" Lloyd!" I called out for the blonde once class had finished. He lifted his head up slightly and looked at him. " Oh, hey (Y/n)." He smiled for a second. I walked with him out of the classroom and down the hall. " You alright?" I asked, genuinely worried about him. He nodded, " Yeah I'm fine. Happens all the time." " You get beat up all the time?"

He rubbed the back of his neck, " Yeah, it's no big deal though. " He smiled at me. " No big deal? Lloyd, you have a black eye and a bandage over your cheek!" I pointed out what he already knew. " It's happened so many times that I'm used to it (Y/n). Calm down," He chuckled lowly. I huffed, " I'm still gonna worry." He rolled his eyes, " You really shouldn't but go ahead."

" Does it still hurt?" I ask as we walked to our lockers. He shook his head. " No, but if you touch either of them it probably will." He poked his cheek and ow-ed quietly," Yeah, it only hurts if you touch it." " Idiot," I snicker. " I am and I'm proud," He put his hand on his chest and smiled. " Anyways, I'll see you later (Y/n). I got to get to my locker." Lloyd pointed to the side. " Alright, bye Lloyd," I waved and we walked away from each other.

I walked to my locker and unlocked it. " Hey Morro," I smirked knowing I just ruined his perfect sneak attack. " Dammit! How do you know!?" Morro groaned, going to his locker right next to mine. " I can sense you dumbass. You're my brother." " Adopted brother." He corrected. " Yeah yeah I've still lived with you for 8 years." I grabbed my backpack and stuffed what I needed into it.

" 8 years of bullshit," He laughed. " More like 8 years of your bullshit," I added. He rolled his eyes, throwing his backpack on. " Come on loser, I'm taking you out to eat." Morro grabbed my hand and pulled me with him. I had to quickly shut my locker with my foot so I wouldn't leave it open. " Wait what-" " I'm still hungry from lunch so we're having second lunch." Morro kept dragging me. " As long as you pay I'm ok with it." " Cheapskate."

I stuck my tongue out and pulled away from him so I could walk on my own. " Where are we going to eat?" I questioned, walking alongside Morro. " Only the best place," Morro smiled, " Mr. Chen's noodle house!" He mimicked the voice that was heard on the commercials for the place. " Of course," I chuckle, " You love that place." " The foods good, don't judge me!" Morro flicked my head and I hit him in the arm. Aaaah, siblingship.

We walked to the restaurant and got a table. " Why do you like this place so much?" I asked, leaning on my hand. " Because food good." Morro checked his phone. " Have you heard of the rumor about the owner?" Morro asked, putting his phone down. " No? Why is there a rumor about the owner?" I questioned. Morro shrugged, " Don't know. Wanna hear it?"

I nod. " Well, the rumor is that the owner, Mr. Chen, is actually kinda insane and that's why no one ever sees him. If you ask for him you will only be greeted by his second in charge, Clouse. People also think that he worships serpent as if they are some sort of god." Morro stated. " That's, incredibly stupid. No way that's true." " It is though."

I jump at the sound new voice. I turned to the side and saw a girl with violently red hair tied into a ponytail. " Wait, it is?" Morro was surprised. She nodded, " Yeah. I know because he's my father. Though, he doesn't worship snakes. He just really likes them. So it's half true." She explained. " So he is insane?" I questioned. " Oh most definitely." She laughed.

" The names Skylor by the way," She held out her hand, " Skylor Chen and heir to the restaurant when my dad retires." I shook her hand, " Nice to meet you Skylor, I'm (Y/n) and this is my brother Morro." " Oh! So you guys are the people Kai told me about." Skylor smiled. " You know Kai?" Morro asked. She nodded, " He's my boyfriend." 

" He landed a girlfriend? From what I've seen, that should be impossible." Morro snickered. " Honestly, I'm still surprised I fell in love with that idiot." Skylor agreed. " He isn't that bad." I comment. " (Y/n), you barely meet him. I sit right next to him in class." Morro sighed. " Well from what I've seen he isn't that bad." 

" He really isn't but uh, he is a bit immature." Skylor chuckled. " Well, I better get back to work. Nice meeting you guys." " It was nice meeting you too Skylor," I smiled. She waved and walked away. " Well that was nice," Morro commented. I hummed, " Yeah, it was. I'm still surprised that the rumors are sort of true." " I know right!" Morro smiled. 

" Kinda cool, kind of worrisome," I added. " You worry too much." Morro got food from the conveyer belt. " Worrying is a very good thing excuse you, Morro." I also got a plate. " And then you can't have fun because you're worrying." Morro ate. " I can have fun and worry at the same time, brat." I scoff. Morro rolled his eyes, " Shush and enjoy the food idiot."

