Part 10 : All In This


It's the first morning after Harley was kidnapped. I hardly slept, mostly spent the night crying. Somehow, sleep took me away, but this morning, I felt an excruciating ache in my heart. A part of me just got ripped away.

Will I ever see you again, Harley?

I failed. I failed miserably. I couldn't keep in the tears every time I imagine this small boy running to me and hugging me, complaining when I didn't see him for a day. What reason did I give?

I was too tired.

I felt like dying. I'm already half dead. I hardly talked to anybody today. When I got to Assassin Studies class, Gusion was already there. He looked pale and worn out.

Guess we're feeling mutual. To be honest, I was happy that Gusion wanted to kill his father. I would have done it anyways.

I took a seat beside him. He didn't say a word. He didn't even look at me. That hurt, for some reason.

We sat there like that, for about 5 minutes when Gusion suddenly took my hand. It made me jump.

'I'm sorry.' He whispered, close to tears. I could feel that his heart was as damaged as mine. I began to tear up, leaning into his chest, where he held me. I began to sob. I could tell he was crying too.

'Guys?' I looked up to see Fanny and Saber. As soon as Fanny saw my state, she immediately came over to me and hugged me. Gusion wiped his tears with the back of his hand. Then, Fanny gave him a hug too.

'You guys will be alright. Don't worry.' She assured.


After class, we went to Kaja's office to meet up about this situation. We knocked on his door, and Mr. Gord answered.

'We're here to see Professor Kaja.' Gusion stated.

'Who's at the door, Gord?' A voice boomed from inside.

'Mr. Gusion Paxley and Ms. Lesley Vance, sir.'

'Let them in.' Kaja said. 'Will you please give us a moment, Gord? Thank you.'

Mr. Gord nodded and left the room.

I was about to say something when Kaja suddenly said, 'I know why you're here. Your brother, am I right? Kidnapped by that Paxley.'

How did he know?

I nodded slowly. Gusion hung his head.

'I know we're teachers, and we're supposed to call you formally. But is it okay for me to call you by your first names? I think it makes this young man here uncomfortable.'

Again, we just nodded.

'Your father is doing a grave mistake by collaborating with the Dark Abyss. And in this matter, his sons are helping him.'

Gusion glared at Kaja. Kaja laughed noticing his reaction.

'I could tell you're the stubborn one. Playing against the family believes and rules, gives you the potential to be one of the greatest heroes. You are brave, my boy. You have a strong heart. All you have to do is stop doubting yourself.' Gusion's eyes grew wide when Kaja said that.

'You, my dear girl, you don't know your own strength. You have no idea how dangerous you can be. You don't know your skills.' He said. He continued, 'Which is why I'm going to prepare you personally.'

I had no idea what to say. What did he mean by preparing us? Prepare for what? What about Harley?

'I know, you're still worrying about your brother-'

Damn, does he read minds?

'-You might have plenty of questions to ask too. I'll answer them all tomorrow if I can. Come right here after your classes. You both go and rest for now, and I suggest it'll be best if you both stick together. Stay safe.'

Without arguing, we left.

At the dorms before entering, Gusion asked, 'Mine or yours?'


'Kaja told us to stick together, so your place or mine?'

I didn't think that's what Kaja actually meant, regardless, I said, 'Mine.'

Gusion slept on the couch in my room. Normally, I would have to toss and turn and think about random things until I fell asleep. But his presence somehow bothered me, but in a good way. I felt safe. The feeling lulled me to sleep.


In Assassin Studies class, Gusion and I made a list of suspects who might have granted the Shapeshifter permission into the school. We're hoping that if we identify them, they can give us answers like why Gusion's father is sending them after him and why they took Harley and so on.

'So, there's one teacher and two students involved. I remember that the teacher was a "he" and the two students are sisters, hence female mages.' Gusion pointed out.

'Okay, the list of male teachers are Professor Kaja, Mr. Gord, Mr. Grock for Tanks, Mr. Diggie for Supports, Mr. Moskov for Marksmen, and Mr. Chou for Fighters.' I read out.

'Well, we can rule out Kaja and Diggie, but I'm not 100% sure about Mr. Gord.' Gusion said.

'Okay, what about your list?'

'Everyone who is a female Mage is a suspect. Plus, I don't know most of their names.' He admitted.

'Ask Fanny's help. She knows everyone in this school even if she never uttered a word to them before.'

'Yes, did you need me?' Fanny suddenly asked, leaning over my shoulder.

We both jumped.

'God, Fanny! Don't do that.' I said, placing a hand on my heart. She chuckled.

'Yeah, we need identification.' Gusion said.

'Anything for you both. I don't like seeing you two like this. I'll help as much as I can, okay? So, who do I have to identify?'

I smiled, for the first time in two days. I was touched that she cared for us like a concerned sister. 'Thanks Fan. Can you list down all the students who are female Mages?'

'Easy. There's Pharsa, Alice, Nana, Karina, Vexana, Chang'e, Selena, Cyclops, and Kimmy.' She said it so fast, I could barely catch up.


(A\N : I didn't list down all the Mages cuz some of them aren't suitable for the story. Forgive me if your fav hero isn't here ;-;)


'Wow. Thanks Fanny.' Gusion said, and Fanny bowed.

'Anything else?' Fanny asked.

'So far, this is enough. This will hopefully help us.' I said.

Fanny nodded. 'If you need anything, just ask.'

We both smiled at her. She sat down next to Saber and began chatting with him.

I then looked down at the list and gasped.

'What is it?' Gusion asked.

'There's only one pair of female Mages who are sisters.'

Gusion scanned the list, and slowly said, 'Karina and Selena.' I nodded.

This can't be good. I can't believe I'm sharing a dorm with them. Then, they both walked in, laughing as though nothing was wrong. I was filled with rage.

I wanted to punch them both square in the face but Gusion shook his head. He took a deep breath and exhaled. I did the same. Then, "Ms. Natalia" walked in.

After class, we were heading towards Kaja's office, when Fanny called us out.

'Where are you guys going?' She asked.

'Kaja's office, Fan. Why?' I asked.

'Kaja's office?' She was clearly shocked. 'I know something's been going on and you guys aren't telling me, but I didn't know it was this serious!'

'We know. Sorry Fanny, but we'll explain everything later.' Gusion said.

'We will?'

'It's time, Les. We can't do this all by ourselves. We're two versus God knows how many more.'

I nodded in agreement. He's right. This issue risks lives. We can't mess it up. We need all the help we can get.

Fanny cleared her throat. 'I'm still here, you know?' Then, she began laughing but was interrupted by someone who almost ran into her. Well, two girls, actually.

'We're so sorry.' One said.

'Oh, it's okay. I didn't see where I was going.' Fanny blushed. They both just smiled and walked away.

'They look familiar.' Gusion said.

'Yeah, of course they do. You go to the same class as them.' Fanny smirked. 'Wait a minute, you still don't know your classmates?'

'Does it matter?' Gusion rolled his eyes.

'Uh, yes. It does. Damn, you're so oblivious, it's gonna get you killed one day.'

'Whatever. Moving on. Please tell who they are.'

Fanny laughed. 'Alice and Vexana.' She punched him lightly. 'You wanna know more?'

Gusion facepalmed. Fanny didn't stop. 'Well, if you insist.' She said, grinning. 'They're really good friends. They're so close, that they consider each other as sisters.'

Our heads shot up. Fanny stopped teasing.

'Wait what? They're sisters?' I asked.

'No, not exactly. They call each other sisters though. Does it matter?'

Gusion and I looked at each other.

'There are two pairs? Which one?' Gusion asked.

'Two pairs? Of what?' Fanny was confused.

'Fan, we'll explain later, okay? Right now, we have to see Kaja.' I said. She nodded understandingly and left.


'Come, have a seat.' Kaja told us. 'I know I said that I'll answer your questions today, but unfortunately, I'm lacking the time, I apologize for that.'

Damn, I have a thousand questions right now.

'Since you're doing this all by yourselves, I suggest that you create a small group, with friends who you could trust, to help you with this matter. Make a group for each of you, with you as the leader. You can split tasks between yourselves and it'll be easier.' He continued. 'It doesn't have to be your squad members, okay? It's your wish, as long as you trust them.'

'Okay, when?' Gusion asked.

'You can do it right after you leave this room.' Kaja smiled.'Oh, and bring them in here tomorrow, I need to see them.'

We both nodded and left the room.

Back at Gusion's dorm, I prepared drinks because we were a little bit droopy to freshen up.

'So, who do you plan on having on your team?' I asked.

He thought for a while. 'Alucard will definitely be on my team, Saber, Martis and Zilong. I think I can trust them, they're the only ones who are close to me.'

'That's great! Since I know them too, it'll be easy. I would probably take Miya, Fanny, and Freya.' I paused. 'I would have taken Selena and Karina, but right now we can't trust them, until we know which pair is the culprit.'

Gusion nodded. 'Let's go get them.'


This idea about working in a group with our close friends makes me feel encouraged that we could do this. No matter what, I will get Harley back safe and sound.

I've never felt a connection with someone like I had with Harley. Maybe that's how siblings who actually love you feel like. Maybe it's the way he plays around with me. Maybe it's the way he looks at your capability and awes it.

I will get you back, little bro. I miss you.

Lesley and I gathered them in my dorm. They were all looking confused, expect Fanny, who was waiting patiently.

'So, what is it that you wanted to tell us?' Miya asked.

'There's something going on in this school, and we were assigned to take care of it. But then we realized this problem is a bit big for us to handle by just us two, that's why we needed your help.' Lesley explained. 'Will you guys help? Please?'

'Of course, Les. You guys are our friends. Who are we if we can't even help you through your troubles?' Zilong said, grinning.'We're all in this together.'

'Thanks.' Lesley smiled, touched.

'What help do you need?' Freya asked.

'First, we need to explain what's going on.' I said.

I told them about my background story, then about Ms. Natalia and Mr. Gord came to know about it who let us know about the Shapeshifters.

I mentioned that we were surprised that my father sent creatures that wouldn't kill, so we studied about them and the dreams Harley and I had, and Natalia was the Shapeshifter and the mystery book.

After about one hour of questions and explanations and "We don't know"s, we made it through. I was really glad that they agreed to help even when we hesitated to let them help. It's because it risks lives.

'Oh come on, guys. You've already been through so much. We can't let you suffer again all alone.' Martis said.

'Yeah, if we can't help you when you're in a mess like this, then we'll be with you, so you're not alone.' Alucard said. 'I'm not going to make the same mistake I did years ago.'

I suddenly felt like they aren't my friends, they're family. A family I never had. Yet, I still felt an empty void in my heart.

I wouldn't rest until I get you back, little bro.

'What's the plan?' Fanny asked.

'No plans yet, we wanted to discuss it with you guys. Tomorrow after school, we need to see Kaja, okay?' Lesley reminded.

They all nodded.

'Don't be late. We'll see you guys tomorrow.'


'Everyone here?' I asked.

'Yeah, except Fanny.' Saber said. 'She'll be here.'

'Hey guys, sorry I'm late.' Fanny said suddenly, making Lesley jump.

'Fanny!' Lesley said. Fanny smirked and shrugged.

'C'mon, let's go in. We don't wanna be late.' I said, knocking on the door.

When we got in, Kaja smiled at us, seemingly satisfied about who we chose.

'Before I start, I'm going to bring you to a place. But I want you all to promise not to let anyone else know about this place.'

We all nodded. He then motioned us to follow him. He took us through a back door I didn't knew existed. Then, we went through another door after a few minutes. In there, there was a massive area.

How many secret rooms?

'Okay.' Kaja clasped his hands. 'This is going to be the place I'm going to train you.'

'Wait, train us?'



Thank you ❤

Lots of love from me.

Peace :)

