The Aftermath

Credits: adam69

Uglyadam5 stood in the bathroom in disbelief of what just happened between them and Adam32. Their thoughts were soon interrupted by the bathroom door opening again.

"My alpha, are you okay ?"

"Oh it's you, Adam4, you scared me there", Uglyadam5 said with a slight chuckle.

"Let's get out of here".

Adam4 opens the door to the bathrooms, as they hold onto Uglyadam5's hand. Adam4 knows about all the arguments between Uglyadam5 and Adam32, but chooses to ignore it for their own sake. Adam4 only gets involved when it's their time to comfort Uglyadam5.

Uglyadam5 is now surrounded in their own thoughts and stopped paying attention to their environment filled with all of the non alphas.

'What was that dog thinking back in there? They just left me in there after that too. I'm with Adam4 and they're basically flirting with me at this point. I mean it isn't like I started the arguments, I just continue them in a way.'

Soon enough Uglyadam5's thought were cut short when they were interrupted by the teacher asking them to answer a question.

"Uglyadam5, I'm waiting for your answer."

"Can you repeat the question", Uglyadam5 told the teacher nervously.

In the background, there was Adam32 snickering at the sight of Uglyadam5's embarrassment.

"SHUT UP YOU DOG '', Uglyadam5 exclaimed in anger as their classmates began to get frightened knowing Uglyadam5's alpha powers could get out of control.


Uglyadam5's eyes begin to flame with a red tint, Adam32 knew that the phrase always made them upset.

"You wanna fight?"

Adam32 stood up to prepare to fight for their dominance, "You know how much I love to beat you up." Adam32 says this with a teasing smirk on their face.

"Both of you sit back down in your seats", the teacher said as the two turned their heads towards her.

"We'll finish this later you mutt", Adam32 says as they sit down.

"No you won't because the two of you have detention."

The two scoffed because they didn't want to be stuck in a room together for an hour. They would have to sit in silence as a random teacher watched them do absolutely nothing.

Adam4 nudged Uglyadam5, "Hey, can we meet up later after detention?"

Uglyadam5 woke up from their daze and answered with, "Yea of course".

The school day ended soon enough and it was time for detention for the two battling dogs.

"This is all your fault mutt", Adam32 says, "if only you were paying attention this wouldn't have happened".

"MY FAULT?", Uglyadam5 began to yell while staring directly at them, "IF YOU WEREN'T LAUGHING THIS WOULDN'T HAVE HAPPENED!"

The two begin to growl intensely into each other's faces. They began foaming at the mouth and it was quickly stopped by the teacher that was supposed to be monitoring them.


The two walk inside and sit on opposite sides of the room. They exchange furious glares at one another from time to time. The teacher leaves after a few minutes to retrieve something from her office.

Adam32 throws over a paper at Uglyadam5, the paper read, 'Fucking shortie'.

Uglyadam5 stood up and threw the paper right into Adam32's face.

Uglyadam5's eyes flashed a bright red, "SHUT UP ABOUT MY HEIGHT WILL YOU".

They began to charge straight at Adam32 and got a grip onto their shirt. The two were struggling for dominance and they barked at each other.

They continued arguing until Adam32 pinned Uglyadam5 down onto the desk. The tension between these two was higher than ever before. Adam32 was still gripping onto Uglyadam5's shirt as their lips grazed each other. The intense stares they shared caused them to forget all about their fighting and all they could do was stare straight into each other's eyes. 

They had no idea what to do as they closely observed each other, while they blushed profusely. They knew this could lead to something bad, possibly even horrible. To make matters worse, Uglyadam5 was supposed to be meeting up with Adam4 after this.

Uglyadam5 snapped out of the trance that they had been in.

"Uh- H-hey, get off of me you dog", they said while attempting to cover the heavy tint of red blush they felt over their face.

"Huh- what- Oh shit", Adam32 said stuttering because they had finally gotten back to reality.

The two realized that their shirts had caused another problem for them. The buttons on their shirts had caused them to be tangled together. Again face to face with their lips grazing one another.

"Uh- G-Get off of me you mutt!", Adam32 exclaimed.

"Oh- Right."

Uglyadam5 untangled them and they moved back to where they were sitting.

Both had an extreme amount of thoughts that they couldn't let go of for the entire time left of their punishment. 
