The Rise Of The Great Devourer

Your POV 

Age: 16


In the morning, you were woken up by a loud storm. It was especially loud because the Bounty was flying right through it.

You did whatever you had to do in the morning and went to the training room. The one inside, of course. It was just smaller.

Heading to the training room, you set up the tiny course and practiced Spinjitzu on a dummy. With one leg. That nagging feeling about Pythor was getting to you. 

Lloyd suddenly walked into the room and slid on his Green Ninja gi hood. 

"Serpentine, it's time I Spinjitzu you back into the filthy holes you came from." Lloyd announced. The Bounty tilted a little with the storm, and you stopped what you were doing to watch Lloyd. He didn't seem to notice you yet. 

"Ninja kick! Tiger claw! Ninja, go!" Lloyd spun rapidly, but no Spinjitzu was formed. He tripped on the punching bag carousel, got hit in the face with the punching bag, was flung to the dummy carousel, was yeeted up against the wood and smacked against the post. He was spun off quickly and he landed on the floor.

Before you could say, "Ouch", a purple Anacondrai appeared in front of Lloyd, chuckling, then disappeared.

"What a joke. You were always a boy who chased stupid dreams." Pythor said while he was invisible. Lloyd looks around for him frantically.

"Pythor!" You exclaimed. You used your power, but it barely spread one floorboard before you were kicked- I mean slammed in the ribs to the wall.

"Y/n??!" Lloyd finally noticed your presence.

"You think I would allow the ninja to steal the Fangblades from me?"

Lloyd was lifted up by his collar, and Pythor appears in front of him. 

"Ugh! You'll never get away with it!" Lloyd struggled against the snake. You stood up, heavily winded. "Hey-!" Lloyd was cut off by a piece of tape on his mouth. Pythor ties him to the punching bag and turns to you.

"Oh, I wouldn't worry about that. As they say, out of sight, out of mind." Pythor said to Lloyd. He didn't even get a good look at you before you ran yourself into him and knocked him over.

"My GOD!" Pythor snapped. You pull out your Silver Weapon and changed it into a scythe. 

"Are you sure you want to do that?" Pythor disappeared, but you aren't fooled. You jab your scythe into the spot where his face previously was. The Anacondrai goes back to being visible, clutching a bleeding eye.

"ARgHngGH!" Pythor threw you off of him. He punches you in the face with his other hand and slammed his tail into your ribs. You tried to get up, but there were certainly bruises on your ribs.

Pythor disappears, a small blood trail stopping once Pythor leaves the room and closes the door.

Lightheaded, you lean against the wall and catch your breath quickly.

"MnPHMNH!" Lloyd yelled, muffled.

"Will everyone please place their seat back and tray table in the full upright and locked position? We have reached our destination: Torchfire Mountain. Give it a minute while we settle into position." Nya's voice came over the speakers. You were fumbling on the ropes that tied Lloyd to the punching bag.

Third Person POV

"It's roasting out here." Jay sighed as the ninja went onto the upper deck with a Fangblade in each hand.

"Heh. If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen." Kai said smugly.

"Hey, what's with Sensei?" Jay asked. The ninja watch their sensei stand alone on the lower deck, admiring the volcano.

"I do not know. He's been distant all morning." Zane answers.

"Ah, it is beautiful, is it not?" Sensei said to himself as the ninja approach him.

"Sensei, we are ready for the destruction of the Fangblades, yet you seem disinterested." Zane inquired Sensei first.

"You do not need my approval to finish the task." Sensei said, still not facing his students.

"Uh, but Sensei-"

"Butts are for sitting. And besides, there will come a time when you will have to go on without me." Sensei interrupted Jay shortly.

"Sensei, you're talking crazy. You've been alive for, like, forever." Kai said. Cole punches his arm. "Unh!"

"What he is trying to say is you are like the sunrise. We cannot begin a day without you." Zane wisely words.

"Ah, but even the sun must go down so a new day begins." Sensei replied. 

While all this is happening, you fainted for a few minutes after trying to help Lloyd. Lloyd managed to kick your shoulder to wake you up; he was still tied and gagged.

"I don't like metaphors. What are you trying to say? Are you leaving us again?" Cole seemed to misunderstand the response.

"In meditation, my smoke visions have come to an end, and tomorrow, I cannot see. This worries me." Sensei looks down to the floor.

"But it could be a good omen, you know. We destroy the Fangblades, then everything's gravy." Jay said optimistically.

"Let's just get rid of them, for good." Sensei says. Kai sets up a plank of wood on the side of the Bounty to throw the Fangblades in the volcano. 

The Bounty starts to tilt at a viciously fast speed. Sensei and the ninja slip down to the side, but Sensei goes further down on the plank. He quickly catches onto the edge.

"Sensei! Hang on, we're coming." Cole said. The ninja drop the Fangblades and slowly walk onto the plank. Sensei Wu loses his grip and falls.


A hand catches Sensei Wu. The ninja are holding onto each other like a rope. 

"Unh! You're not going anywhere, old friend."

"Thank you, Cole."

"Argh!" Kai was trying to hold on to the plank with his legs while holding Jay. "Nya, what's going on?"

"Ah! Someone or something has overridden the system."

You were thrown into the wall, but you untied Lloyd. He ripped the tape off.

"PYTHOR'S ON BOARD!" Lloyd yells into the nearby intercoms.

"Come on, Y/n!" Lloyd grabs your hand and drags you out of the room at a running speed, making you stumble.

"Ok ok!" You grab a nearby Bo staff leaning on the hallway wall and gave it to him.

He leads you onto the lower deck and we see Pythor with all four Fangblades. An eyepatch was on his left eye. You smirk. The ninja and Sensei Wu are hanging from the wooden plank, having trouble coming back up.

"Where do you think you're going?" Lloyd glares at Pythor. You grab your Silver Scythe and was ready to throw Pythor into the volcano.

"Ahhh. A little cliché, don't you think?" Pythor chuckles.

"Uh, cliché?" Lloyd questioned, breaking his brave character.

"I wouldn't expect a child to understand." Pythor snorts. "You should have been taught to die long ago." Pythor said the last sentence to you with venom.

"I'll never die."

"Hey, I've grown up a lot." Lloyd flips his hood on and leaps at Pythor. Pythor slides aside and casually grabs the blade of your scythe, even though it pierced his scales.

"Hm, puny strength, no fundamentals, sloppy footwork. You think you can defeat me?" Pythor easily avoid Lloyd's attacks.

"What do you know about footwork?" You take your scythe back and make a swipe for his head, but he ducks. Your scythe clashes against Lloyd's Bo staff.

"We're not trying to defeat you. We're just trying to keep you busy until the cavalry arrives." Lloyd grins.

Samurai X comes in from behind Pythor. Pythor, distracted, gets kicked in the face by Lloyd.

"Haha, I hit him. I hit him, guys!" Lloyd stammers excitedly.

Pythor is shaking in fear from the Samurai. He quickly slithers to the edge of the Bounty.

"Oh, as much as I would like to play with your overgrown toys, I have a ride to catch." 

You fire an arrow at him, and he falls off the Bounty with a scream.

"Did he die yet?" You look over the edge.

A Rattlecopter catches him perfectly, and it flies away.

"So long, suckers!" Pythor yells.

"No!" Lloyd shouts.

Jay's screechy voice interrupted the moment. 

"Don't let go!" Jay yelled to Kai.

"You think I don't know that?!" Kai loses his grip on the plank. 

They're taking too long!  You thought quickly and also jumped off the Bounty.

"NO Y/N!!" Lloyd screams as you fall. You produce a motorcycle a second before you crash into the ground and waste no time to go after Pythor.

The ninja fall thirty feet before Nya catches them.

"Y/NNNNNNNNN!" Lloyd continues to yell after you.

"Shoot." You muttered. The Rattlecopter was landing near a bus. The passengers of the bus were replaced by snakes, and the people were shooed out.

Pythor and Skales boarded the bus and drove off. 

They're heading to Ouroborus. You thought, speeding after the bus. A black spot impaled your vision for a second and you thought you were going to pass out. 

The bus was speeding up a lot. You could see the ninja coming out of the black smoke that the volcano produced. They were catching up with the bus faster than you thought.

"Ok..." You stood up steadily on your motorcycle and jumped onto the bus. You landed as softly as you could without injuring yourself further. Pythor's voice came from inside the bus as the ninja went right to the bus's six.

"Good afternoon, my cold-blooded minions. If you look off to your left and behind you, you'll find ninja." The windows opened and the heads of many Serpentine poked out. "So annoying. So man your stations, chaps! We've got guests. Let's make sure we give them the ride of a lifetime."

Fangpyre snakes peeked out from the top of the train. They bit the train, and their green venom spread all over. 

"Oh shoot." You did a one-legged flip to avoid the venom. A tail grew from the back of the bus and the metal was metallic scales.

"Gotta get inside." You said to yourself, slowly inching to the trapdoors where the Fangpyre came from. You covered your whole body with Silver to protect you from the wind.

Loud smacks behind you made you worry. It was the tail of the Serpentine Express, trying to hit the Tread Assault.

Two guns on either side of the train were firing at the Samurai and the Storm Glider, but it was difficult. Next, two vehicles with the Fangpyre bite aesthetic drove off the train and spun around to chase the ninja.

You open the trapdoor and jumped in, drawing a sword. Good thing you went straight to the from. You landed beside Skales and Pythor. 

You throw a punch at Skales, but he ducks to avoid it. Pythor was busy driving. You shove him into the door as hard as you could and spun the wheel. The train did a 360 on the road before landing the same direction it was previously.

"Come on!" You growled, stepping on Skales's tail to distract him. Pythor swings his tail to your face, but you manage to bite it.

"Argh, unh, anuhgh, aw, gross, blegh why did I do that?" You did a backflip and kicked the Hypnobrai general in the face. Pythor went back to driving. You made a quick swipe for the four Fangblades, but Pythor put them out of your reach.

"You know, you shouldn't drive with one eye." You said casually, crouching quickly to dodge a hit from Skales.

"Ugh." Pythor rolls his eyes- I mean eye. You jump up and grab one Fangblade by the blade. It immediately cuts you on the palm, but you don't let go.

"Let go!" Pythor tries to yank it back, but you only get pulled forwards.

"Stop the train!" You pull it back.

"Skales!!" Pythor yells at his second-in-command for being useless. Skales grabs you by your waist and attempts to pull you away.

"Woah woah woah there buddy." You try to kick him while keeping a painful grip on the Fangblade.

"Don't let them reach the front." Pythor hissed to Skales while driving and fighting you.

"I'll personally see to it myself." Skales lets go of you and you were flung forward, crashing into the Anacondrai. You roll on the ground before he could wrap his tail around your neck. 

"It's just me and you!" You bring your sword down on the wheel, forcing Pythor to let go of it for a second.

"I really hate you." Pythor quickly slides the Fangblade out of your hand, making the cut bigger.

"That stings. Physically and mentally." You ignore the blood dripping on the floor.

The train starts wobbling dangerously side to side. Flames caught onto the front.

"Slow down!" You grab the wheel with your uninjured hand. The knee on your injured leg suddenly buckled, and the train swerved to the right for a frightening moment.

Jay: "Nice catch, Zane."

You and Pythor fight over who gets to drive, and it was hard for you because you were half on the floor.

"Pythor's in there with the four Fangblades." Kai said, his voice muffled from behind the door. 

"And Y/n." Cole adds.

"Who's first?" Kai asked.

Sensei went straight through the door without anyone noticing before detaching the car.

"Sensei!!" Jay exclaimed.

"What are you doing?!" Cole yelled.

You thought the same.

"My destiny is to face Pythor alone. Your destiny is to look after Lloyd." Sensei said, still not moving.

"This is turning into a habit with him. How do we get off this thing?"

The door opened, and you see Sensei.

"Y/n, I suggest you go with the ninja." Sensei threateningly points his bamboo staff at Pythor.

"Erghhhh... kinda busy!" You take the wheel once Pythor jumps out of the seat to face Sensei Wu.

"This ends now!" Sensei Wu said to Pythor.

"So be it." Pythor sneers, and their fight begins.

You search under the seat and dashboard, but the Fangblades aren't there.

"Where did he put them?!" You whisper-yelled, feeling under the seat.

"Ninja go!" Sensei Wu does his Spinjitzu, which you rarely see.

 🐍😬    🌪

"You're getting slow, old man." Pythor hissed as he pressed his staff against Sensei's throat after hitting the 'old man''s Spinjitzu away.

The train was beyond controllable since it was about to explode. You frantically search for the Fangblades to no avail.

Something up at front touched the trail's wheels, making it tip on one side. The person that flew past the window was the mailman.

You were thrown off the seat and nearly out of the car as the train comes to a stop on its left side. Pythor goes outside dizzily, holding the Fangblades.

"Whattt?!!!" You furiously kick the seat and calm yourself down afterwards. 

"Sensei!" You make your way to the back of the car and kneeled down next to Sensei to help him up.

From a short distance, you could see venom pouring out of the Great Devourer's statue.

"Stop Pythor!" Sensei Wu said sharply, standing up and doing Spinjitzu off the train.

"Ohk!" You follow him, making a motorcycle. He shook his head when you offered him a ride, and you got to the City first. 

"It's working! Awaken, great one! Awaken the insatiable appetite of the beast that will consume all of Ninjago!" Pythor was yelling.

You leap off your motorcycle and land outside of the swirl that was glowing in the middle of the arena.

"What have you done?!" Sensei yelled, landing beside you.

"Don't you see? Releasing the Great Devourer is the only way to get back at the people of Ninjago for locking my kind underground for all those years. We should have been the ones ruling the surface, not you!" Pythor turns around.

"You are playing with a power that cannot be controlled. It will consume everything, even the Serpentine." Sensei shouted back.

"Unleash, Great Devourer, and be free to do my bidding, for I have awakened you!" Pythor said loudly to the statue. It was beginning to crumble.

"Y/n, it is my destiny to face the Great Devourer and Pythor." Sensei said hurriedly to you.


"I have seen it in the spirit smoke. Lloyd and the other ninja will need you." Sensei Wu kept an eye on the statue.

"I won't die, I promise." You refused to budge.

The whole statue fell apart, and you all waited for something to happen.

"No, no. It isn't inside the statue? Then where is it?" Pythor yelled, panicking.

The floor began to crumble, and two glowing pink eyes shown in the darkness.

"Ohhh no." You ready a ball of silver in your hands, but it looked small compared to the thing inside the hole.

"Aaah! It's so big!" Pythor was faltering, now trying to escape the Great Devourer's path.

"You shall stay to see what you have done." Wu jumps straight onto Pythor's neck to distract him..

"Aah! Let me go, you fool! Don't you see? It's underneath us!" Pythor and Wu struggled around the arena. 

"This is our destiny." Sensei glances at you. "But not yours."

You see the determination in his eyes and nodded, finally running out of the arena. The ninja came from behind you, but all they could do was watch.

"What's going on? Who's that creature underground?" Kai shouted.

"Who do you think?" You shouted back at him.

"You must do everything in your power to stop the Great Devourer. Go, ninja! Go!" Sensei yelled at us, still holding Pythor in place as well as himself.

"No... Sensei!" Kai and the others came to the obvious realization. He made a motion to run forward, but you stuck an arm out in front of him to put him to a halt.

Sensei Wu nodded. Finally, a great, hideous snake burst out of the floor. 

It lunged at Sensei and Pythor.
