In Your Room

Your on your bed day dreaming about Pin, when one of your friends call you on discord (yes this is a object world and human world)

"Hey Y/N!" your friend says " Hey F (friend)! " "Whats up?" they ask. 

 " Nothing much, just day dream" "What are you thinking about?" I

 "Uhhh, something I'm gonna make, yeah." you say

 " Oh okay. Frick, i need to go. Cya later Y/N! " "Bye!" you say.

 Your friend leaves the call and you start to draw you and pin doing couple stuff.

You sigh at the drawings knowing that they'll never happen as you know an object wouldn't date a human. You start drawing more and then-

 "Hey Y/N!" says pin as she walks into your room

 "LKSJLDJSLKDKZLLSKALDKKSK" you somehow manage to say as you slam your notebook close

 "Whats wrong?" she asks

 " Um uh, n-nothing. You j-just startled me.. "

 "Oh my gosh, im sorry, i didnt mean to scare you" she says

 "Its okay, its not your fault"

 "Well, breakfast is ready!" she says. " Awesome! What did ya make? " you ask

 "You'll see" 

(and this my friends is a to be continued, sorry but i dont have much time to finish this today. i promise to work on it tomorrow, thanks for reading lol :))
