chapter 2

rick hurried over to the radio and started talking to the mystery guy. apparently the guy can see that we're trapped.

"look, i don't know who you are. but i don't mind telling you i'm getting a little concerned in here. especially considering i have a kid with me" rick said into the radio.

he gave us directions on how to get out. "got ammo?" the guy asked. he turned to look to me. i showed him my two pistols and my shot gun. "about 20 rounds each" i said. "yeah. plenty" rick said into the radio. "good. make it count" the person said.

he gave us our final directions. we're running for it and try to make it through the walkers without being killed. hopefully we survive this. i handed rick a pistol. "you ready?" he asked. i nodded.

he climbed out of the tank first and he gave me a hand up. we ran down the street, killing every walker that was in our way. i was right beside rick. i held up my pistol to the being that was in front of me.

"woah! not dead!" the korean infront of me  yelled. it's the guy from the radio.

we ran down the alley and onto a ladder. "go first, go first" the radio guy said lightly pushing me infront of him. i climed up the latter and assumed the two of them were behind me, i then made my way up to the platform and waited for them.

we were all out of breath by the time we got up to the top. the guy then slightly made fun of rick and i smiled to myself. "rick, thanks" rick said introducing himself to the guy and holding out his hand for him to shake. "glenn. and you're welcome" the radio guy said.

glenn then turned to me. "are you his daughter?" he asked. i shook my head no."nice bow" he said. "thanks" i said grabbing a hold on my strap that slung by bow onto my back.

we looked down, we were getting more and more surrounded. glenn then looked up at the other fire escape ladder that goes up the building. it goes up about 50 feet without anything to stop you if you fall.

"hey, at least it'll be the fall that's kills ya" i said starting to climb the ladder.

all three of us made it to the top of the roof safely. i just stayed silent as glenn and rick talked. we then made our way down a roof exit and followed glenn.

we all quickly ran while glenn was talking to someone on the radio. i'm assuming it's someone in his group. also assuming that he has a group.

suddenly we ran into walkers in the alley when suddenly, two people wearing riot gear came out and started beating the shit out of the walkers in our way.

i widened my eyes and ran after glenn who was running into a different building entrance.

right when i ran in, i was shoved against a wall by someone. "you bitch i'm gonna kill you" a blonde woman said pointing a gun at my head. "not if i kill you first, get the hell off me" i muttered quietly to her. i saw panic growing on her face.

i kept a straight face and showed no fear. "andrea chill! she's a kid!" the black dude said as he was taking off his riot gear. she backed off a little once she realized she threatened to kill a kid.

rick came over and stood in front of me... he's protecting me.

the very angry people in glenn's group then showed rick and i how much shit we caused from firing several gunshots. they have to find someway to get back to their camp now without being killed.

i've survived things like this before. if none of them survive, i sure as hell will.

the walkers then started to break the glass that was holding them back from us. everyone started freaking out but i remained calm, you can't think straight when you're freaking out.

we ran up to the roof to navigate our plan and to see if we could get signal on the radio. after some debating, we eventually made our escape plan.

we're taking it underground. glenn only wants one person to go with him just incase he needs to make a quick exit.

"reagan. rick. stay by the store. i've seen you two shoot. you're both amazing shots. andrea, back them up. you're the only other one with a gun." glenn ordered. i nodded.

right before glenn gone down i stopped him. "glenn" i called out. he turned to look at me. i handed him my 4-10 shot gun. "just incase" i said. he saved my life, i need to owe him the favor somehow. he nodded and then went down with morales.

"is that yours?" the black guy asked. i think his name is t-dog. i nodded. "how?" jaqui asked. "i hunt. come on" i said to rick walking over.

we made our way to the store with andrea. rick stayed close by me. i already know he isn't going to let anything happen to me. "reagan? i'm sorry for the gun in your face." andrea said.

i just looked at her and didn't say anything. then i returned to looking at the walkers. she sighed. "rick are you her dad?" she asked. "no" rick answered. "sweetheart where's your family?" andrea asked. she actually seemed concerned.

"got separated from my dad at the start of this shit" i said quietly. rick and andrea then started talking. i'm not really that social of a person so i just stayed out of it.

"hey ya, might wanna take the gun off safety next time ya aim it at somethin'" i said in a smart ass tone. "oh" she said quietly. "you ever shot a gun?" i asked her. she shook her head no. i then went over to her. "here" i said holding my hand out so she would hand over the gun.

i then showed her how to take the safety off. "hold it up, and line the scope to your target" i said showing her. she looked down at me. "thanks" she said in a dumbstruck tone since i was a kid teaching her this.

andrea was looking at jewelry and right when she put a necklace in her pocket, the glass holding back the walkers broke. "shit" i whispered.

i immediately pulled out my pistol and cocked it. right when i did, everyone in glenn's group came to the shop.

the sewer apparently couldn't work as an escape. that sucks. we gone back to the roof to plan a different escape.

rick asked if walkers are attracted to anything besides sound. "smell. if they smell ya, they want ya" i said looking off the roof. i felt everyone's eyes on me. then a lightbulb went off. "i have a plan" i said turning to everyone.

"ok..." rick said in a questionable tone. "i've done somethin' like this before. to get through em you gotta smell dead like them. mask the smell with walker guts. walk slowly through 'em and you'll make it" i explained.

everyone looked at me like i was crazy. "i don't know..." glenn said. "i know i'm a kid. but i know shit. i've been through shit. trust me." i said.

after completely convincing everyone, we went down to the shop to get something to cover ourself with. it was decided that me, rick, and glenn goes to get the trucks.

glenn knows his way around, i came up with the best idea and i'm the best shot if this doesn't work, and rick isn't leaving my side.

rick got the axe from the emergency capsule we drug a walker inside. everyone was all suited up for this but me. they're taking it to the extreme. i didn't even have gloves on like they did.

i got my hunting knife out of my bag and went down to the dead walker. i plunged the knife into the stomach and sliced it open. everyone turned away disgusted. i personally wasn't phased by it. they were all making disgusted remarks.

"it ain't that bad" i said rolling my eyes. then glenn threw up. "how in the hell are you not phased by this" t-dog asked. i looked up at him. "ain't my first rodeo" i plainly answered.

i continued making slits into the walkers body to remove its insides. "ok everyone" rick said. we covered ourself in walker guts.

before heading out rick came over to me. "you sure about this?" he asked. i nodded. "ok. i trust you" he said putting a hand on my shoulder.

we made it a long way on the streets without being noticed by a walker. it took everything in me not to laugh when glenn has to sound like a walker to get a walker off his back.

everything was going perfect until it started raining. our dead scent was wearing off. we didn't believe it until a walker tried to attack rick. "run!" he yelled to glenn and i plunging the axe into the walkers head.

i will get through this. i'm not letting myself die.

we ran through the street until we made it to the construction gate. i started climbing it and so did rick and glenn. i had zero trouble with it because i'm surprisingly an amazing climber. it comes in handy at certain times.

rick and i shot the walkers that were coming over the gate as glenn found the keys. he found the keys and we ran to the truck. i got in the middle, rick was driving, and glenn was on the other side of me. i sighed in relief.

as rick started to drive off, the gate broke and walkers came flooding in. we then made another plan to get glenn's friend. glenn was going to draw them away while rick went back for the other people.

we parked the truck a safe distance away from the walkers. all three of us got out.

glenn was going to draw the walkers away with sound of the car alarm on the car we just found. "reagan, stay with glenn." rick said. "i ain't leavin' you" i said in desperation to rick. that was the truth. he's made me feel safe.

he put his hand on my shoulder. "i promise i'll come back for you ok? i'm not leaving you. ever. you'll be safer with glenn. ok?" rick said. i nodded.

he went over to a car and made its car alarm go off. glenn and i got inside and glenn started driving. i looked back at rick and he nodded to me. i nodded back.

we drove close to rick. we then split off to draw the walkers into one direction. "glenn go!" i said as walkers started surrounding the car. he kept going backwards until rick finally came. and then we left the streets of atlanta and back towards glenn's camp.
