Chapter 16

"Here ya go!" Brennon came back a little flustered, his ears bright red while. He whipped out a small table and place it over my lap and put a bowl on top of it. "It's sweet potato soup, it's my favorite so I hope you like it!" He sat down on the chair Axel was minutes ago. 

I smiled, my eyes still a little puffy from crying but Brennon always seems to brighten my mood with his charming self. 

"Thank you." I meekly took the spoon from him, and took a small sip from this warm orangey-liquid. It was delicious, sweet yet not that sweet with a perfect homey feel. 

"It's from the diner, Miss Laura makes the best soups." He was smiling at me with so much happiness. I guess the reason he took so long because he went to the diner.

I'm assuming Miss Laura was the diner owner, that nice woman who gave me that free chicken soup. This soup was giving the same comforting feeling the other soup was. 

"It's delicious." I smiled, taking more generous gulps. I felt like I haven't eaten in a while, a long while. "Thank you again." 

"Of course Mable." Brennon pulled out a sandwich from his pocket, wolfing it down as I continued to eat. "By the way, you missed a few days of school so I got notes from all your classes." 

I almost forgot that school was still going on. "Oh thank you so much!" I moved so suddenly and accidentally knocked the table and some of the soup spilled onto me. It wasn't that hot but it did stain part of the sheet and the oversized shirt that I was wearing

"Oh jeez!" Brennon shot up and pulled napkins from his magical pockets, helping me move the table off my lap and onto the floor while dabbing my clothes. "You okay?" He was exceptionally cautious of not touching me inappropriately, but his looming form and fast movements were making my nerves go crazy.

"B-brennon, I-I can d-do it myself." I touched his hand lightly, getting his attention as he realized he was way too close to me.

"Sorry!" He jumped back, accidentally stepping on the table and breaking it, making the bowl flip over onto his pants and shoes that stained his light-washed jeans and white shoes. "Damn it." He sighed, but this whole scene just made me laugh.

I clutched my chest, laughing harder and harder until my stomach hurt. "Oh my gosh!" I giggled, at him, wiping the joyful tears from my eyes as Brennon seemed even happier even though his expensive looking clothes ruined. He was even laughing with me, sitting back down on the chair and leaning back, covering his face.

"Not my smoothest moment." He chuckled as we both settled down. "I can get you another bowl." 

"No it's okay," I took a deep breath, calming the bubbly feeling, "But are you okay?" 

"Yeah," He sat up, looking at me with a bright smile, "I'll just go change later." He lifted his legs up to see the damage. Half of his shoes were bright orange while is one legs had orange splatter all on the side. "Great." He sighed, "I always wanted orange shoes."

"Me too." I joked, "Though I'm not sure about the sweet potato smell." 

"What?" Brennon clutched his chest dramatically, "What's wrong with the smell?" 

"It's soo potatoey." I giggled, "Not a style I'm into." 

"Well speaking of style," he gestured to me, "Why don't you change into one of the many sweaters you purchased." 

"Hey! There is nothing wrong with sweaters!" I partially pouted, "But you should go before it permanently stains." I got up, noticing I was now wearing basketball shorts, "I'm going to change too." I walked over at my drawer, opening it to see it was now filled with new clothes, covering my old and pitiful clothes. There was even some other clothes that I've never seen before. 

"The other pack members heard that you still didn't have a lot of clothes so they donated some of theirs." Brennon spoke up, standing at the door and smiling. "You're the talk of the territory." 

My eyes widened, "What!" I almost screamed. I hate attention, and by the looks of it Brennon is my only friend. "No! That sounds awful!" I started hyperventilating, my thoughts wandering into every possible scenario. 

"Mable!" Brennon tapped my shoulder lightly, keeping a comfortable distance away, "It's okay! No one is saying bad things about you. They all love you!" He patting my head now, "I can show you around later after you change."

"O-okay." I nodded shakily, "I-I'll meet you in 10 minutes?" 

"Sure." He patted my head one more time before leaving. 

I waited for the door to close before starting to change, but as soon as I slipped on a lavender sweater my door swung open, revealing a teary-eye Phoebe with a rather gaudy knife in her hand.

"Phoebe?" I stood up, keeping my defense. "W-what are you doing?" 

"It took me 3 years," She mumbled, hobling closer to me, "3 years to court the alpha, get the respect I deserve, and it took you 3 fucking weeks to ruin that!" She screamed, her voice hoarse and scratchy, "You ruined everything!" She lunged, swinging it right at me. 

I threw my arms up to protect myself out of instinct, feeling the blade slice through my forearm. My whole arm felt like it was on fire.


Gosh darnit. 

I grit my teeth and jump backwards. I'm definitely going to have a scar. Clutching my arm, I watched her carefully, feeling like my senses just spiked. I was completely aware of my surroundings.

From the crazed look in her eyes to her pounding heartbeat. 

But what really got me, was when I felt the gash in my arm get smaller and smaller until it completely closed.

