
        Paganini walked down the street, his boots softly hitting the ground as he tucked a lock of curly brown hair behind his ear. He looked up, his grey eyes eyes matching the color of the overcast sky. The street snaked its way through Italy, provided stunning views of beautiful architecture, but it was surprisingly crowded for a late Sunday morning. He walked, staring down at his shoes, lost in thought as people brushed hastily by him. Suddenly, Paganiniś head was pulled out of the clouds as a stranger abruptly pushed passed him,  carelessly knocking him over in his rush. Paganini stumbled sideways.  

¨ How rude.¨ He thought as he brushed off his coat. He regained his composure and stood again only to have his eyes meet large brown ones. Paganini was staring straight into the eyes of a poster, featuring none other than Shrek himself.  He examined the poster but it did not take long before inspiration struck and he tore the paper off the wall. He gave it one last look, admiring the beauty in the green face of Shrek, then he shoved it in his coat pocket and rushed off down the streets once again... heading home.

       He was motivated, he was awestruck, he was ready... for Shrek.

       Or was he....?
