Rainy Delights

Phew. It's been a very long time guys/girls/non-gender specifics. I just got back on and I had 820 notifications 😐. Thank you all for still reading my stuff. I'm still probably not going to update frequently because school is HELLA stressful, but here's a little short treat.

Waking up, it was a beautiful day. The sun was not shining, and it was raining hard but not too hard. Just enough to where the putter-patter of the water hitting the ground was soothing to any ear.

Rolling over lazily, I realized my beloved was still near and actually sleeping for a change. Deciding it was too cold for my tastes, I scooched near and lifted his arm over me and basked in the warmth that was my Lock.

"Mm.. what're you doing?"
"Getting warm what else?"
"You could be trying to score your way into my pants..." he said, slightly opening one eye to gauge my reaction. Quirking one eyebrow up at him I playfully slapped his bare chest and snuggled into his arms.
Chuckling at my "affection" he kissed my head and pulled me closer.
"Love you"
"Love you more, Lock."
