She says grabbing my hand across from the table with concern written all over her face.

I give her a confused look. "Yah. Why wouldn't I be okay."

"It's just that you've been distracted a lot lately. It seems that your always in thought." Dani says to me.

"I know I'm sorry. It's just that ever since that I went to the fortune teller at the carnival I can't get what she said out of my head." I confess to her. Dani let's go of my hand and gives me a curious face.

"What did the fortune teller say?" She asks me. Giving me her full attention.

"Well first she told me something about my past. Said that I was grieving for awhile and that I lost somebody that I loved a lot. I told her that I lost my mother a few months ago from cancer." Dani gasps when the fortune teller knew that I lost somebody from cancer.

"What else did she say?" Starting to get intrigued on what I was telling her.

"Then she got out a deck of cards. But they weren't playing cards ...there was pictures on them. She said that they were tarot cards and they will help me figure out the outcome of my future. She made me choose 4 cards from the deck and put all of them in front of me.

The first card was that I had a heart of pure gold. That I always love the people dearest to me and that I would do anything for them. As they would do the same for me. The second is wealth. That I will inherit something in the future. The third card was explained love by someone. But not just by one person it was actually 2 guys-"

"Aha. It has to be Zayn and Niall. Can't you see it Ariel they both love you. Even the fortune teller says so." Dani interrupts me.

"But the fortune teller warned me as well with this one." I tell her sadly.

Dani's face changes from happy to a slightly serious expression. "What will happen?"

"She said that these two men will always be there for me but I will have to be careful because they will be the cause of my downfall. I have to be catious to the both of them." I tell Dani.

Dani didn't know what say. All I could see was sadness in her eyes for me. Knowing that she's feeling sorry for me.

I decided to continue. "The fourth and last is pain. In the future I will endure a lot of pain. One of the men from the two will help me get through it." I give her a small reassuring smile. Dani smiles but I know that it was forced.

"I have a question Ariel." Dani speaks up.

"Yah. Ask away." I encourage her to speak out her mind.

"What is your downfall?" She asks me.

"What will my downfall be?" I ask her .

"Heartbreak. Heartbreak will be your downfall as you believe that love is always the answer. Just try to be strong and as the saying goes do not get too close to fire or else you will get burned."

"I asked her the same question. The fortune teller told me that heartbreak will be my downfall. Since I believe that love is always the answer to most things it will hurt me the most." I sigh. Looking down at my food and pushing it aside. I definitely lost my appetite.

"Ariel all the stuff that the fortune teller told you could be all lies. Even made up. You make your own destiny and your own future. So don't let some hag control your destiny. Don't let it get to you."

I smile at what Dani says to me. She's right. I control my destiny and my future. I'm my own person. The only person that can change my future is me. Nobody else.

"Thanks Dani." I reach out for her hand and give her a sincere smile.

"No problem girly. Your an awesome person inside and out. Any guy would be lucky to have you. And if anybody hurts you I'm a phone call away. I will beat their butt." Dani pretends to punch somebody.

I giggle on how she acts. "I'll take your word for it."

After our heart to heart conversation we finished our food and got out Chipotle.

The driver was ready for us once we got out of Chipotle. We got in at the back with Tony sitting next to the driver.

"Where to Miss Cowell?" The driver asks me looking at the rear view mirror.

"Back to the hotel please John." The driver nods and starts driving us to our destination.

We arrived to the hotel 15 minuted after. Of course there was fans and paparazzi waiting to see who was in the car. Thinking for sure it was one of the boys or all.

Tony opens the door  for us. Right away Dani and I got out of the car. We both thank John, the driver and gave him a little wave. The 2 security guards arrived and started walking us inside.

"Where's your Liam? Aren't you suppose to be with him Danielle?" A paparazzi yells out. Trying to a reaction from her.

"So that's Danielle Peazer. Ew...she's not even that pretty." A fan comments.

"Obviously those two are just using the boys to get money and fame." Another one sneers.

I look over at Dani and she looks unaffected with the hateful comments the fans were throwing at us. Mostly to her.

We enter the hotel lobby and got in the elevator. "How are you not affected with all those things the fans say to you?" I ask her.

She laughs. "Doll all those comments mean nothing to me. I have been dating Liam for a year and half already. I just drown them out and keep walking on my merry way."

"But doesn't those comments hurt you?" I question her.

"When I was first dating Liam those comments stung me like a biotch. They were so painful that I cried to him every night. If it wasn't out in public,it was posted in my social media. Even now from what you seen I still get the hate. You just need to remind yourself who you truly are. The only people who will know the real you is your family and your friends. That's all that matters.Dating a guy from a famous international boy band makes you tough skinned." She tells me about her experience with th fans.

The elevator dings telling us we made it to the top floor. We get out of the elevator and walk all the down to the hall. I take out my room key card and slide it in the slot. The slot light turns green telling us that it accepted the card.

We went inside and put or bags on the floor. Plopping down the couch I turn on the television and started to flip the channels. We decided to watch some Sponge Bob.

None of the boys, girls or Simon was here. It was just me and Dani.

"Helloooo...We're home." I heard Emily yell out.

"We're here in the kitchen." I shout back to her.

The girls and the guys enter the kitchen. Dani and I decided to cook dinner for everybody when they got back to the hotel.

"Where's Simon?" I ask them.

"Simon had some things to take care of. He should be home soon."Liam answers my question.

I nod to his response and start setting up the table for dinner. Dani puts the food on all of the plates. Right away, everybody sat down and start to dig in.

"So how was the fashion show?" I asked Emily and Eleanor.

"Everything went great. Got to meet the other models; Kendall Jenner and Gigi Hadid. They're gorgeous and have really long legs." Emily says to me.

"Wow that's great." I say excitedly to her.

"How about you boys? How's your recording session?" Dani asks them.

"We are almost finished recording all of the new songs for our next album. Just need to do a few more and it will be done. " Niall tells Dani shoving more food in his mouth.

We all got into our own conversations. Eleanor started telling jokes and they were really funny. I can see why Louis loves Eleanor so much. They're so a like and such a perfect match.

Seeing them together makes me wish I had a relationship just like theirs. I couldn't help but gush with happiness for them.

Danielle Peazer POV:

After dinner I talked to Eleanor and Emily on what Ariel said to me at Chipotle. Of course we were all sad for Ariel because  she was and still is very affected on what that stupid fortune teller said. I know she says she's fine but obviously I can tell she's not.

Ariel is such a kind and wonderful person.Even though the girls and I haven't met her that long she's really important to us. She's like our little sister.

"This maybe a little bad." Emily says to Eleanor and I. While she puts all the dishes in the sink.

"Why? What do you mean ?" I said confused.

" Ariel is never going to have a relationship with all of this going on. She's scared and she's starting to build her walls up." Emily frowns.

"I hate to admit it but I agree with you. Plus I know the two men in her life are obviously Niall and Zayn. I swear if either of them hurt her I will cut their balls and feed it to them." Eleanor starts getting tense.

"Well girls you know what this means... time to talk the two guys." I tell the both of  them. The girls nods and agrees with me.

So the girls and I decided to split up. I will talk to Zayn and the the two girl will talk to Niall. The three of us goes to the guys and block the television. Ariel was no where in sight. She must be up in her room. We put our hands on our hips and hear the boys groan.

"We're trying to watch the football match." Louis tells us all annoyed. Moving his head to find a better view of the television.

"Well this won't take long. Niall. Zayn. We need to talk to the both you." Eleanor says to them.

The two of them gets up from the couch and follows us out of the living room. The others looked curious.

"Niall you go with Eleanor and Emily. Zayn you follow me." I say walking to the balcony not waiting for him to follow me.

We walk out to the balcony and grab two seats. I sit down with my leg over the other. Zayn sits down right across from me.

"So what's up Dani? Is everything okay?" Zayn asks me.

Shoot. Um how do I say this without bringing up the fortune teller. "I know that you love Ariel and don't even waste your time denying it." I start out looking at my nails.

"Apparently news talks fast here."  Zayn groans.

"Not at all. It's just obvious. Everybody knows including the other two girls. A blind man could even tell." I point out.

"So is that what you called me out here for? To tell me that you know I like Ariel?" Zayn questions me.

I straighten up my body and sit up straight. Serious mode time. "No it's not. As you noticed the girls and I became fond with Ariel. She's like a sister to us."

"Okay?" Zayn says in a question

"Ever since Perrie I never seen you open up to anybody. But seeing you with Ariel is like seeing a completely different person. She makes you more lively. I know Ariel will never take Perrie's place. She's your first love. We all loved Perrie she was part of the family.

But Ariel is different. She's fragile than you think. She may put up this tough charade but in the inside she's sensitive."

Zayn sits up from his seat and listens to every word.

"Why? What's wrong with Ariel? Did I do something to her?" I see Zayn start to panic.

"No. I'm just telling you. You didn't do anything to her. It's just that ever since the fortune teller-"I clamp my hand over my mouth realizing what I just said. My eyes turns wide.

"What did the fortune teller say to Ariel?" Zayn asks me cautiously. Intrigued on what was coming out of my mouth next.

Mad at myself . Me and my big mouth. I really hate myself sometimes. "I can't tell you. I promised her that I wouldn't tell a living soul." Trying to get myself out of it.

"Oh come on Dani. You can't just say that and not finish it." He tells me starting to get irritated.

I sigh in defeat. "Fine but I swear on my life that if you tell anyone and I mean anyone. You will never see daylight again." I get up from my chair and threaten him.

"Okay. I promise." He puts up both of his hands in defense. Getting a little frightened.

I slowly sit back down on my seat. "The fortune teller says that there will be two men in her life. Love interests to be exact. Those two men will always be there for her but she has to be cautious with them." I start explaining to him.

"Why cautious?" Zayn asks me.

"Because they will be the cause her downfall. The downfall will be heartbreak." I tell him sadly. Zayn doesn't say anything. It seems that he's trying to soak everything in his head.

"Ariel hasn't been her full self lately."

Zayn instantly looks straight at me.

"She's been very distracted lately ever since that day. Always deep in thought. But always wearing a worried expression. I think that it's bothering her to the point that she's building walls. She's putting her guard up."

"Why are you telling me this? What does it have to do with me?" Zayn gets defensive.

I get irritated. Is he that dumb?

"Who else are these two men? It's you and Niall. Both of you are in love with Ariel. It's obvious and I know that you know it as well. Don't deny it." I yell at his face.

I try to calm myself down. Trying not to get into a fight with Zayn and his dumbness. "All I just want to tell you is that I don't want to see one of my friends hurt. Mostly Ariel's. She's innocent, pure and all that is good. I don't want to see that go away. Because if I find out that either you or Niall hurt her emotionally, physically or any type of way... I swear that you will have to answer to me and it will not be pretty."

I give him an intense stare. Getting up from my seat and leaving Zayn at the balcony without saying another word.


Hey guys.

This chapter is more of a filler. Sorry if it's bad . I don't know if I'm going to keep this chapter or rewrite a better one. I will decide later on.

So how is everybody doing ? How is your day going? Mine was pretty much a boring day. Just working the whole day and counting the hours to get home as usual. It was hailing like crazy today. But the best part of my day is that my boyfriend cooked me dinner. Isn't he just the sweetest:D Plus it was really tasty. I'm definitely a lucky girl. I got a boyfriend who can cook! Every girls dream :)!!

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