Ground Zero: Alex's Story

Clayton Evans

Heather Broad

Creative Writing 2

September 5, 2016

Ground Zero: Alex's Story

It was a hot September day. The streets were filled with all kinds of culture. One of the reasons really that New York is one of the more diverse states. There are more but that is a tale to tell another time. Today we are going to hear about Alex's story. A newly arrived immigrant from the country of India on September 11, 2001. She had dark black hair with clothes anywhere else in the country she would be deemed different. But in New York everyone was accepting! She had a black sash on with a long black robe. Her eyes were dark brown with skin colored like a caramel you bought at the candy store down the street. Her husband had gotten a job in Lower Manhattan, New York. She didn't know which building he was in so she spent most of her day skipping down the streets building to building looking for her husband. She stumbled upon so much unknown things she had never seen before. She saw hotdog stands that served something she was not allowed to eat in her country. She saw fashion shops that sold the most exquisite of clothing she had ever seen in her life. Of course at first she really did consider them offensive. She could smell the cars fumes and the downtown zoo she had walked by. Her nose was filled with smells from all kinds of bakeries, made her rather excited to try them all of course. She had to deal with taxi drivers for the first time. Not like they had none in India but everything was always so close there really wasn't the need to use one. Of course she walked a lot already but the city was so big her feet started to hurt in the shoes she found quite uncomfortable. She got to see some of the tallest buildings she had ever seen in her 26 years of living. The buildings seemed to be so high they peaked the heavens. But what she didn't know was this was about to be the worst day she could possibly imagine. She will feel despair beyond imagination and be forever scared by the events of September 11, 2001.

She finally arrived at the buildings known as the world trade center. A little background on this place. It was built in the 70's able to withstand any natural disaster. It was made of steel beams. The structures were the tallest buildings in New York including the world. The height racked in at an astounding 1,362 feet tall. In 1993 a van that had enough c4 to level a regular building.
