
it switched to third person POV here because i'm editing the story so it will all be in third person! sorry if it confused you : )
regina george
Damian told everyone that Janis only wanted him right now. Except, Regina wouldn't take no for an answer. So, after five minutes of fighting, she was finally was able to convince Damian to let her go with him. Damian tried to tell Regina multiple times that Janis probably would not be very happy that she came along, but she didn't care. It was the least of her worries, and Janis has been alone for long enough and Regina didn't want her to be alone for any longer.

"Why is she here?" Regina asked when they pulled up to the school.

"If you'd like an honest answer, I have no idea." Damian replied as they both got out of the car. They walked in silence to the fine arts hallway where they saw Cady pacing back and forth across the hall.

"Where's Janis?" Regina spat at her, the words rolling off her tongue without realizing.

"Um, she's in the bathrooms by the lunch room." Cady replied, stuttering over her words as Regina quickly shoved past her. Damian stayed behind to ask Cady a question, but there was no way in hell Regina was going to stop just for Cady. She walked down to the cafeteria and walked into the bathroom. The first thing she saw was Janis. She was sitting there, her back against the wall, head in her hands, and when she looked up at Regina, her eyes were blood shot and filled with tears.

Janis slowly looked up at Regina, and when she realized who it was she quickly got up. She stumbled over to Regina and immediately threw her arms around her. That was the last thing she expected. Regina had made Janis' life hell for years, and now she was hugging her. She hesitated on hugging, but then she slowly let Janis melt into her.

"Hey, what happened?" Regina whispered in her ear as Damian came in. Without hesitation, Regina let go of her and gave her to Damian.  She had no idea how to do this but she was trying my best.

Damian had asked Regina to step out so he could talk to Janis, so she assumed he was trying to calm Janis down before going outside. After a few minutes they came out of the bathroom and the three of them headed outside. Damian quickly split to his car to get Janis' inhaler, and the two of them sat on a bench outside, waiting for Damian

"You doing okay?" Regina asked, but Janis didn't react. Without thinking, Regina slung her arm around Janis and she could immediately feel her tense up a ton. The two sat in silence for a few minutes, when suddenly Cady walked by and got into a car which Regina suspected was Mr. Heron's car.

"Did something happen with Cady?" Regina asked softly, pushing Janis' hair out of her face, trying to get her to look at her. Regina knew Janis was stubborn. That was something she had always loved about her, but right now, she was being a pain in the ass. Janis shrugged, and then removed Regina's arm from around her when Damian had come back a few minutes later with her inhaler. Regina remembered. She remembered that Janis barely used her inhaler, and she only used it when a panic attack got really bad and it made her breathing all uneven. When they were friends in middle school, she had used it at least once, maybe twice. Because she rarely used it, you knew it was bad when she did.

Janis took it from him and did the inhaler things which Regina still knew nothing about. One thing that bugged her the most was not knowing how to take care of Janis when these kind of things. Back in middle school when she would have panic attacks, and it would most likely because Regina did something. She was pretty sure that up until march sje was still the reason why, and it haunted her that she could possibly still be the reason they happen.

"Did I do something ?" Regina whispered to Damian, letting her thoughts get to her. She was relieved when he shook his head no. There was a hint sympathy in his eyes, she could tell.

"It's not you, for once." Janis joked, letting go of her inhaler. "Sorry, that wasn't funny. It's not you, though. It's Cady."

Regina felt her heart drop. She knew Janis was joking, but she hated that she was the reason Janis had been in so much pain for so long. When she turned to look at Janis, this time her eyes weren't filled with tears.

"She admitted to being in love with me or whatever and I did a Janis thing and lashed out on her." Janis spoke, getting her clear mindset back again.

"You did what a normal person would." Regina told her, hugging her. "You should've yelled a vine reference at her, though. Her little jungle freak mind would've been confused."

"I agree with that statement." Damian smiled.

"What was I supposed to do? Yell about how she almost made me drop my croissant?"


janis sarkisian

They had all eventually made it back to Regina's house after Janis had driven to her house to drop her car off. Regina picked her up shortly after and took me back to her house where they met back with everyone. They all hung out for a while until around two thirty, when Damian and Ryan decided to leave.

"I think we're gonna head out." Damian said, as Ryan grabbed their stuff.

"Can I go with you?" Janis asked, as she finished off a tub of ice cream with Karen.

"Yeah, are you okay?" Damian asked, as he came over to her.

"Yeah, I'm good. Are you dropping Ryan off?" Janis asked, looking up at him as she grabbed my phone and the blanket she had brought with us the night before.

"Yeah, do you wanna come over?" he asked, and Janis nodded. She went over to say bye to the plastics, Karen and Gretchen getting up from their seats to come over to give Janis a hug, but Regina didn't move an inch from the seat she was sitting in.

"Bye, Gina." Janis said loudly, looking over to Regina who finally made eye contact. All Regina did was stare at Janis. It felt the world stopped for a second. The way Regina stared at Janis was the same way she did that day in middle school when she came up to her accusing her of being a lesbian. Janis tried to shrug it off, trying to not let her thoughts get the best of her.


It was a few hours later, and Damian and Janis were hanging out in his garage, playing their own mini version of beer pong.
"I miss hanging out with you." Janis said, stopping with one of the ping pong balls in her left hand.

"Ugh, I know. We've been too caught up in our own lives to even be involved in each other's anymore." He replied as one of the ping pong balls dropped into one of the cups infront of her.

"See, I'd normally complain but because of today I'm not going to." Janis said grabbing the cup and drinking it.

"So, Cady told you that she loved you?" Damian asked as Janis threw a ball but it tragically missed.

"Yeah, I guess. I feel bad for yelling at her but I didn't know what else to do." Janis said honestly to him as he grabbed the ball.

"Do you still have feelings for her?" Damian asked cautiously. This made Janis stop to think about the question he had just asked. She didn't know. Something about Cady telling Janis that she loved her made her heart feel all warm, but at the same time she felt angry. Janis didn't know what she was supposed to feel. "It's okay, you don't have to answer. That's okay. No pressure." Damian said, putting his hands up in a surrender like way. Janis went to go say something but her phone interrupted her thought process. Regina was calling her.

"Give me a sec, I'll be right back." Janis said, quickly grabbing her phone and going into his house. "Hey." Janis said into the phone, sitting on the staircase.

"Can you come outside? You're at Damian's, right?" Regina asked getting straight to the point.

"Yeah, is everything okay?" Janis asked her but Regina didn't respond.

"Yeah, I think we just need to talk." she replied, and then quickly hanging up. That got Janis nervous. Every time someone has said that those words to her, it hasn't ever gone well. Janis quickly let out a sigh before pushing herself up and heading outside, where regina was already right there, waiting.

"Janis, we can't be together." Regina said being very straightforward. She didn't trip over her words at all.

"Hold on, what?" Janis stuttered, very surprised with what she had just told her.

"I'm sorry, but I think you still have feelings for Cady, and I don't wanna get between that, or be a rebound or something. I still wanna be your friend, Jan. But I don't think we should be anything more than that until you figure out what you want." Regina said as she crossed her arms over her chest. Once again, she wouldn't make direct eye contact with Janis. It was quiet, the only sounds, being the birds chirping and the wind blowing the trees so their leaves would dance. It was quiet, and neither of them said anything for a few minutes.

"Okay, yeah. Fine, I guess you have a point." Janis finally said, breaking the silence as Regina also finally made eye contact with her.

"I"m sorry." Regina replied, quickly breaking the eye contact again.

Janis wanted to tell her, "Yeah. Me too." but instead all she did was turn around and walk inside of Damian's house, slamming the door behind her. She wanted to have a sinking feeling in her chest, but instead she felt like a weight was being lifted off of her body. She was relieved.


"So, Ryan and I are going to this open mic thing on Sunday, do you wanna come?" Damian asked as they walked his dog around the neighborhood.

"Dude, you know I don't sing." Janis told him as they crossed the road to get back to his house.

"Ugh, come on, Jan. I've heard you belt in the shower. You can sing." he said as his dog stopped to smell the ground.

"No, I don't." Janis said turning to face him and crossing my arms over my chest. The stubborn Sarkisian gene was kicking in right about now.

"Alright, then why do you know all the lyrics to Defying Gravity and When He Sees Me?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at her. The sad part about the statement Damian had just made was true. She had finally listened to Wicked and Waitress, (waitress was per Cady's request. She loves Sara Bareilles. Like, and unhealthy amount). and those were her two favorite songs to belt out in the shower when nobody was home.

"I can't sing, Dee. It's just shower magic." She told him, fixing her posture to reach close to his height.

"Yeah, you can. So you're coming with us."
