Chapter 12

As the gang were still sitting by the table still drinking their milk, Kobe looked at her owner sadly before drinking her milk.

" I hate seeing Shrek upset." Kobe said sadly.

" We all do Kobe." Max said.

" Yeah but Shrek's our owner." Kobe said as she felt bad. All of a sudden, Shrek and his friends heard a familiar voice from behind them. It was the king.

" Excuse me? Is she here?" The king asked Doris.

" She's in the back." Doris answered.

The five of them looked at each other confused but Kobe wasn't surprised.

" Ah Ha! Looks like I'm catching on!" She thought to herself before she and her male friends went outside the bar and snuck to the back to hear what was going on.

" Oh hello again Fairy Godmother. Charming." King Harold greeted.

" You'd better have a good reason for dragging us down here Harold." The Fairy Godmother sighed in annoyance.

" Well, I'm afraid Fiona isn't really warming up to Prince Charming." The king told them.

" Uh FYI, not my fault." Prince Charming said in annoyance.

" Oh no, of course it's not dear." Fairy Godmother said gently to Prince Charming.

" I mean, how charming can I be when I have to pretend I'm that dreadful ogre." Prince Charming said exhausted with his duty. From outside, Kobe can be seen rolling her eyes from what he said about her owner.

From inside the king can be heard saying " No, no, it's nobody's fault. Perhaps we should just call the whole thing off okay?"

" What?!" Both the FG and Prince Charming exclaimed.

" You can't force someone to fall in love!" The king said nervously as he chuckled.

" I beg to differ. I do it all the time." The FG smirked. Unaware of Shrek and his animal buds watching through the window, the Fairy Godmother took out a magical potion from her bag. The five of them were shocked. Uh oh, this didn't sound good at all.

" Have Fiona drink this and she'll fall in love with the first man she kisses, which will be Charming." The FG told the king. From outside, the gang were shocked.

" Um... no." The king said nervously as he saw the potion. From outside, Kobe breathed a sigh of relief.

" What?" The FG asked in disbelief.

" I can't. I won't do it." The king refused.

" Oh yes you will. If you remember, I helped you with your happily ever after. And I can take it away just as easily." The FG said firmly while pointing her wand towards the king as threat.

Shrek and his animal friends were shocked from what they saw. Kobe felt even more angry and sick her to stomach seeing that. Not approving of a princess marrying an ogre was one thing but threatening the king to give his own daughter love potion was just uncalled for and offensive.

" Is that what you want? Is it?" The FG asked firmly while pointing her wand at the king at the same time.

" No." the king sighed.

" Good boy." The FG said as she put her wand down.

" Now we have to go. I need to do Charming's hair before the ball. He's all high in the front. He can never get to the back. You need someone to do the back." The FG said while stroking Charming's hair.

" Thank you mother." Charming said to the FG. From outside, Donkey's voice can be heard yelling " Mother?!" The three of them looked out the window.

Shrek, the two cats, and the gecko can be seen looking at the stallion in shock.

" Um... Mary, a talking horse!" Shrek chuckled nervously which caused Kobe to smile nervously.

" THE OGRE!!!" The FG shouted.

" LET'S GO BOYS!!!" Kobe shouted as she, Puss, and Shrek hopped onto Donkey's back while Max held onto Kobe's head and they all made a run for it. They ran past some guards.

" STOP THEM!! STOP THEM!! THIEVES!! STOP THEM!!" The FG shouted to the guards as they chased the five.

" YOU AND YOUR BIG MOUTH!!" Max shouted to Donkey in anger.

" I knew there was something off with her! Right from the beginning!" Kobe yelled out.

" Why didn't you say anything?" Shrek asked his pet.

" I didn't know specifically this was gonna happen. Also I didn't think any of you would believe me if I told you! What I didn't expect was for the prince to be the son of the Fairy Godmother." Kobe told them. Unfortunately the guards caught up to the gang and grabbed each one.
