chapter 5

Juliet walked around the large empty house. She felt so lonely without her father around. The house once so full of life just did not fell like home anymore. As she walked through the halls she looked at all the pictures on the walls of her and her father but that only increased the loneliness she felt. She began to sing a sad and lonely tune

"Is there more I could have said?

Now you're far away instead.

That's why my world is looking grey.

Sometimes even I have rainy days.

Remember when the floor collapsed

while we were rocking out.

Who'd have thought your loving arms

would be hard to live without?

If we could do it all again

just another chance to make you stay.

Would it even make the slightest change,

or did you go away for good?

Your reassuring words

would always give me hope.

They may have been corny,

but I still love your jokes.

Is there more I could have said?

Now you're far away instead.

Could we do it all again?

Have good times like we did then?

Together here where we belong,

we could harmonize all day long.

But you're far away instead,

and you're just some pictures in my head."

That day at lunch Juliet's emotional change did not go unnoticed by her friends. "Hey Juliet. What's the matter?" Asked Lou.

"It's my dad. He had to leave last night and I really miss him." Said Juliet.

"So you're all alone?" asked Margaret.

"Yeah. This is the longest time I've ever been away from him."

"Wow. That sucks. Do you want to come stay with me until he's back?" asked Rachel

"No, it's okay I should be okay. He shouldn't be gone long."

"If you change your mind we will always be there for you."

"Thanks guys. You're the best."

"Think of me.

Think of me fondly,

When we say goodbye"

"Stop stop." Juliet's music tutor said.

"What's the problem Mr.Y?" Asked Juliet.

"Your singing. You don't seem to have your heart in it today."

"I'm sorry sir I'm just a bit out of it today."

"Okay just don't let it happen again. Take the rest of the day off."

"Thanks sir."

"Good girl. Pretty thing. Seems familiar."
