Remember When (Name) Got Sick?

Shaka's POV

I woke up the next day tired since we stayed up all night celebrating the Cresthaven being restored. I stayed in bed before deciding to text my girlfriend. I was still thinking about how she might be hiding something.

"My Girl ❤️"

'hey, good morning'

No reply. I frowned. Maybe she's still asleep. She loves to sleep in on Sundays. Meanwhile...

"Boys, get up! It's time for church!" M'Dear called from downstairs. Me and Mazzi groaned.

"I heard that!"


Third Person POV

(Name) woke up to the sound of beeping and the smell of crappy air fresheners. She felt a weight on her hand and opened her eyes to see her dad asleep with his hand on her's.

"Dad?" She called out. She tapped his head when he didn't wake. Harry slowly opened his eyes before standing up and hugging her tightly. (Name) slowly hugged back, a bit uncomfortable.

"You good? Why am I in a hospital?"

"Oh, (Name)..." Harry started crying. (Name)'s eyes widened. Her father hadn't cried since her mother died.

"You- you have leukemia. Acute myeloid leukemia. Stage 2."

(Name)'s heart shattered as the words processed. Leukemia? Would she die? What would the McKellans think? Especially Shaka? She was snapped out of her trance when her father spoke up. His voice cracked as he talked.

"The doctors s-say," He started with a shaky voice. "that you have a good rate of surviving if we undergo t-treatment as soon as p-possible. But, that means y-you'll lose your hair f-from chemo." Her eyes widened as she looked down to keep tears from falling.

"I will go f-find the dogs for y-you." He said while stuttering. He held back a sob. "T-the hospital u-understands that they are your emotional s-support animals, so they kept them here. If you need anything, t-there are nurses down the hall. Here."

Harry handed your phone over to her. "You might want to... entertain yourself and take your mind off the news for a little bit."

He kissed her head before leaving as (Name) stared at her phone.


(Name)'s POV

I had no words. The same sort of disease that took my mother away from me.

A notification chimed from Shaka.

'hey, good morning'

I stared at it before deciding to ignore it. I sighed and looked out the window.

"I don't wanna die, Momma. Not yet."


Third Person POV

The McKellan family had returned home from church just as Harry knocked on their door. Moz opened it to see his longtime friend. "Hey, Harry."

They gave each other a hug and a pat on the back. "What brings you here? Usually you come to drop off (Name)."

Harry smiled sadly. "Not today. I have some news for you all, and it's not good."

Mazzi stood up from his stool. "You're gonna stop making music?! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" He fell to the kitchen tile before Cocoa smacked his head and told him to get off the floor.

Harry moved to the couch and held his head in his hands. Moz also moved to comfort his longtime friend. "Hey, man, what's wrong?"

Harry sighed. "(Name) has cancer. Acute myeloid leukemia."

Everyone gasped except Shaka. He sat there in shock. Cocoa spoke up. "B-but she was just fine yesterday when she came to the Cresthaven! What happened?"

"I have no idea. A few hours after she left, I got a call from the hospital saying my daughter was in the ER."

Shaka was still in shock before Jeb rubbed his back. "W-what stage?" Jade asked.

"2." Harry replied. "Can we visit?" Shaka said in a low voice. "Yes, but it's 30 minutes every 2 hours. They don't want her to get stressed out by so many people at once."

Everyone became silent. Harry places his head in his hands. "It was my fault. Nothing has been tasting good to her and she's had multiple fevers over the last month. My wife had the same symptoms when she was diagnosed. I could've taken her there as soon as I could tell."

"Oh, baby, it is not your fault. We can only blame the devil. We have to remember that God has our backs. (Name) will survive. She's strong." M'Dear assured Harry.

Everyone agreed. Mazzi sniffled and leaned his head on his mother. Moz wiped a stray tear. "I am so sorry, Harry. Let us know if you need anything."

Harry smiled softly. "I will." He stood up and headed towards the door. "I'll see you all later."

"Bye..." They all said sadly.

Once Harry was out the door, Jade broke into tears. She couldn't believe her best friend had leukemia. As Cocoa went over to console her, Shaka excused himself from the kitchen and went to his room. He pulled out his phone and went to (Name)'s contact. He pressed on FaceTime and the call connected.

"Hi, baby." She answered.

"I'm sorry." Shaka said instantly.

"For what?"

"For thinking you were seeing someone else."

"You thought that? Why?"

Shaka saw the face his girlfriend had switched to a frown. He felt so guilty.

"B-because you were always running off somewhere, so I thought you might've been seeing someone other than me..."

Shaka could see the disappointment on (Name)'s face.

"Babe. Baby, please-"

He couldn't say anything else because (Name) hung up on him. Shaka sighed and flopped onto his pillow, groaning into it.


It was the day the McKellans went to visit (Name). It had been 3 days since they found out she was sick, and they all brought presents.

M'Dear and Jeb, a new Bible signed by everyone at the church, Cocoa, a bunch of homemade brownies, Moz, a new (favorite color) silk pillowcase (because he had done his research), Jade, a new pair of earrings and mood bracelets, Mazzi, a miniature glass trumpet, Ami, a get well soon card and a half off coupon to (favorite restaurant), and Shaka, a single (favorite flower) and a necklace.

They went up to the receptionist and asked where you were. The man kindly showed them the hallway and the big family followed the directions until they found your room. Your room had a lot of decorations on the door, as your relatives and your father's fans had voiced their condolences by gifts and decorations.

Cocoa knocked on the door, but there was no answer. She knocked again before she decided to open the door. Jade gasped before running to your bed and brushing some hair out of your face.

Your dark, smooth skin was now tinted with shades of pale. You were sleeping softly with your father also sleeping beside you, holding your hand.

"Oh, that poor child," M'Dear voiced out. "She doesn't deserve this.

Ami walked over to Harry and poked him. He shook awake before looking around. Moz put a hand on his shoulder.

"How is she?"

Harry rubbed his eyes. "They say she's stable, but the chemo is draining her." They all turned to you as you whimpered in pain in your sleep.

Jeb and M'Dear put down the bible as Harry helped himself to a brownie. Moz gave the new silk pillowcase to Harry so that he could switch it out with your pillow.

Cocoa ran her hand down your hair in a motherly way before saying, "Jade, do you want to talk to her first?" Jade nodded as M'Dear ushered everyone out of the room.

Jade sat on your bed before putting her gifts on your nightstand. "Everyone misses you. The other kids decorated your locker. Even Makayla helped." Jade chuckled softly. She removed a strand of your curly hair from your face before seeing Ami and Mazzi at the door.

"I guess they want a turn. I love you, (Name). I hope you get better."

Jade switched out with Mazzi and Ami. Ami put your coupon and card on your desk, as did Mazzi with the porcelain trumpet.

"Hey, (Name)," Mazzi started. "Uhm, I got an A on the test you helped me study for. It was actually really easy once you taught me that formula for the hypotenuse. A squared plus b squared equals c squared."

Ami butted in. "You didn't know the formula?"

Mazzi widened his eyes. "You did?!"


Mazzi groaned. "I guess I'll need more tutoring, (Name)."

Someone at the door knocked. Mazzi opened it and saw Shaka with a solemn face.

"Can I have a moment alone with her?"

Ami narrowed her eyes at her brother, knowing what he did.

"Fine. Come on, Mazzi."

Mazzi was dragged by Ami out of your room as Shaka sat down on your bed. He softly shook you and you woke up. Your eyes had to adjust to the light before you saw Shaka. He softly smiled as you just frowned.

"May I know why you-" You paused to cough. Shaka silently winced as he saw your condition. "May I know why you woke me up?"

"I-I wanted to apologize. F-for thinking-"

"You don't have to apologize-" You sighed.

"I don't? Oh, (Name)-" He moved in to hug you before you leaned away.

"What? Baby, what's wrong?"

"I said you didn't need to apologize. But you never let me finish." You sighed as tears formed in your eyes. "I... I can't be with someone who can't trust me."

"(Name), no, please. I-I didn't mean it."

"We both know damn well you did. Don't lie to yourself." You sniffed.

It was silent for a moment before you pointed to the necklace in his hand. "I think you should give that to someone you trust."

"(Name), please-"

"Shaka, don't make this any harder." You wiped his hot tears rolling down his face.

He took your hand and kissed the back of it before he left.

After a few minutes, your father came in. "Are you okay?"

"No," your voice wavered. "I just broke up with Shaka."

Harry softened his eyes and hugged you softly.

"It'll be okay."


hehehehe, i feel so evilllll 😈 

i have one thing to say to y'all


love ya 🖤💜
