t h r e e

promise you
it will all make sense again"

All writing from here onwards is unedited. Apologies for any minor plot/character inconsistencies. I am going to try and edit a chapter every couple of days! :)

"H-" I had to clear my throat, "hi, Dodie", I managed shakily, "I'm Belle. Thank you." I said softly. "Thank you so so much. I'm- I'm so sorry..." I started, but trailed off. I felt so bad as I looked at the

"Don't worry about it," she reassured me, taking my hand in hers and gently rubbing her thumb over the top of my hand.

"Are you ok, Belle? Did he hurt you? Drunk or not, I can't believe anyone would do something like that!" She told me, still worried.

"I'm ok... honestly" I tried to tell her, but she looked down at our hands.

"Your wrists, Belle, they're.. " she started, looking down at the purple bruises starting to bloom where he had grabbed me roughly minutes ago. She ran her hands down my wrists, marbled with bruises, her soft hands sending tingles down my arm.

"I'm so sorry." She mumbled, and a moment of silence followed, but it was not at all awkward. We both stood there in silence, looking into the others eyes, just comforted by the presence of someone else near me.

I stared deep into her eyes, observing the little gold specks buried deep in the pools of green and brown. The moment, however, was interrupted when a pair of drunk girls stumbled through the doorway, giggling. They walked through the corridor, bumping into the walls as they went, completely oblivious to the two of us standing there.

"We should probably go somewhere else," dodie whispered to me, looking at the girls, the corners of her mouth turning upwards.


I followed her out the door, through the club, where there flashing lights and loud  music seemed sliglty pathetic when there weren't that many people people, and most of them were properly drunk. We walked through the room, only stopping for her to pick up her jacket and bag, which were in one of the corners, then walked outside.

Although it was June, the moment we stepped outside the sudden impact of a chilling breeze hit me, and I realised that even in summer, wearing a t-shirt and skirt at night in the UK was probably not the smartest idea, and started shivering.

I tried not to make it too obvious, but each chilling blast of air was met with shivers, and my teeth started chattering pretty quickly after.

"Here, wear this!" Dodie said to me, handing me a short, charcoal coloured jacket. By the time I had opened my mouth to protest, the coat was already over my shoulders. "I have a jumper, I'll be fine!" She told me, a slight smile on her face. "Look, it goes with your outfit too!"

"Thank you for the jacket!" I could already feel the warmth return to my limbs. "And for earlier... Just thanks for everything" I said, feeling a smile pulling at my lips, as hers seemed to be contagious, which seemed to spark the conversation.

"I haven't even introduced myself properly! My name is Belle, I'm 19. I don't usually come to clubs... or parties... this kinda stuff really isn't my scene but my friend managed to convince me to come... What a mistake!" I laughed shyly, the normal bubbliness starting to hint at returning in my voice.

"I'm Dodie, and I'm 21 (a/n ~ I know she isn't 21 now, so it is set a few years ago)." She trailed off.

"I'm currently at uni, are you a student too? Or do you have a job?" I asked her, feeling a little more confident.

"Well... I'm a YouTuber." She responded, blushing, her being the shy one this time.

"That's so cool! What kind of videos do you make?" I tried to reassure her uncertainty, and was genuinely interested.

"I write music mainly, sometimes I vlog," Dodie replied, "it's just... some people don't view it as a 'proper' job," she told me, looking down, slightly embarrassed, so I placed a hand on her shoulder reassuringly and let her know that I thought it was amazing.

We continued chatting for half an hour, finding it easy to talk to eachother. I was having such a great time talking to this stranger in the middle of the night, I nearly forgot what had happened earlier that night for a few minutes, and we had told the other about our pasts, friends, interests, which we found we had a surprising amount in common, but then..

"Shit!" I suddenly exclaimed under my breath, and hurried over to the club door. I rose up onto my tiptoes, frantically looking over the heads of the people for Sophie's black ponytail and bright red top, but, out of all the drunk people there, none were Sophie.

"Is everything alright?" I felt a hand on my shoulder, and turned to see Dodie right behind me.

"My flatmate Sophie left, and she was going to drive us home. She must have got a lift from someone else. Shit.". I thought back to when I saw her earlier on the dancefloor,
"not that she would have been able to drive... she was very drunk!" I said, laughing lightly.

"Why don't you just stay over at mine? It's pretty late," Dodie offered.

"R-really?" I said, taken aback by the kindness of this girl I had met only an hour ago. " I mean... only if it is no trouble, I'll call Soph in the morning to come and get..."

"It's fine, honestly!" She cut my protesting off, laughing softly.
"I would never leave anyone walking around in the dark at this time of night, especially after what happened to you today, and I have a spare room as my flatmate moved out a few weeks ago." Dodie reassured me, and I had no choice really but to follow her to her flat.

We continued our conversation about anything and everything whilst walking to her place, and at one point, there was a natural pause in the conversation. All I could hear was our footsteps scuffing the pavement, the occasional car driving past, and the soft sound of a siren far away in the distance.

"Dodie?" I said softly, breaking the quiet of our thoughts.

"Yeah?" She replied, just as gently.

"Thank you."

A/n ~ I should probably stop doing an A/n after every chapter or you guys will all get bored with me! Hopefully the next few chapters will be up over the next few days so stick around, and add it to your library if you like it that much and want to see updates! I know it's a little slow moving at the moment, but everything will start moving soon! I just wanted to develop the characters slightly before everything starts happening!
