I just watched 6X07 and I have to say WHAT THE HELL DID I JUST WATCH?! That was a roller coaster of emotions. So the Snowing scenes= adorable. The Captainswan scene in the vault with the story just made me want to cry. AND FUCK YOU EVIL QUEEN. Zelena is going green (ish) again, that's bad. I really actually wanted Belle to slap Rumpel when she went to talk to him. Regina was being a badass as usual. Emma and Neal only have like one parent at a time type thing (like me, yay I knew we were best friends). Oh and Henry was there but a mute the entire episode, like seriously, give the kid some lines. I think he had like 1.

Me during this episode= *Hating Evil Queen, loving snowing, crying, crying, crying, WHAT THE FUCK and "Why didn't you slap that motherfucker HE TRIED TO RE-WRITE YOUR SON'S FUTURE!?", Also Emma, baby, don't cry*

Can I also just say I'm behind on this book because I haven't had a lot of spare time. So I apologise but I also have a lot of personal issues I need to deal with so just bear with me. I'm sorry but updates will be rare. That doesn't mean I love you guys any less. Your all still beautiful to me.

(What I meant when I said 'like me' about Emma and Neal, is that my parents split up in January and it's taken a while but I'm finally comfortable with making jokes about it and I only see one parent at a time.)

Oh one more thing, the new chapter s kinda written just meed to do a few more things and then will publish, probably end of this week, start of next. And yes I know it's Wednesday and I have only watched the episode now It's because I live in Britain and I have to wait until it comes out on Netflix. DAMN IT. Bye beautiful ones.
