(II) Their mumma ❣️

After Shubman finished his meeting, he immediately rushed towards the babies playroom and slowly opened the door not wanting to disturb in case the babies are still sleeping.

And, the sight infront of him melts his heart immediately.

Here, Ishan in sitting on the mat with both the boys on his lap and they are engrossed in a picture book and the babies are seems so happy about whatever Ishan is saying to them. It looks like that they are understanding everything.

The babies are also blabbering something in their own language trying to say something and Ishan is also nodding with them like he is understanding everything.

Shubman just smiled looking at them and made his way towards the giggling trio. And, he just sat infront of them.

After seeing their father the babies squealed loudly and again start giggling still in Ishan's arm.
Shubman and Ishan just laughed at the babies antique.

"Thank you Ishan for taking care of them for me, Thank you so much", said Shubman.

"It's ok sir, I also enjoyed my time with them", replied Ishan.

"Ok, and you can call me Shubman when we are alone", says Shubman.

"Ok, so I'm going now", said Ishan.

"Yeah, take care...bye", replied Shubman.

After saying this Ishan tried to give the babies to Shubman but they whined not wanting to leave him. But, again Shubman take them from Ishan in his embrace.

As a result, the babies started to crying loudly. Shubman and Ishan became tensed after seeing the babies crying.

"Aww, my little munchkins don't cry babies, I will see you guys tommorow again", saying this Ishan loving kiss their forehead and both the cheeks.

And the babies stopped crying looking at Ishan with their puppy eyes. Ishan just laughed at their antique and bid his farewell.


After that day, Ishan always takes care of the babies whenever Shubman have any kinds of meetings.

Shubman asked Ishan to became his PA because he fired his previous one. At first, Ishan is hesitating a bit but Shubman assure him that like this also he can complete his internship.

So, after becoming his PA, Ishan have more time to spend with the babies and the babies absolutely love him too much.

Shubman and Ishan are also becoming close day by day because sometimes Ishan spend his night at Gill Mansion. Because whenever the babies are sick they always need him, Shubman just can't able to handle both of them.

Some employees in the company don't like Ishan because how easily he is getting close with Shubman and the babies. Mostly the female employees because they want Shubman attention, so they tried to take care of the babies but the babies didn't like them at all.

So, that's how their life are going right now with full of happiness.


Back to the present, today is the babies birthday. So, Shubman asked Ishan to come early to help him in making the babies got ready. Also, Ishan is the one who is taking care of the arrangements in the party.

So, at evening, Ishan reached at Gill Mansion, first he saw the arrangements and also tell the workers which is remaining.

After that, he wents into the guest room to get ready and then head towards the Shubman's room where Shubman is still not ready but he is trying to make the babies ready but they are making fuss like always.

"Shubh", Ishan called Shubman which also catches the babies attention.

"Thank God Ishan you came, now can you please make them ready.....I can't do this anymore", said Shubman dramatically.

Ishan just laughed at him and looked towards the babies who are already looking towards him, bouncing on the bed and giggling after seeing their favourite person.

"Aww, my little munchkins, why are you troubling your Dada, huh, you naughty babies likes to trouble their Dada", said Ishan while picking both of them.

In returns, they both again started giggling and Ishan just booped his nose with both of them one by one.

"Shubh, can you please bring their milk, until I'm making them ready", asked Ishan.

"Ok", replied Shubman and left from there to bring the milk bottles for the babies.

And, Ishan made both of them ready and feed them the milk and make them lay on the crib for a short nap because he knows if they both didn't take a nap then, they will be whiney in the whole party.

Through, Shubman invited many guests like family friends, relatives, some employees and business partner etc.

But, firstly he didn't want to invite too many because the babies don't like too much crowd but he also wants to celebrate his babies first birthday with everyone. So, Ishan ensure him that, he will take care of the babies if something happens.

After making the babies sleep, he told Shubman to get ready and he himself went downstairs where guests are started to come. So, he wants to check the arrangements one last time.

Half an hour later.........

Here, Shubman gets ready and wents towards the babies who are awake till now. So, he wipes the babies face, comb their heir and and make their dress good.

Ishan is still downstairs, as he attending the guests as Shubman is not present there.

After that, Shubman picks both the babies up and leaves for downstairs.

After reaching downstairs, all the guests are in aww after seeing the handsome father and his two little cute and adorable babies.

(Shubman's outfit)

(Babies outfit)

(Ishan's outfit)

As, Shubman wents downstairs, the babies smiled after seeing the colourful decoration and Ishan is seeing them few steps away from them with a happy smile on his face.

But, as the guests started to came near Shubman and babies for wishing them for the birthday.
The babies started crying loudly after seeing so many people.

Shubman is trying his best to calm the babies but all his methods is going unsuccessful. At last, he hopefully looked towards Ishan who is already looking them.

Ishan immediately rushed towards them and take one of the baby from Shubman who immediately snuggled in his neck after finding the familiar warmth.

And, other one is still crying looking towards Ishan when he saw that Ishan is not taking him. So, he started to Wiggle in Shubman's arms and make a grabby hands towards Ishan who is calming the baby.

Ishan is still not looking towards the second baby. He is just busy in calming the first one.

"Ma-Ma, ma-ma", the baby trying to form a word wanted to catch Ishan's attention.

Ishan and Shubman just frozed on their place after hearing the baby's first word. Ishan is just trying to process what just happened. The baby called him mumma.

His thoughts broken, when he hears the baby's loud cries again. So, without wasting a second, he immediately takes the second baby in his embrace and start patting both the babies back.

"Shh, what happened my babies, why are you crying hmm, look I'm here.....your Dada is here. Nobody is going to take you my babies hmm", Ishan consoled the babies.

And, In return both the babies starting to mumbled some incoherent words but Ishan can still hears those mumma words.

So, he just excuse himself and went upstairs with both the babies in his arm who is sniffing right now.

After that Shubman also came in the room and saw Ishan is sitting in a rocking chair with babies in arms snuggling in his neck, trying to feel more warmth of their mumma.

"Ishan, I.........."Shubman tries to say something.

"Shubman, we will talk about this later, first we have to go downstairs for the cake cutting, everyone is waiting for us", said Ishan.

"Ok", replied Shubman.

After the babies stopped crying, they wipe their face and take them downstairs.

Ishan and Shubman carries one baby and cut the cake and feed the babies a little and then take them upstairs for sleep because it's already their sleeping time.

So, they change the babies clothes and and make them sleep. And, then went downstairs to attend the remaining party.


Forgive me for any grammatical mistakes.
Thanks for reading.

See you soon
