
and my gosh I love all of your comments they're the best *cries* they honestly put a smile on my face thank you.

i'm gonna need to start actually editing my chapters because this is [unedited] and this one is really unedited, i bet there are so many mistakes but ohwell

Katsuki's parents stood in the entrance of the living room staring at the two of you while you both stared straight back. A very long few moments of awkward silence passed before Katsuki's mother let out a maniacal laugh that made you jump but didn't seem to phase Katsuki at all, to which you figured that he must be used to it by now.

"Katsuki, Katsuki, Katsuki! You've finally grown into a man, you stupid brat! AHAHAHAHA!" She shouted and it was clear that she was intoxicated.

"D-MN HAG! GET OUT OF HERE ALREADY!" He screamed, the smallest tint of red on his cheeks as his face twisted up into the most furious expression you'd ever seen.

Katsuki's dad gave you both a sheepish smile as he rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment before escorting his wasted wife up the stairs. He stopped halfway up steps to look back at you two, Katsuki still on top of you and all, and said, "Be careful, you two.."

He then proceeded to walk up the stairs while guiding his wife by the small of her back. Just as you heard their bedroom door shut, you heard her yell something that sent you spiraling into a pit of absolute shame and embarrassment.


You covered your red balloon face with your hands while Katsuki let out a groan of mortification. You peeked through your fingers to look up at him before realizing your position and the fact that he had practically kidnapped you off of the street.

You shoved your blonde boyfriend off of you and sat up, trying to asses the situation. You had to get out of here; your mom said she was making your favorite for dinner tonight and there was no way you were going to miss it just because Katsuki was throwing a hissy fit!

You got up and dusted yourself off and smoothed out your now wrinkled clothing down before casting a fiery death glare towards the explosive blonde haired time bomb. He was still on the ground and was gazing up at you with his default angry expression before slowly rising to meet eye to eye with you. Well, maybe not eye to eye exactly; he was really like three inches taller than you so you had to look up a bit.

But that's not important. What was important was trying to find a way to get Katsuki to free you. Because as of now, you were just kidnapped—although it was pretty anticlimactic—by him and dragged into his household without your consent, so yes, it was considered kidnapping if you did say so yourself.

"I am calling the police!" You announced before whipping out your phone and dialing the number. It was only seconds later that the phone was suddenly snatched from your hands and you looked up, about to yell, but was cut off by Katsuki's incredibly lackluster response.

"No the hell you're not." He grumbled indifferently and used one of his explosions to scorch the crap out of it before flinging it behind him where it hit the wall before falling to the carpet, completely shattered.

"Hey! I should murder you with my bare hands for that! That was my phone!" You shouted in agonizing disbelief before rushing towards the fallen solider and sinking to your knees to cradle your now useless phone. You didn't even have a backup save on iTunes...

He scoffed, "Yeah, like you could do a d-mm thing to me. Your weak -ss probably wouldn't be able to put up a fight considering how easily I was able to drag you here."

You were fuming at his response. So he knew?! This boy can't just kidnap you, break your phone, and then harass you with his obscenity like it was some kind of fun game. Obviously getting back together was some stupid mistake.

Getting up as quickly as humanely possible, you made a straight beeline for the door as you had once done before. You flung the door open and ran outside with Katsuki hot one your trail and shouting profanities behind you, saying things like, "Get back here before I beat your -ss!" or "YOU'RE GONNA END UP LOOKIN' LIKE YOUR D-MN PHONE IF YOU DON'T STOP!!". What a caring boyfriend; it's an absolute wonder as to how you had even fallen for him.

And so the chase was on.

Across from Katsuki's house was a park. It had big trees and a large playground and many people went to hangout there everyday, no matter the weather. Your house was about a block and a half away from Katsuki's, but it was still within walking distance of the park, so it was a place where you and him would often meet because it was just such a common meeting place for couples—plus, it was convenient.

Behind the park was a small, secluded area that was surrounded by artificial bushes and trees that you and Katsuki often went to to relax (and nothing more you savages). Coincidentally, many teenagers went there to do not so nice things like snort weed and smoke cocaine. You figured that if you lost Katsuki in the crowd of people that were usually there and then sneak into that little area you'd be home free. Now, if only you could get through this crowd without running anyone over..

. . .

It took you long enough to navigate through the crowded park and finally reach that little secluded area. You peeked through the small opening to see if anyone was there and luckily enough for you, there was no one there. It was also kind of odd because it was still pretty early for it to be cleared out, usually there were all kinds of people hanging out here.

You entered and sat down on the far side of the space, hunched over so that way you were covered by the tall grass and weeds that had grown from there. The relieving shade of the tree's leaves that hung lazily above you brought you a sense of relaxation as you let out a breathe you didn't know you were holding and let your tense muscles relax. You waited in partial silence, the sound of children screaming and loud conversation somehow making it's way through the dense shrubbery.

Five minutes, ten minutes, and finally fifteen minutes passed. You had lost Katsuki for sure. He probably gave up and went home like the loser he was and if he did, you wouldn't have been surprised. You were just so slick, even he couldn't find you! You didn't even see him come to the spot to see if you were there. Perhaps he really had given up. You probably would have, too, it was way too hot outside to be frantically searching for someone you kidnapped.

You stood up and brushed off your clothes and stretched your aching legs which were caused by you squatting the whole entire fifteen minutes. Well, at least you got a workout and got away from your crazy boyfriend. Man, what a day! You began to make your way across the unkempt clearing to the entrance, a cheerful bounce in your step as you thought about the delicious meal your mother should have already cooked at this point. You hadn't eaten all day and you were practically drooling at the thought of eating your favorite meal. Your stomach was practically begging for food at this point so you'd better get home quick...

Only if you could. Instead of your stomach grumbling in need, it dropped in despair with all of your hopes and dreams going down with it. A hand clasped itself over your mouth for the second time that day while an arm wrapped around your struggling body, their own lean body pushing up against your back. Your could feel their breathe fanning the back of your neck and on your right ear which sent you into a frenzy. You should have been angry at being caught, you should have pushed him off of you, but you couldn't.. when they spoke, you felt your knees weaken from fear, and the beads of sweat to steadily run down the side of your face.

"I found you.~"

It wasn't Katsuki; you didn't recognize the voice.
