Petra x Levi

Me: I mean Petra alone is pretty but I kinda hate her because of some fics that made her kinda yandere for Levi and once in this Levi x Reader (I like the smut! Not like ship me and him) they made her try to kill me. In another one she tried to rape me. Although she is pretty nice. I don't ship it because I don't see the connection. Like When her father came to tell them about the letter thing I thought Levi was just sad because all of his squad got killed. Like of my squad was killed I wouldn't wanna talk to there parents.


Insane Doges: its not a very -good ship for me. I mean, its cute, but fights between this ship and the Ereri ship can get pretty intense. Petra is fine but I don't think she would be a good pairing with Levi. Sorry. Don't ship.

My titan cousin: Who is Petra? *tells him the story of her life* ooh dat girl. It wouldnt work. Because She Died. And Levi would have to clean up after her mess. *If I may ask, what mess?* When she got slammedidid into the tree.
