
I'm writing this on my phone so bear with the possible spelling mistakes. Currently, I'm in Germany, sitting on a bus, hella bored. So I decided to write since I still have like 1,5 hours to kill.

When Clary's eyes fluttered open, Jace's head snapped in her direction, eyes wide. "You're awake," he states while looking at her. "Yeah, but my head is killing me though," she says while rubbing her head, not noticing that her other hand is in Jace's. "What are you doing here?" Clary asks while sitting upright. "You uh... You fainted and I didn't want to leave you here alone," he says. She just hummed. "I'm going to change," she says while trying to get out of her bed. Jace pulls her hand when she tries to leave. She looks at him in wonder, trying to figure out what he's doing. "You got me so scared," Jace admits while pulling her into his embrace, breathing in her perfume. "What are you doing?" Clary whispers. "Shhh," he coos while raking his fingers through her hair. It looked like time stood still, not ticking a second further. Just the two of them in their own world. After they pulled apart, neither of them seemed capable of looking away. Just as they both leaned in, Clary crawls out of bed, cheeks flushed. "I- I think you should go," she stutters. "As you wish," he says mockingly. The second he left the room she let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding. What just happened? She asks herself while pulling out a T-shirt and jeans out of her wardrobe. 

When she walked into the hallway she noticed a man with black hair and inviting brown eyes standing beside her door. "Clary, right?" he asks while outstretching his hand. "Yes, who are you?" she asks while frowning. "I'm Derek. Although I'm not sure if Isabelle notified you of my presence," he says while shaking her hand. "She did, actually," Clary says. "Nice to meet you," he says while smiling, although it looks forced. "Nice to meet you. I guess we're going to see each other more around here," the redhead says. When Clary looked past Derek she sees Izzy walking towards them, heels clicking on the floor. "I see that you've met Derek," Isabelle says. "Uh, Izzy, can I talk to you for a moment?" I ask. "Yeah, sure" she replies while walking away with me. 

"What do you want to talk about?" she asks while leaning on her desk in her office. "Before the memory erase. We, uh. Do you still want to be my Parabatai?" Clary asks while fiddling with her fingers. "But of course" Izzy whispers while pulling Clary into a hug. They both smile and continue to hug each other. "Thank you" the redhead whispers. "For what?" Isabelle asks. "For everything you did for me. Standing up for me when Alec was being annoying. Thank you for teaching me how to fight, and thank you for accepting me into this world" the Fairchild says. Izzy smiles and lets out a stray tear. "No problem, I'll always accept you," she says while grabbing her wrist in hers.

"Are you okay?" Magnus asks his husband while leaning in the doorway to Alec's home office. "No", Alec sighs while sitting back in his chair. "What is it? You can always tell me", the Warlock says while massaging Alec. "It's Jace, he's stressing way too much and it's giving me stress as well, and I already have enough work on me", he says. "You deserve to relax, Alexander. You already give the Clave so much", Magnus says. "I know", Alec whispers while leaning into his husband. Magnus looks to his true love, adoration, and love shining in his eyes. He gives him a peck on the lips and hugs him. "I love you," Alec says while closing his eyes. "I love you too, Alexander,"

Clace finally began! (again). We got a malec moment and some clizzy friendship! 

Love to you all,

