5 - THE ZOO (1976)

LEWIS: It had been days. No one wondered where she went. No one. I would wait outside for her. The internet wasn't a thing yet, I couldn't just call her cell phone. I didn't know where she was so I literally had no way to contact her. And no one seemed to care.

EDDIE: We all cared, we were just more rational than Campbell was. I remember maybe 6 or 7 days after the party, there was shouting outside. Not bad shouting, just shouting. And not from one person, but a big group of girls.. There was loud music. Coming from a radio. We could hear it.

"KHJ LOS ANGELES.. Good morning, it's 6 o'clock, this is Charlie Tuna," - a guitar riff played that seemed to shake the windows. This wasn't uncommon, people heading home from parties passed the house all the time. What was weird was that it didn't just pass by. This car stayed in front of the house. The boss jock on the radio told a little joke as the beginning of Stay With Me by Rod Stewart came on. There was a car door opening and shutting as the shouting got louder with high pitched giggly voices, but the car seemed to stay stationary. Lewis was asleep on the couch, but rolled off in an attempt to wake himself up. He could hear a conversation between someone who was now on the porch and the girls in the car. "Hurry up berry!" Who tf was Berry and why were they on the porch???

"I know just shhh!!!" This 'berry' shouted back. Lewis tried to stand up but decided to fall back onto the couch. Were they being robbed? It's not like there was anything to take. He heard the door open but he was already too far into falling back asleep to want to do anything. "Lewiss!?" He heard someone in a hushed voice whisper. "I'm going out with some friends but I felt I should check innn!" The speaker slurred their words.

Lewis peeled his eyes open to see a woman standing over him. Her hair was shaggy, curly, and knotted, and her eyebrows seemed shaven. She had a blue eyeshadow around her eyes that traveled up her face, and a mauve blush that sat like clouds all the way up her cheekbones into her forehead. He blinked a few times as the blur left his vision, and he realized it was none other than Christine. He jumped up.

CHRISSY: You know Pamala Des Barnes, Bebe Buell. A name like "Christine Wallace" didn't fit in. Sounded to pristine. One of my girl friends at the time came up with Chrissy Berry. Berry as in Chuck, and Chrissy so no one got confused and thought 'chris berry' was a man.

"Chris?" Lewis rubbed his eyes as he fixed his posture and grabbed hold of her shoulders. "Yess Lewiss" She whispered. "What the hell did you do to your hair?" He groaned as he felt the poofy shaggy mop on her head. "Oh, don't you worry, it's not cut or anything." She said as he ran his fingers past the knots and tangles. He took a good look at her face as he noticed her eyebrows were still there, just hidden in powder and creme. "Who did your makeup? Where the hell have you been the past 2 weeks? What is wrong with you? Why didn't you call??" He stood up as his voice started to raise. He took a really good look at her. She was still wearing that stupid "Keep on truckin'" shirt, but now it had been untucked, and seemed almost like a loose ultra-mini dress. She was wearing super short dark red hot pants that fit like briefs, and a clunky belt that sat on her hips. She was wearing tall, gold heels with thick straps and at least a 5 inch platform. She had a small bag in her hand. "Uhh.. my friend did my makeup, I've been sorta everywhere..." "Are you drunk? It's 6am!"

A pillow flew across the room, smacking Lewis in the head. "Shut the fuck up campbell.. Some people have places to be today.." There was a groan from a sleepy, shirtless, Eddie Loving. "Ed!" Christine ran over to him and gave him a messy kiss on the cheek along with a sluglike, hanging hug around his side. He looked at her for a moment, then ruffled her hair and kissed her forehead. "Glad to have you back chris.." she let go of him and he went back to his room.

The car outside let out a long annoying honk followed by several shorter honks. "C'mon berry!!" Some of the girls shouted. "Who's Berry?" Lewis asked. "I am" "What?"

Christine walked back out to the car, but didn't make it all the way before running back and vomiting in the sink. "What the hell!" Lewis grimaced at the smell. "Well, I'm off." Christine smiled, put a pill in her mouth, and went back towards the door. "No, you're not! First you're gone without any word, now you're back and you've already left a mess that I'm going to have to clean, and you're leaving again to lord knows where to do who knows what with god knows who." Lewis rambled. Christine looked a little teary eyed. "Are you okay, you look like you're going to be sick.."

LEWIS: She puked on my shoes. I made her stay home. I did my best to sober her up in the least painful way. I remember giving her coffee with an array of pills for her headache and to help give her some extra energy.. Ibuprofen and the little red ones Daisy had left for Warren but he never got. Eddie used them, said they'd help with nausea and appetite. I was a little reluctant but I figured they'd be better than whatever she was already on.

WARREN: I wasn't there that day. I had been staying on my boat, and had no idea she was back. No one told me anything and we were in the studio for the next few days recording uh.. Regret Me, I think. Maybe two against three. I didn't find out until Eddie mentioned something to me about her makeup a couple days into the press tour..

CAMILA: Lewis spent a lot of time with us and Julia, and I was slightly surprised when we didn't hear from him when the band left. So, I called every so often and we'd still go out and take photos whenever I got a gig or just any opportunity really. He was like.. My protege. [grin]

CHRISSY: I was just so happy to be back in my own bed, and the shower felt so refreshing. I was always on something after that, though. Some sort of pill or substance... I was too embarrassed to face the raw world, so I just stayed on that high. Even when I was sick, I was on those little red ones... I couldn't think straight.

LEWIS: It had been a couple days and she was still miserable despite being hydrated and caffeinated, so I took her temperature and she had what turned out to be a pretty bad cold.

CHRISSY: I had a mild flu. About a week or maybe two had passed when I was sick. Lewis took care of me best he could. Camila would always come around with Julia and would bring lunch sometimes. She was so sweet to me when she was there. Camila was really a wonderful friend. There was never a lack of conversation around her. She really brightened the mood. . I'll miss her forever.. (..) The band was gone for about the same time I was sick.

CAMILA: She was 21 and I was almost 30 in 1976. An 8 year age gap. She was, and still is a really creative soul. She was so intelligent and very mature for her age. She didn't like to show it but you could tell when you had a good quality conversation, you could coax out her personality. She really is a wonderful person, and I have always wished her nothing but the best.

"Your fever is at 102." Lewis shrugged as he threw the disposable thermometer in the trash. "That's not that bad?" Christine grunted between breaths. Her nose was clogged so she had to breathe through her mouth. "It's supposed to be 98." He sat down beside her as she laid down in bed. She rolled over and shouted into a pillow then rolled back to her original spot. "This is the worst." she tried to clear her throat.

"I'm sure there's worse than this."

"Frampton just released a new album two weeks ago, theres that happy days spinoff tomorrow.."
"I guess you're right then, nothing in the world can be worse than a cold." Lewis said in a sarcastic tone. "Shut up." Christine shoved his arm lightly.

"I feel like I haven't seen you in forever." Lewis sighed. "It's only been a few days." She replied. "No, I mean, even before that. We haven't really hung out in a while." "Yeah I guess that's true.." There was a moment of awkward silence. "Do you remember.. In high school, when we had that field trip to the zoo... she held a tarantula?" Lewis sat up against the headboard and lifted his feet onto the mattress. Christine turned onto her side to face him. "And she handed it to me.." "And you flipped and tried to throw it at the wall?" "No! That didn't happen! I held it and I.. gently.. Gave it back!" They laughed. Christine held onto Lewis's hand and hugged his arm. "You're going to get me sick." He stroked her hair. "You have a great immune system, you'll be fine." She sniffled. "We should go to the zoo." She murmured. "Not today. When you're not sick again." he cleared his throat. "Thursday." She decided. "Deal." he agreed, and she fell asleep.

WARREN: We got back on.. February 4th. 1976. Well that's when the plane landed. We always came back a small while away from LA, because the jet lag and everything plus the crowds of fans was just.. A lot. Normally we'd go to a smaller outside airport, and not LAX. We still got the fans, but not nearly as many. So we didn't actually get home until the 5th. I missed Christine. She looked sort of different. She started looking more like a groupie. Bolder eye makeup, fluffier, messier hair, more revealing clothing. I didn't mind it. I loved it, actually. I thought it suited her. And she really came alive, of course, it was slowed because of the drugs. But she seemed happy in her not sober but not as high moments.

"Your back!" Chrissy ran up to Warren as the band got off the bus in front of Billy and Cami's house. "Your back!" Warren hugged her. She smelled like cigarettes and whisky, mixed with aqua manda. She stood back up as she said hi to the rest of the band, whom she also missed a great deal. She hugged Billy tightly, and gave Eddie and Graham both kisses on the cheeks as she hugged them both at once. She was using a scarf tied around as a halter top, think cher. Wrapped around the back of her neck, crossed over her chest in an X shape, and tied in the back. She had some mini denim shorts on with a fur trimmed, knee length, embroidered afghan jacket over top. She had some geometric sunglasses sitting on top of her head, pushing her hair back. Her makeup was almost the same as it was a few weeks prior when she returned home, but her eyebrows weren't covered and she put it on less heavy. It was also a bit more neat as she had done it and not her newfound friends. She had on the same giant heels.

"Did you get taller?" Karen smiled as she came forward and hugged Chrissy. "No, it's the shoes." Chris smiled back, knowing the question was rhetorical, but still choosing to answer. "You smell delicious." Daisy came up beside Karen as she got a hug of her own. "Thanks! New perfume, gift from.. I think it was.. I don't know, probably an Allman brother or something." She chuckled as the three continued catching up for a moment, before they continued walking and Chrissy returned to Warren.

LEWIS: I wasn't there when the band got back. Chris told me she was going to go say hello then come back in an hour.

"I've missed you.." She grinned as she traced his collarbone with her fingers. She was a little tipsy, yes, but she had also taken some mystery pill that had her higher than a kite. "Oh have you?" Warren smiled back. "Mhm.." She nodded as he lowered his head slightly to her (now taller) height. They kissed and he dropped his bags to hold her, but they were interrupted by Graham smacking him on the back of the head. "Get a room! There are children around.." Eddie shouted and Graham chuckled. "Do you wanna go back to your boat or something?" She licked her lips as she continued to breath heavily. "I want to but-" Christine pouted as Warren spoke, "-we were going to go see The Astral Factor, so I can't." Warren sighed as he wrapped his arms tightly around her waist, letting his hand rest lower than usual.. "Can I come?" She perked up. "I.. I don't know. It's scary and we planned it like last week-" "I won't be a bother."

GRAHAM: Eddie and I saw The Astral Factor together. Warren came with us but he and Christine left for the majority of it. She was all over him that day. She was all over everyone for a while actually, now that I think about it.

WARREN: Great movie. I think. I don't remember. 1976 was a looooong time ago...

CHRISSY: I didn't get back until around 5. By then, the sun was setting. When I walked in through the door with the guys, we saw Lewis, sitting on top of some luggage, watching the weather forecast, and drinking a glass of whisky, which was unlike him. Eddie and Warren didn't really care and went to their rooms. Graham put a hand on my shoulder, sort of offering to stay, but I, y'know.. sent him away.

Lewis turned to look at Chrissy. He didn't say anything. She set her little bag down. "Is something wrong?" She asked in a sort of blunt manner. "Have fun?" He cleared his throat and finished his drink, putting it down on the table in front of him. "Yeah, we saw a movie.." She answered slowly, as she looked around to take in the picture in front of her. "Lewis, what's going on?" She blinked, trying to focus as best she could through the foggy bliss she had created in her head. "You tell me." He stood up and placed his hands on his hips. "Oh shit.." She sighed as her posture declined. "Oh shit." He mimicked her, annoyed with her words, as he threw his hands into the air and took a step back. "The zoo." Her eyebrows pressed together as she brought her hand to her forehead. "Shit. I'm sorry, I forgot.. We can... we can go tomorrow still.. We have time." She tried to come up with a solution. "No, we can't. I won't be here tomorrow." He croaked. "What?" she almost whined, she was confused but it's not exactly like it wasn't right in front of her. "I won't be here tomorrow." He repeated, trying to swallow the lump in his throat. "Where will you be?" Her voice grew some firmness. "Home." he grunted in an attempt to clear his voice. "We are home." She stated. "No, we aren't." He almost shouted with a long blink. There was a moment of silence. He stared at the floor as she searched his face.

"I'm going back to Point Place." he sighed. "No you aren't." her voice started to lose its stiffness as he went on. "Yes, I am-" "Over the fucking zoo?? You're leaving me because I didn't go to the zoo with you?" "Oh my god, Chris, do not start.." He sniffled as he turned around to grab his bags. "No, no, you're not going, you can't go." "I can and I will.. I am. I called a taxi already." He started to walk towards the door. "No, you didn't, why are you doing this to me?-" "Why am I doing this to you?? Christine, do you hear yourself?? Seriously. Do you see yourself??" He shouted quietly. He felt like crying. But he didn't. "No, you can't go.. Lewis.." Her eyes glossed over. "Christine, do you understand what I do for you?" He let go of his bags and held her hands. "Do you?" "Yes!" "No!" "Yes, I do Lewis-" "No! You don't! Everything I've ever done was for you! Always! .. Every decision I've ever made was always because I wanted to help you. I wanted you to be happy. Hell, I moved across the country for you! And now that we're here it's like I.. You treat me like I don't exist! Acting as if I hold you back! Making me seem unwanted, constantly! I feel like I don't even know you anymore!" He dropped her hands. "A lot of little things add up.."

Her eyes were teary. She held back the words 'I never asked you to' because, to be fair, she did tell him to stay in point place when they left. She knew he wouldn't enjoy it. "I'm sorry, Lewis, you know I love you, but.. No, you can't just leave and blame it on me." Her words dragged on as she choked on held back sobs, she could barely think straight, she was overly emotional, and she felt like the world was rumbling, exploding, bursting at the seams. She felt like she was going to erupt and her soul was going to start shining through the gaps between the stitching on her arms and legs and nose and ears and knees and wherever else she had been sewn together. And everything in her was going to start pouring out like sand or styrofoam beads out of a stuffed doll.

And her best friend was leaving. And that was real.

"I was talking to Mila the other day. I haven't spoken to her in a year and a half and it really gave me some clarity. I missed out on a truly wonderful friendship because I so blindly 'sided' with you." He was becoming teary eyed now too. "So that's why you're leaving? Because she said so?" Chrissy tried to figure out a reason that made sense to her as she was spiraling.. He ignored her. "You were wrong about her, and I was wrong about you. I am not going to stay here just to get constantly pushed to the side and ignored and I will not let you continue to take advantage of me and my effort when it comes to our friendship and my love. I deserve better than to be here and only get your attention when you need a caretaker. I'm not your caretaker. I'm supposed to be your friend" There was a long pause.

"I think you should come with me..." "Back to Wisconsin?" "I think it'd be good for you.. You aren't happy here, Chris!" He groaned, as if it was such a simple thing she should've known months ago. "I.. Yes. Yes I am-" "No! You aren't happy. A happy person doesn't need all this shit!" He reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out a jumble of pills, wrappers, and little baggies of coke. "I-" "What are you on right now? Huh?? Quaaludes? Mushrooms? LSD? Black beauties?? Fucking... I don't know what else there is, I'm not the addict!"

Christine was silent. They both sort of froze and stared at each other. Tears were streaming down Chrissy's face. Lewis wanted nothing more than to wipe her face clean and hug her and tell her he was sorry and it was all right and he was going to stay, but he couldn't. This wasn't his home. He was a burden here. As much as it hurt, he had to leave. He hadn't even realized yet that he had just screamed in her face that she was an addict.

"Chris, I'm.. I'm sorry." He put his hands on his hips and stared at the ground. Christine stared at him, waiting for him to comfort her. She wanted nothing more than to be held by her best friend, for him to wipe her face and apologize and tell her it was all right and he'd stay. But he didn't. Instead he just stood there.

CHRISSY: I felt abandoned. He thought the worst of me and he was leaving because of my terrible actions. It was a moment of self reflection, I guess.

LEWIS: I left that night.

She fell to her knees, it felt like she was going crazy. Only half the things in her head made sense, and she was sobbing which only made the throbbing of her temple worse. She slowly navigated her way to the sofa where she gripped the arm and pulled herself onto the seat, not wanting to be found crying on the floor. She tried to mute her sobs best she could, before sticking her hand back into her pocket and putting some more shit through her system.

CHRISSY: I was back out that night. I figured, he saw me as an addict, I guess i'm an addict. It wasn't so much as a 'i'll get better' message as much as it was an "I'll show you addict" action. I was young and I was sad and I was lonely.. Drugs were a distraction. An escape. A numbness. They were also poison.

Chrissy stumbled out of her cherry red 1973 camaro that she had originally bought for Lewis and her to share. She stared into the rearview mirror and cleaned herself up best she could. She had gotten pretty good at it, with the time she had spent away. She made her way into the club she'd manage to drive herself to and sat at the bar beside a man with shaggy medium hair, sort of a messier stones style cut. "What can I get you, chrissy babe?" The bartender asked. "Uhh.. I'll have a.." Chris questioned for a moment before turning to the man a few seats beside her. "What'll I have?" She flashed her charming smile. "Well.. you smell rather citrus-y.." He started, as Christine noticed he had a british accent. "Maybe.. A tequila sunrise." He smirked. She turned to the bartender and he smiled at her before disappearing to make her drink.

She pulled out a jumble of different pills from her pockets. She started to poke at them, trying to remember exactly what each one was, but she could barely remember where she even got them from. She popped them in her mouth and dry-swallowed them.

"So what's the new hot drug around here?" The British man asked. "Hm. Quaaludes. Not new, but always hot..." Chrissy smiled a bit in a naturally flirty way. "You tried LSD?" He grinned as he stood up and sat in a closer seat beside her. She eyed him. He stuck out his hand. "I didn't catch your name." He grinned. "Chrissy." She shook his hand. "Bill." His face seemed almost frozen.

She had been down this route a few times by now. Famous people seeing how long it takes to be recognized by girl's they haven't met yet. She, of course, already knew him. She knew who he was when she sat down, she wasn't an idiot. "Wait, you said Bill? As in Wyman? From the rolling stones?!" She acted stunned. He sat back and chuckled a bit. He pulled out some acid squares and offered her one. "How would you like to come by my hotel?"

An hour later, Christine found herself in the bed of a stone, snorting mini spoonfuls of coke, and tripping on acid.


The following excerpt comes from a 1987  televised interview of Bill Wyman by John Mardon, author of the 1993 best selling book, "Groupies: muses behind masters".

MARDON: So, you knew quite a bit of rather popular groupies in your time, didn't you? I mean, with your reign starting in the early 60s and going all throughout the 70s.. you must've met tons of girls, if not for you then at least for Mick.

WYMAN: Well.. yes. I suppose I did.

MARDON: Quite famously, you briefly dated the beautiful Chrissy Berry. Now, she wasn't very popular at that time, as far as the tabloids go, she was mostly caught out and about, at that time, with Warren Rojas. But that whole group is rather secretive, I haven't been able to get a hold of her, she's not going to pop out anywhere, so don't worry... So, I guess what I'm asking is how she ended up in papers with you more than once?

WYMAN: Well, we were dating, of course we were seen more than once. (crowd chuckles) ..I met her at a bar once in 1970.... 1976. I think. I don't know, we just hit it off. She really was wonderful. I feel like I really knew her. She had this essence about her that I think just drew everyone to her. It was beautiful.. She was beautiful. So free-spirited, but so grounded at the same time. She was smart. She was fun. So innocent but in a mature way. I enjoyed being around her. A lot. I hope she's doing well.

(crowd "aw"s)

WYMAN: Oh shut up!


CHRISSY: I didn't mind Bill that much, in the beginning. I'm pretty sure there's some popular candids of ours out there.. Circling magazines and what not.. I think the first time we were out on the street walking together to a bar, they got some photos of us into different magazines. He was older than me.. about 20 years older. Which at the time was just normal. Oh, and just because I was 'with' a lot of famous people, didn't mean I was never star struck. Wyman was no Jagger, but regardless, he was a Rolling Stone. I wasn't that struck, but I was still wanting to meet his expectations and wants and needs and .. I wanted to be his image of perfect. I didn't want to be this random girl from Wisconsin, I didn't want to be perceived as the annoying Wallace girl from Point Place. I never did. And now, I didn't even have to use my father's name. I was a whole new person, experiencing a whole new life. With no one from my old life there to tie me down.

"Your name is Chrissy, right?" "mhm.." "Chrissy what?" "Berry." "And you grew up..?" "In Greenwich village." She was lying on her stomach, perching her head atop one of her palms. The other hand was lightly tracing shapes down his torso "And you're a groupie?" Bill tilted his head slightly and Christine just grinned a bit. "College?" "No." "Well what do you want to do in the future?" "I don't know." "well what are you good at? What do you like doing?" "I write a lot.. Mostly just notes recently.. Observations. I think I'm pretty good.." "when do I get to read your stuff?"

CHRISSY: He was my first real boyfriend.. I mean, on paper. I dated this one guy in high school, Roger, but it was more so labels and less so actual relations. Man.. a rolling stone. We did decide to keep things open though. Didn't last very long. He was the first person to read anything I'd ever written other than what I did for the school paper. Big confidence boost. He loved it all.
