4- the one

song mood
jsph - comemyway

maeve's pov
« it's absolutely not a date. » i say crossing my arms and looking away.

« come on, maeve, you could give him a chance. » aimee answers, squeezing my shoulder.

i look at her for a few seconds before scoffing.

« you need some action, especially since you're not seeing jackson anymore... » she says in a low voice.

« i don't wanna have what jackson and i had, especially not with flynn. »

« i know, i know, i just...think you guys could be more than that. »

i turn to face her, eyebrows raised and eyes open wide.

« are you out of your mind? » i ask, raising my voice and hearing it echoing in the bathroom.
after a few seconds of silence, i continue « you really wanna see me with him, huh? »

« i really wanna see you happy, maeve. »

« and what makes you think flynn barlowe can do that? » i ask, looking through the small window, and light up a cigarette.

« sometimes, when you meet someone, you just have this feeling that you've known them your entire life. » she answers.

« yeah, well, that's not how i feel about flynn. »

« but i know for a fact that that's how he feels about you. »

« what do you mean? » i ask again, confused.

aimee sighs and stared at the trees and students you could see through the window.

« i'm not supposed to tell you this but...he didn't ask me for your number yesterday between two classes. »

i look at aimee, furrowing my eyebrows while she avoids my gaze and chews on her lip.

« i gave it to him because...he sounded so...genuine when he talked about you. he told me about how excited he was about seeing you after class to do the project, and i don't know, i just think i saw this sparkle in his eye like in the movies and- »

« so you both lied to me? » i ask in a serious tone.

« i- well- that's one way to look at it, but...i think you should focus on the part where he said all those nice things about you. »

aimee struggles to look me in the eyes. after a short silence settles in our conversation, i finally decide to speak up.

« i understand. »

« you do? » she looks up, a shimmer of hope and relief in her eyes.

i take her hands. « listen, i can't promise you anything but...i'll try my best to not kill him. »

aimee laughs and pull me into a hug.

« i trust you, aimee. » i say as i pull back.

« i'm glad you do. thank you for listening and not being mad at me. » she says, her voice cracking a little mid-sentence.

« aimee...what did flynn say exactly? »

« oh wouldn't you like to know, now? »

i roll my eyes. « fine! don't answer that. »

we stay there for a couple more minutes before aimee leaves to join some friends.

i walk out of the bathroom as i bump right into someone's chest.

« oh...hey. » flynn says.

i decide to answer in the nicest way possible, remembering aimee's advice.

« what's...up? » i ask him, stuttering a little.

he chuckles.

« not much. just...school, and...stuff. » he slightly nods.

« oh. i see. that's...nice. »

we stand here in an awkward silence, not knowing what to say.

« i'm sorry...about yesterday. i was kind of a bitch to you. »

« don't worry about it, it was like, 8 in the morning and everyone was grumpy for the first day back to school, so yeah...you were probably the nicest person i talked to yesterday.

i can't help but smile, before quickly looking away.

« look at you...your first smile of the day. »

« don't let it go to your head, barlowe. »

« too late for that. » he winks at me.
« i'm really looking forward to get to know you, you know. pretty girl like maeve wiley must have a lot of secrets. »

« she does, in fact. she might even tell you a few right now. » i answer with a smirk.

« really? »

and with a smile, i just turns on my heels and walk away without looking back, leaving flynn stunned, standing in the middle of an alley.
