Tyson walked into the trap house, heading straight to his boss' office. Kaine was a well-known drug dealer. After being released from prison, Kaine hit the streets harder than before. There was nothing stopping him. He laid low and trained his workers to be better than he had been before he went to prison. You would never hear Kaine's name in the streets, not anymore anyway. Prison had taught him a lot of things. He used what he learned to be better than he was before.

"You're late." Kaine scowled at Tyson. Tyson held his head down. He never wanted the boss man to be mad at him, or even disappointed in him. Not when he wanted to take shit over or work next to Kaine. He needed to step his game up, for real.

"My bad, I had to meet my girl at her school." Tyson licked his lips nervously. Kaine glared at him as he took a puff of the cigar he was smoking on. Kaine only smoked Cuban Cigars. He was addicted to them and he would smoke at least one a day.

"That's no excuse. I told y'all to be here a certain time, and you didn't listen to me. Why would I trust you on the streets, if you can't follow simple orders?" Kaine questioned Tyson. Kaine never liked it when someone didn't follow his orders. If it was work related, he wanted everyone there. How did they expect to make money if they didn't listen to what he said?

"It won't happen again. I should have driven my car, but I didn't.", Tyson said.

Kaine nodded his head, "Everybody out, except you Ty." Kaine put his cigar out. Everybody bolted out the room. Tyson sat up in his seat as Kaine came around his desk. He sat on the edge of it and looked at Tyson. "You have potential and I want to see you make it on these streets. But the shit you do you won't make it Young Blood."

Tyson nodded his head. "I won't let you down boss." Tyson stood up.

"Your girl must be special, you missing meetings and shit,", Kaine smirked. Tyson smiled was grimy as he thought about Brianna.

"Yeah, I guess so.", Tyson said.

"Treat her right, or the next nigga will." Kaine sneered and got up off his desk. He walked out his office and closed the door leaving Tyson all alone.

Tyson wanted to know what he meant by that. Could Kaine know something, he didn't know about Brianna? That made him want to snap her neck in two. She bet not be trying to play him. He sent her a text and asked her what she was doing. He waited until she texted back before he left out of the office. He needed to go make a sell, but at the same time he was feeling lazy and didn't want to do shit. He would chill out around there before he went to see his twin girls.

He knew his baby mama was about to give him hell and ask him for some dick. He would be wrong if he said he didn't enjoy having sex with her. It was something about his baby mama, and he always went back for more. He knew he was wrong for cheating on Brianna that way, but he couldn't get enough of his baby mama.

The reason he and his baby mama broke up, was because he caught her sucking dick in someone car at the gas station on North Main. He beat her ass and the nigga she had been giving head too. He never felt so much rage in his life. He had to set some shit off. He felt like he was disrespected, and he was. The bad part about it was she left their kids with the nigga's sister.

Tyson always felt rage when a woman disrespected him. He felt like they should bow down to him and do what he said as a man. His father taught him that. Being raised by his father Tyson learned a lot. His father was a dark man, a very dark man. Whenever you saw his father. he had on all black. No matter the weather his father had black on, from his head to his feet. His father taught him darkness made you meaner than anything. Tyson believed him too. While growing up, Tyson's father never let him turn on a light in the house. Tyson learned to do things without the lights being on. Tyson grew up with nothing but darkness surrounding him.

He never knew his mother, his father never talked about her. The only thing he knew about his mother was that she was a disrespectful bitch who never respected his father. His father taught him how a woman supposed to talk to him and treat him. Tyson's father told him if a woman didn't cover every body part up when she was out in public she was looking for a man to see her in a sexual way. Tyson never allowed Brianna to wear skirts, shorts, and shirts that show too much chest and cleavage. Brianna would have to be covered up head to toe. She wasn't even allowed to wear makeup. Brianna wasn't allowed to even talk to another man. If she did, she always looked over her shoulders, making sure Tyson wasn't around. Tyson's father made Tyson a very cold-hearted male. Along with being Bipolar, Tyson had serious issues.

Tyson walked out of the room and headed to the back where he knew everybody hung out at. He saw his home boy Malik sitting down smoking a blunt while on his cell phone.

"What's up Bitch.", Tyson greeted him. He sat down next to Malik. Malik looked a little like Terrance J. He was a littler darker and taller. He was on the slim side. He was mean when he wanted to be and he didn't take any shit from anybody.

"Shit, my nigga. Arguing with this damn girl on Facebook, this bitch gon' try to play me. I got her ass back, though. Showed the whole world them nasty ass draws she left at my crib. Ol' slack ass bitch." Malik glared at his phone while smoking the blunt.

Tyson frowned his face up. "Hell nah, shit nasty as hell. You sure do know how to pick 'em." Tyson laughed.

"Fuck you. Where Bri fine ass at?" Malik asked Tyson, who shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm not keeping up with that girl." He lied. Malik looked at Tyson and burst out into laughter.

"You lying, I just saw her drop your ass off. You going to mess around and lose that girl." Malik said. He wasn't the first person to say that he thought. Kaine just told his ass that. What the fuck did they know, that he didn't? He would find out soon enough. If the bitch was trying to play him he would kill her and wouldn't give a damn.

"Man whatever, I'm about to go see my kids." Tyson stood up.

"Tell Nicole I said hey. I know you bout to go fuck her too." Malik sneered. Tyson scoffed as he walked away. Everybody think that they know him. They didn't know shit.

Brianna exhaled deeply as she waited in line at the grocery store to pay for the ham she would be cooking for Tyson later. When he texted and asked her what was she doing, she told him she was home cooking which she was, but she had to go out and get the ham.

"You know you too beautiful to be frowning." She heard behind her. She turned and ended staring at some man's chest. She had to peer up to look at his face. He looked a lot like Nelly, but much taller.

"How would you know I was frowning, if you were behind me?" She asked him, and turned back around. She looked around making sure no one saw her talking to this man. She didn't want anybody going back and telling Tyson anything.

"I see everything beautiful." he said in a teasing voice. "I'm Kaine, by the way." he introduced himself.

"Brianna." She turned back around and looked at him.

"Cute name, for a cute girl." He beamed at her. Brianna turned around again and moved up in the line.

Brianna paid for her things and strolled out the store. Kaine was still behind her trying to talk to her.

"I'm not interested. I'm in a relationship." Brianna tossed over her shoulder. Kaine sneered and nodded his head.

"I feel you, ma. I like a girl who is faithful to her nigga, even when the nigga doesn't deserve that shit. I'll see you around soon." He stated. He walked away with his head held high. He walked with the confidence of a man knowing what he wanted in life.

Brianna watched him get behind the wheel of a black 2015 Dodge Charger. His speakers were booming, as Kevin Gates lyrics flew out. She walked to her car and drove home to finish dinner for Tyson.

Tyson used his key to open the door of his baby mama's small apartment in Gamecock Apartments. He saw his daughters watching TV when he shut the door. His daughters ran into his arms.

"Daddy, we missed you." They said in unison.

Tyson kissed his twin girls Tiara and Tianna. Tiara was the older twin by five minutes. The day they were born was the happiest day of Tyson's life. He wanted to change for them. He never made an attempt to do so, though. He knew he never wanted to be a dope boy all his life. He wanted a family one day, just not right now. He loved his girls with all his heart, but he knew he would never marry their mother.

"You just saw me two days ago." he said. He went to sit down on the couch as they sat next to him. One twin on each side. They placed their elbows on his knees and their hands rested on their chins as they looked at their father. He started laughing. "What I do now?" He asked them.

"Where is Brianna?" They asked him.

"She's at home, I suppose." He shrugged. Nicole came out the back wearing just her bra and panties on with her robe open. Tyson glared at her. "You need to close that, don't you think?" he asked her.

Nicole rolled her eyes, "Hell no, what for?" She walked into the kitchen. Tiara and Tianna went to their room. They knew that when their father was there their mother wanted him all to herself.

Nicole walked to the living room and sat next to Tyson. She looked over at him with lust filled eyes and licked her lips, as he stared back at her. His eyes roamed down her body.

"I thought you had an attitude." He removed her robe. She smiled at him.

"Nope, not anymore." She said, as she took his hand and led him into her bedroom and closed the door. She pushed him on the bed and climbed on top of him. "When your girlfriend can't do the things I do." She leaned down to kiss his lips. He unsnapped her bra, and roughly grabbed her breasts in his hands.

"Leave her out of this." He growled in her ear, as she got off his lap and he pulled down his sweatpants, his dick stood at attention as she licked her lips. She got on her knees and took him in her mouth. She listened as he groaned loudly, and moved his hips upward with every stroke of her mouth. She kissed the tip and swirled her tongue around it.

"Oh shit!" Tyson grunted out. Nicole deep throated him as he continued to moan and groan out loud. He pulled his dick out her mouth and bent her over. He thrust his hips inside of her hard. She screamed as he pumped in and out of her.

"Oohh Ty!" She yelled out, as she threw her ass back on him. He started slapping her ass hard as she threw it back at him slowly.

"Fuck!" Tyson yelled as he felt himself about to cum. He pulled back out of her, and she dropped to her knees and sucked him as he grunted out his release in her mouth. He stumbled back and leaned against the wall trying to catch his breath.


Brianna sat up watching TV as she waited on Tyson to come home. It was well past one somethin' in the morning and he wasn't home yet. She tried not to trip because she knew he went to visit his girls too. He just never stayed out this late. She shook her head and went to take a shower. She turned off all the lights in the living room area and walked in her and Tyson's bedroom. She walked into the bathroom to turn on the shower she stepped into the shower and began to wash her body.

After her shower, she tied up her hair. She washed her face and brushed her teeth. Then she turned off the bathroom light and walked out. She saw Tyson already in bed. She got in the bed beside him.

"Did you eat?" she inquired.

"Yes, I ate with my kids earlier." He told her and turned away from her. Brianna just shook her head. She slaved in front of a stove for him for nothing. That was an actual slap in her damn face.

"Wow, okay." Brianna laid on her pillow and turned away from him also.

