Norwegian wood

Her eyes were closed and unwilling to see. But this morning she felt happiness when his fingers traced her waist line from behind her and his lips plant soft kisses on her nape to pull her awake. She squirmed and eagerly opened her eyes, twisted herself around to catch his earlobe between the fingers of her left hand and for the first time in many years she looked forward to another day.

"Slept well I assume?",

Her morning voice was a little hoarse. It only encouraged him to fall for her as much as he could. This is what he'd been missing in his life. A voice to hear in the morning.

He nuzzled his nose into her hair and mumbled something she couldn't make out. But she could feel what he must've said just by the sound of it.

She sat straight up and pulled her loose bra strap over her shoulder. Y/n clamped himself up a little and then shifted his head into her lap. She played with his hair as he occasionally kissed the curves of her waist. He buried his face into her and she picked up a cigarette from the ashtray on the small wooden bedside unit. She went back for the lighter but y/n kept pulling her back making it hard for her to reach it. She managed to grab it with much strain.

When she was clicking it and trying to get it to light y/n asked her, "Those photos on the wall. Is that you in highschool?",

She looked up to wall behind her to the photos of her and her friends back when she was eighteen.

"Mhm. Back when I was much healthier", she said

"You had a bob cut?~", y/n giggled and pointed to a photo of her with her two friends. Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru. Shoko giggled at her younger dickhead self in that stupid Bob cut.

"I used to think that smoking a cigarette is the coolest thing ever", she said and went back to clicking her lighter, trying to make it work

"I like girls with short hair. And your dark circles are pretty", he said snuggling his face into her.

"Y-Y/n! It tickles!", she bent over and tried to get his head to move back. His mouth was already nibbling and suckling on the folds of her abdomen like a leech.

She held him by the shoulders and turned him over, wrestling him to the further side of the bed. Her hair fell on his blushing mess of a face.

Her back arched as she got low and pressed her forehead against his.

"I love you", she said

They closed their eyes. Shoko tilted her neck and he lifted his chin up. Their lips touched and their faces were hidden behind the curtains of her hair.

He wasn't letting go of her.

"I have work at nine", she said and started to laugh

"Take a leave?", he asked her

"I'm a doctor stupid. I can't", she said and got off of him. She started to pick her clothes off the floor that she left by the bed last night.

"I let you stay the night. You're welcome. Now go and find a job if you want to stay here longer", she said throwing her hands into her doctor's coat.

Y/n clamped himself up to take a better look at her body. She was standing there in just her underwear and a lab coat on her, picking up her stuff off the floor.

"I'm going to take a bath", she said

"Can I join?", he asked

"Nope. We're not there yet", she giggled

"Can I watch at least?", he asked again

"That's just weird", she shook her head at him

She picked up a key from front of the mirror and tossed it to him. "Lock the door when you leave", she said and went straight to the bathroom.

He made the bed and looked around in just his boxers for where the hell she threw his clothes.

She walked out and stood with her back by the wall, a toothbrush in her mouth and wearing a bathrobe as she watched him look around.

He got tired of bending over to look under the bed again and again so he stood up and glared at her for not helping him and just standing there with that creepy look.

"You're staring too much", he said

"You're my boyfriend. I should've taken the boxers as well", she said, taking the toothbrush out of her mouth.

"Want me to take them off right now?", he said and pushed a thumb into the elastic hem of his boxers.

"You don't have the guts", she said and stared back unfazed

He pulled his shorts down a bit to reveal more of his V-taper. Shoko shifted uncomfortably as her eyes drifted for just one second.

"Tell me where my clothes are Shoko", He pulled the other side lower as well so now it wasn't hard to imagine where his manhood would be.

y/n suddenly reached his hand inside and pretended to pull it out.

Shoko turned around and tried to run away on instinct but hit her head against the wall instead.

"They're in the laundry basket you pervy idiot! Where else would they be?!", she ran into the bathroom and shut the door behind her.

Y/n clapped his hands and laughed at her. She covered her mouth to calm her breath and then stifled a laugh as well.

Brighter days.


Shoko was putting on her shoes when y/n tapped her in the shoulder and gave her a lunchbox.


"Thanks", she said and took it from him. Homemade food. Is this what it's like to have someone who loves you?

"When will you be back?", he asked her

"Around 5 pm", she told him and then slung her purse on her shoulder.

She looked at him as she stood waiting in the doorway, trying to tell him something. Y/n held her chin and gave her a goodbye kiss.


"Bye bye",

Shoko stared at the lunchbox in the elevator. She got into the car waiting for her outside her apartment and clutched it to her chest as she sat through the drive.

She got off and still held the lunchbox in both her hands. She walked around jujutsu high staring at it.

Principal Yagi was crossing paths with her, "Shoko. You look fresh today" he said with his hands behind his back. "hm", she replied and passed by without looking at him.

In her office while her juniors were still filling in and getting to work; the cleaners sweeping the floor, the assistants sanitizing the equipments, the patients eating their breakfast. They saw her sitting their and staring at that lunchbox on her desk with her chin on her palm.


"Look who is back. Done sniffing assholes the dog comes back home?", Y/n's ex-boss, the bigfoot walrus in tight suspenders announced elated to his previous coworkers.

'He's wearing the light gray tie today. Must be in a bad mood',

"I thought I made myself clear son. You're fired...", he shook his head at y/n. Once again his loose cheeks flapped and swayed as his head moved. Y/n wondered if he would start making seal noises if he threw a sardine at his face

"I have something to show you. It can be the next big headline", Y/n said and took a folder out of his coat from underneath his arm.

"You. Don't. Work here. I don't want to see another report on-",

Y/n slammed it open in front of him on his glass table so hard his table lamp fell off. But the news certainly caught the walrus's eye.

"Jennifer Lawrence. Walking out of a hospital...", y/n pointed at the picture pasted on top.

"Interesting...", The walrus leaned forward till his face was only a couple inches away from the paper

"But it's still not enough for me to hire you",

"There's more",


Y/n flipped a page to an whole essay he'd written on Jennifer Lawrence's pregnancy rumors.

"She's been spotted doing frequent visits to this same hospital on several days. Based on the data I collected her usual annual full body check up visits are not on any of these days. And if we take a look at the pattern... It follows the trend of a trimester. By my calculations the next month will be the final month of her first trimester",

The walrus quickly scanned the essay and started to drool at the sheer amount of bullshit that y/n had made up.

"How long.. will it take you to turn this into a front page article?", he looked up, temptingly licking his thin, wide, grinning lips.

"That's not all sir", y/n slammed his hands on his deck with a smirk and got his full attention.

He teased the walrus as he slowly turned the corner of the next page and then BOOM !!

There were several pictures of Jennifer Lawrence with one final enlarged picture.

Y/n started to talk really fast "over the weeks if we follow the size of her waist. My good sir !! --", he pointed his finger at the final enlarged picture, where he had drawn several red marker lines marking Jennifer Lawrence's waist size.

"--it's approximately. Fours. Inches. Bigger~",

The walrus looked up at him. Y/n looked back...

The walrus shot a hand out. Y/n shook it, took the deal and they started to cackle.

"Great job my boy! Great job! I knew you had it in you! All it takes is a bit of negative reinforcement and I have you on the right track!",

While they were busy cackling. The door to his office opened and his office clerk entered. Y/n hadn't seen her before. She must be new.

"Your wife is on the call, sir. She says it's urgent", she said.

"Oh dear! One second my boy, I'll be right back", the walrus hurriedly got off his spinning chair and bolted towards the door leaving y/n and the girl in the room alone.

When he was gone the girl walked towards the walrus's desk and shifted y/n's report towards herself. She tilted her head and read the title.

"Jennifer Lawrence's pregnancy", she said and giggled

Y/n was a little embarrassed. "Gotta do what I gotta do..", he said and shifted in his feet

She flipped the pages with a smile as she laughed at the bullshit claims he'd written.

"I used to dream of being a journalist", she said

"I always felt like the media didn't show us the truth. I didn't trust the news",

"Until one day I read an article in the random corner of a C-grade fashion magazine",

"True honest stories shared by anonymous sources, the humiliation they faced and the things they were made to do by the industry, but funnily enough the names of the people who did them harm weren't censored",

"And in the corner of that article there was a name",

"By y/n l/n",

She closed the folder shut and bit her bottom lip in disappointment. Y/n looked down at her hand, unable to meet her eyes.

The walrus came back in, rubbing his hands in excitement. He saw her and y/n talking and stopped in his feet.

"Why are you still here?", he said to y/n. "You're hired son now go away. Work on the article",

Y/n picked up his folder and walked away. He closed the door shut behind him and caught his forehead in hand to stop the pulsating headache he was having because of his inner conflict.

Then he heard the walrus say,

"Miss Angela! What a surprise, you came at just the right time! I'm very happy today...",

A nerve spiked in y/n's neck... His eyes shot open and his throat gagged.

Angela, 16 years old. The article he was trying to get printed had this same name. The same article that the walrus fired him for....

Angela, age 16. She sent him her story over mail.

She's been tolerating molestation by her employer. She can't leave because she wants to fulfill her dream and he gives her a good pay. She's scared of anyone finding out, but hates herself for what she does. Somewhere in the lines she's losing hope in herself, but keeps on going through her pain because of a hardworking co-worker she admires

'Angela, age 16. She is the clerk. The boss is the walrus. And the co-worker is me'

Y/n swung the door open the wrong way around, shattering it to pieces and ripping it off it's hinges.

Angela got scared and jumped off the walrus's lap as she frantically tried to pull her unbuttoned shirt over her chest to cover herself.

Y/n walked to the walrus's desk, the walrus stood up in retaliation and y/n kicked his desk towards the wall, forcing him to sit back down.

"Leave", he told her.

Everyone in the office stopped working when they heard screaming from the boss's office and accumulated outside his door, the door that no longer existed.

"So this is why you didn't want my article printed?", y/n said and took off his coat.

"You can't do anything to me. There are CCTV cameras in my office recording us", The walrus growled

Y/n loosened his tie and rolled his sleeves "Send me the footage later",

Y/n grabbed the walrus's thick lips and slammed his chin on the desk.

"MMMPPH!!", The walrus groaned and flailed his arms around

Y/n walked behind him and saw his deep asscrack peeking out of his pants. So he reached his hand in, held the hem of his underwear, took the table lamp from the desk and shoved it up his ass.

"AAAAH!!! YOU BASTARD!!", The walrus screamed as he got off his seat and waddled towards y/n like a penguin with the table lamp hanging out of his butt like a dog wagging it's tail.

Y/n grabbed the end of the walrus's light gray tie and pulled it all the way up till he choked.

"Phyu bill!- phay foh this!", the walrus kept yapping and staggered back down to the floor as his face turned blue and he started to froth at the mouth.

"Jennifer Lawrence's pregnancy, like I give a flying aerodynamic fuck!?", y/n said taking off his belt.

Have you ever tied a crayon to a ceiling fan with a long thread and then turned it on? Well do it right now to experience what it looked like when y/n whipped the walrus's cushioned behind at the speed of light.

"NNGH!! NNGH!! NNGH!! CALL ME DADDY!! CALL ME DADDY!! CLAL ME DADDY!!", He groaned and gritted his teeth

"KYAAA~ AANH~ AANH~ MMPH~ MMM~", The walrus gave the sloppiest, wettest, high pitched and luscious screams, like a married woman with years of pent up sexual frustration.

Y/n went at it till the walrus's ass turned from peach to pink to red to brown to black.

"Now listen up", he said gasping for breath.

"From this moment. I own this newsroom. Understand?",

"Yeth...", the walrus groaned

"Yes what?",

"Yeth Daddy...",

"Good girl",


Lunchtime <3 <3 <3

Shoko threw her rubber gloves in the trashcan and quickly sat down behind her desk and pulled the lunchbox towards herself as her heart started to flutter in anticipation.

She took off the lid and the savoury, mouth watering scent of omelette rice, with y/n's signature blend of special spices, escaped in steamy vapours. She got so excited she forgot to take her facemask off.

She had forgotten all about this lunchbox. She brought it when she was still a student and stopped using it when her job stole her appetite. Y/n found it still placed inside her fridge and thought he'd make her lunch, not knowing how much it would mean to her.

"I love you y/n..", she whispered to the lunchbox, making sure none of her colleagues heard her.

She finished it within three minutes and was now in mourning with her head in her palm.

( I had a plot point in mind but it would be too soon to introduce it into the story so... I don't really know what the point of this chapter was ;-; so I just put a picture of shoko in a bra)
