I jabbed my house key at the handle of the door once more. Tears blinding me. The grooved edges of my key found their home within the lock and the door swung open.

I didn't bother to shut the door as I trudged to the kitchen and plopped my salad container on the counter. Backing away, I jerked open the fridge and pulled out a bottle of Ranch, dousing my salad with the fatty, delicious, liquid.

I stabbed my fork at one of the many mushrooms in the salad. Normally, when Terrance had brought me a salad I never ate the mushrooms, I usually made a pile and complained. Today, I shoveled them all in my mouth.

Maybe this was my weird way of mourning his death. Except they all came up (all over the floor might I add) and the tears began to flow again. I dropped to the floor with my back against the fridge. My body was shaking and I couldn't fight back the tears any longer. I flung my fork at the edge of the cabinet. It simply ricocheted off and nearly hit my foot.

I couldn't stop crying. My ugly tears streamed down my face as my hair fell in front of my eyes.

Everyone I loved either left or died and it wasn't fair.

I sat and cried until I couldn't cry anymore. The stench of my vomit making me want to puke again. Pushing myself slowly up from the floor, I decided to clean it up.

It took me about twenty five minutes to do it because I was so grossed out and emotional.

When I was finished I trudged up the stairs, pushing the thought of Terrance's death to the back of my mind.

I had to finish my documentary since the film festival that it was going to be featured in was tomorrow.

I sat in my desk chair and switched on my camera, pressing record. I knew exactly what was missing from my documentary and I had to add it right now.

"Most people would probably cringe when they hear that this is about my boyfriend, but he's so much more than that. He's an inspiration."

I started crying again and I didn't even shut off the camera.

"He inspires millions of people daily, to be musicians, to not care what others think, to be better people. To me, he inspires my heart. He's taught me that it's okay to fall in love, and it's okay to get your heart broken. It may hurt but you find out just who is truly there for you. I will never stop loving you Ashton Irwin. Forever and Always."


Jordyn quoted hsm3 #goals
Sorry this is so choppy like I suck w transitions?¿

ONE LAST CHAPTER no epilogue:(

Literally love you all so much thanks for sticking w me.<3

Love, Jenna Benna

^jenna benna was my childhood nickname if you call me it I'll love you forever

also, college is scary y'all
