Chapter 1

*~*Disturbed Morning Sleep*~*

*~*Shuu P.o.V*~*

I, who have become the head of the Sakamaki family, am living in the underworld castle with that woman. It's tiresome to live together with someone in the first place, more so alone with a's something the past me wouldn't have even considered. Plus, I can't believe I don't find it half bad either.

*~*Your P.o.V*~*

You are walking through the big building, searching for a certain Blonde someone. 'Jeez. I'm getting tired of always being the one to do everything. He doesn't do a single thing, well...except of sleeping. But what can I do? Disobey? Better won't do that.' Still deep in your thoughts you finally find the only door Shuu could be in. With your last hope you grab the door handle and push the door lightly open only to see the lazy Vampire laying on his bed.

*~*Shuu P.o.v*~*

"What? It's you? I'm tired. If you want to sleep with me, be quiet and lie down. If that's not it, then get out."
'Honestly, what does she think she's doing anyway?'

*~*Your P.o.V.*~*

'Why does he always act like this? He's such a slothy Sloth when it comes to...everything.' The only good thing about him is the fact he's being honest though.

,,You know, it's about that Familiar again." You sigh.

*~*Shuu P.o.V.*~*

,,Huh, the errand of a familiar again? It's probably an uninteresting task anyway, isn't it? Don't mind it."

She just puffs her cheeks and reply: ,,I Can't just ignore it!!!!" 'I can't resist (Y/N) when she's acting that way.'

,,More importantly, come over here."  Fist she hesitates but you know, no one can disobey me when I really want something. And I definitely want ONLY HER.
,,No "but"s. Just come over here." I nearly order.

(Y/N) slowly gets closer to me and I can hear her heart pounding faster, with ever step she takes.

,,Right, that..."

She steps closer to me and I take her into my arms to close the little amount of space that was left between us. I hear her squeak a little, this probably surprised her.

"...even the familiar's not so unrefined to bother us when we're hugging each other on the bed. That's why you only need to be quiet and listen to what I say." I whisper into her ear.

*~*Le Timeskip*~*

*~*Your P.o.V*~*

"Shuuuuu, you need to Con-cen-trate!" You stress the the last word and made him yawn. You two are looking through some files about a new Familiar.

"Jeez. That was a big miscalculation. If it's like this, the previous one was better. It's not even my real intent to work for the family as the head." Shuu finally Says in defeat. Now you are a the edge of your nerves. "What do you mean, you don't care?" 'If this continues like this, I will surly rip his fucking Head of. Man, I'm getting really pissed..."
"What I mean? Think for yourself about that." Whit that he yawns again, stands up and makes his way back to his comfy bed. "I'll sleep again." That's his last statement.

Don't you dare to think you can just lay back and relax! "Wait! We are not finished yet! We really need to get this over with, otherwise we might get in trouble with your Dad -.-' " You sigh.

"Jeez, there's still something else? That's why, I told you to ignore the familiar! If you want to bother me, should I drive you out too?" Now he is pissed too. 'I don't want to fight him...I need to calm down and quickly get this over with.' You Sigh and sit down on his bed. Your hands next to his and Head hanging down frustratly.

"Please Shuu, look. If you resist that much, we will never be over with thus annoying thing. If you focus a little bit, it's not going to take long!" You say with a puppy face.

*~*Shuu P.o.V*~*

No way. How many times do you think I was fooled by this "it's not going to take long"? I'm going to sleep. If it's important, do it instead.

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