
"Hey mom"

"I came back" the girl giggled

"I'm now a teenager" the girl smiled brightly

"15 years old"
"I opened your box..." The girl's smile turned into a frown

"And...you know...I read your story, I got help to publish it!" The girl said excited

"It's now a big time book in the fantasy genre #2 to be precise, but it's making to way up to 1# slowly!" The girl said

"But only if the world knew what the story was actually based on, and the real ending" tears started to flood the girls eyes

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I didn't visit you for 2 years, I'm just- I don't know, I just hate coming here knowing that you're here like this" the girl continue, tears running down from her face

"I miss you Mom! I miss you so much" the girl fell to her knees balling her eyes out

"Everyone misses you mom, not once did one of us didn't miss you, it's been 10 years without you mom, .I'm happy Granny is with you, she was so depressed after you went away, she never forgot you once"

"Souta kept his matching bracelet he made for you when he was younger, he never took it off once "

"Kitaro,... Well, although he says he forgot about you and moved on that's clearly a lie, he always wears his bracelet he got for you, and the ring you gave him, I know he's been visiting you as well"

"Grandpa, Rin,
He's not doing so well, even tho it's been 10 years, another 10 years without you, it's really taking a tore on him"

"And Miyamura
I guess you already know about him since he comes here every day and night,
Miyamura is working through it, he misses you the most"

"I miss you,"

The little girl got up and slowly went back to the house


"Hello y/n" a young man came and sat down

"How was your day today?" The man then laid down with a small smile upon his face


"That's nice"
"I hope you and granny Kanami are having fun, oh did you tell Mama L/n hi for me?"

The young man smiled a little

"Hey, do you remember when we use to do everything together, you know when life was easy and only thing that we look forward to was seeing each other at school"

"I miss you y/n"
"I miss you so much"

The young man zoned out


"Oh no" I said as I realized what y/n meant by that statement

"No, no ,no no, no, No!" The boy ran

He had a feeling way y/n would go so he ran as fast as his legs could go

"Fuck! God y/n, please don't do this" the boy said as years start to flood his eyes hoping his love was okay


I reached at granny Kanami's house, speeding to the garden and scaling the back wall
As I made my ways through the trees I saw her

So I ran towards
"Y/N!!!" I screamed out to her

She turned around and in that split second I had hope she was still okay but then she fell

She fell

I knelt down next to her and turned her over on her back



"Y/NNN!!!" I screamed her name

The boy gentle shook the girl hoping that she will get up

"Please," the boy cried 


"No, please no, y/n please just say something? Anything" the boy cried even more as he held to lifeless body close to him

"Y...y/n? K-kitaro?" The lifeless girl mumbled

"Y/n! Omg!" The boy said as he held the girl tightly in his embrace

"K-kitaro?" The girl asked again in hope he was the one who was figured out what he meant by that statement
The one she love, the one who found her, the true love as that old lady was talking about

I guess this is the right time
For love
The girl thought

The boy froze, in shock, not knowing what else to say he cried, he cried in joy, sadness and relief

"I love you Y/n, I love you so much, so much,"

" I..."

"Shh, I hate to admit it but you are not going to live and I'm going to be living with you for the rest of my life
So N/n my last words to say to you

My heart will never feel this way to anyone else, tho it has tried, but my heart belongs to you and only you even if you're miles away from me, even if I can't hold you in my arms anymore, even if you love someone else, y/n my heart will only belong to you

I love you Y/n"

The dying girl weakly placed her hand on the boy's cheek
And smiled softly

With all her strength left in her, she pulled down the boy and kissed him
The boy returned the kiss

The two shared the most passionate kiss, full of love, hope, peace and joy
And all the good things in the world

Such as unicorns and rainbows ✨


They both separated the kiss, taking a breath of air with small smiles on their faces


Blood pelt out the girl's mouth as she groans in pain

The boy held her gentle as he comfort her

"I'm always here for you okay? No matter what" the boy placed a kiss of the girl's forehead

"I love you... I-"

The boy's face saddened, then he sighed in acceptance

The girl pulled herself up and kissed the boy gently and whispered gently

"I love you, Izumi, you always had my heart and you will always have it"  the girl smiled.

I just wish it could be shared

"I love you" kissing Miyamura one last time, everything then went pitch black for the girl

"Y/n," The boy said sadly as he felt the girl weight getting heavier

he let out a hinge breathe as he began to cry

"Y/N!!!" He yelled out in sadness

~ End of flash back~

A few tears fell from the young man's eyes

"Here you go, I brought some flowers to make the place look nice, I brought you some snacks as well" 

The young man place the flowers around the gravestone making it look pretty, he then placed the snacks on the offering section of the gravestone

With a smile on his face, he sat back down next to the gravestone and enjoy the peace and quiet with Y/n

-late afternoon-

"Well it's time for me to go, so see you tomorrow," Izumi said as he got up and looked  at the gravestone

With a gush of wind, Miyamura's hair flow with the wind, he smiled and waved goodbye to the gravestone

I sat there and watched him leave, I've been reincarnated as a butterfly but my spirit is still at the gravestone where I've been buried, and I hear and see everything that's near me

I communicate with my loved one with signs, maybe an unexpected message from someone, or with numbers and so on

Granny Kanami use to pay attention to me, but everyone else doesn't pay a whole lot of attention to them, but it's understandable

In the distance, I saw someone walking through the trees of the secret lake to my gravestone

It was Kitaro
I summon a small gush of wind and my butterfly self landed on Kitaro's hand

Kitaro smiled down at the butterfly and gently blew it away, he then stood in front of the gravestone

"Hey Y/n, it's been a while huh" Kitaro sadly chuckled

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry,
  I'm sorry, I miss you so much, I miss you, I miss you" Kitaro said as tears run from his eyes like a river

"I hate myself for letting you just leave in such condition, I hate myself for not visiting you after you pass
I just couldn't bare the fact of you being gone

So I pushed you away... I tried to forget about you but I couldn't, I try to find someone else to ease my pain...
I... I hate myself for that
Everyone who I was with, they were nothing like you, nothing, you were different you were so unique in a way I can't find the words to explain
You were strong and independent, you worked hard, night and day, but you still made time to spend with your loved ones

When we were separated, you had to work so much, coming home at all 1 and 2 in the morning, but you still made time for your child to be happy, even if you came home late, the sunny morning soon coming after you made sure Ena was eating well and have some quality time with her before she goes to school and after school you'd go for her and on the way to granny Kanami's, you'd always remember to make sure she was loved, you did to same with me
And that's why you're unique because no one else has the strength you have the love you have
You fought off a deadly sickness for 17 years
And no one knew you were even the slightest bit of unease

And that's why I love you, you're kind, strong, and beautiful in everyway
And there is no one else out there like you not even the slightest bit"

Kitaro was now on his knees

My spiritself  hugged him


"That was stuff for her"  someone else said

Kitaro and I looked up and saw Father
My smile grew bright like the sun as the sun shined brighter and the area started to get windy

My butterfly flew around Father and landed on his nose

He smiled which made me smile since he hadn't shot a smile in a long time

"Hello my darling, I'm happy that you're so excited to see me" Father said and he looked at the butterfly, which had him looked cross eyed

My butterfly flew around Father and my spirit self hugged him


Rin felt a warm embrace and he smiled again


"Hello Mr. (L/n) " Kitaro said standing up

"17 years is a lot, and I left when she was 7 leaving her to fight on her own
But if I didn't, I would have done something that will really hurt y/n and leave me in a world of regret and sadness"

"I'm just happy she had Miyamura and you with her when she needed you two the most"

"And both of you ended up in love with her
And she fell in love with both of you
She told me that she never loved two persons so romantically before and doesn't know what to do
So I told her just let love find it's way to you

But you two are something else, Miyamura and you both hold the same feelings towards her in the way and both of you loved her for the same reason"

"She couldn't bring herself to choose between both of you, she said that's like choosing between breathing and having a heart, "you can't live without either of them, you need those two in order to live... I need both of them!" She came to the realization that she can't chose between you both, because she needs both of you"

"And Y/n was a good person, as you said she was kind, strong and beautiful, but she's also forgiving, so you don't have to hate yourself for anything, because she already forgives you just like she forgave me the first time" The old man said to the young


Kitaro understand what the old man was trying to say, and he smiled softly


Hey Hey Hey ✨ ✨✨✨
So umm here you go just something for you all
thank you all for reading and voting!! Omg, I would have never thought so many people were gonna be reading this tbh, but thank you!!!!
Omg just thank you all so muchwhibsksn

Hey now that was kinda sweet!!
I think I nearly shed a tear reading this
You're a good writer Mxlly!!!

(◍•ᴗ•◍) Thank you shadow
Well anyways, about this weekend or next I'll be starting my new fanfiction on Blue Exorcist ✨✨✨

Well anyways hope you enjoy this, ( ╹▽╹ )
