

      My name is Lotus, I've been alone my whole entire life. I barely remember my family, my mother, nor my father. I heard they had perished, but it is unknown of their disappearance. A close friend of my parents, once told me that my mother loved flowers, and would grow them each and everyday. Though, her favourite flower, was the lotus. They were indeed beautiful, they were enchanting, as my mother once said apparently. I guess her love for flowers has grown on me, especially the lotus, how their petals would give off a glowing illusion, how their beauty, could stun a person instantly. When my mother first gave birth to me, she immediately knew what name should be given. Lotus. She wanted me to bloom into an elegant being, to blossom into my full potential, just like a flower. I was given a pendant and a note when my parents had first disappeared. The pendant, a crystal carved flower, had my name engraved on it. Fitting for a flower person is it not? I never took it off, it was probably the only things that reminded me of 'hope'. Stupid......There was no hope in this cruel world, if there was, I wouldn't have been stripped away from my happiness, pathetic....Once upon a time, I believed in love. Once upon a time, I believed in hope. Once upon a time, I believed in happiness, but not anymore, those dreams died a long time ago, along with the girl who had a future, me...They were all crushed. Enough about my past beliefs, let's talk about the note.....Ah yes.....The note....One of the only things that keeps me going through life, other than my pendant. It was a note from my mother to me.

"My dear flower, my darling angel,

I am well aware, that I will not be by your side during your growth,

And I regret that I will not be able to see you bloom, to see you blossom into a beautiful Lotus,

I know that the world, can be a harsh place, so I only ask this,

My child, when you are down, and filled with sorrow, look into the night sky, and listen closely, you will hear the quiet twinkle of the stars above, I will be up there, shining bright, looking down onto you, while I sing my lullabies and twinkle for your comfort,

If ever you are lonely, know that I am always watching over you, and that...

I love you....My flower"

      I always kept that note close to me, my mother always spoke of hope and happiness, at least that's what the townspeople said. They see me as an elegant, kind and an independent girl, sure....that's me.....The me that lies.... I try to be kind, I try to see light in my future, but I simply can't. It's just not in my blood, I've been scarred for life the moment my parents vanished. My so called kindness, has probably made my life a lot more stressful, guards, knights and young male lords, have taken an interest in me. They try to manipulate me into liking them, but I am not naive, they think I'm oblivious, quite the opposite in fact. I will never fall for such a thing called "love". Love, is a lie....A fairytale, that will never come to be. I have distanced myself from humanity, least I tried to. Many people have tried to comfort me, but it never works, I don't need anyone. And I never will. I am just a flower......That will never bloom...

Honestly, I don't really care if this story becomes popular or not, I just love writing, and I don't care what haters think so yea, I hope you like what you see so far :) XD 

Da cringe tho DX
