- their love language -

the five love languages: acts of service, gifts, quality time, words of affirmation, and physical touch. ๐Ÿ’–

I should clarify - this is the way they show love, not necessarily how they'd want to be loved. That's a different chapter ;)


words of affirmation - As bubbly as Dick can be, that energy is rarely spent on himself. It's often hard for him to speak on his real feelings, so giving them to you honestly is a serious thing for him. He knows how badly he'd like to hear it, so when he thinks positively about a skill you have or how you look, he says something! You're wonderful to him, so he'll put that into everything. Especially his jokes.

"Hello, my beautiful, amazing, smarter-than-meโ€”"

"Did you get mud on the floor again, Grayson?"



quality time - A younger Barbara struggled to balance work and home life, but this Barbara... simply combined the two to be more efficient. Her friends are work friends, she lives where she works, and she fell in love with youโ€”who's basically her employee. Any free time Babs had was put toward the mission, but now you're a part of it. You definitely deserve your own chunk of time. Between "projects", she goes out of her way to joke with or kiss you or when her computer's shut off. You also get plenty of vacationsโ€”you're a favorite in the Oracle office.

"You've rolled in and out of the room to kiss me at least six times, Barbara."

"The CIA hires slow typers. I have plenty of time to visit you while this loser I'm hacking looks for the spacebar."


physical touch - Like her little brother, affection was a luxury Cass couldn't afford as a child. Cain didn't pay in praise, never mind touching, so she came to expect it as a bad thing. Until she started dating. Now, there was a person to embrace and kiss and connect with. If it was too much, you always accepted a no, and if there wasn't enough, you were generous with Cass. Touching can say so much, and you make Cass speechless in adoration. It's blissfully, blissfully simple math.

"Can I have a hug, Y/N?"

"You can have that and a lot more."


acts of service - Though the entire family is very service-oriented (they risk their lives every other Tuesday for strangers), Jason is king among them. Living will always be a survival game for him, so every time he cleans up, makes dinner, or rearranges the Gotham Mafia for your sake, he's keeping you alive. Jason's protective streak is also a mile wide, so these acts usually center around your security. He'd spent a lot of his life forced to look out only for himself, so he knows it's a worthy sacrifice to take the bullet for you... And maybe it's a nice bonus that he'll get plenty of kisses after, too.

"I can't believe you, Jason."

"S' just one bullet. I'm fine, look! N' what's more important is that you're okay."

"...You're covered in cuts, you dummy."

"Then there'll be more bandaids for you to kiss better."


gift-giving - Stephanie by no means has a Wayne fortune to support her, but she knows what it's like to have nothing. Even if you have plenty (and you will, dating Steph), she will find ways to give more. You can't go out to eat without her offering her fork to you, and she always finds a way to pay before you can. Her secrets are your secrets. Your relationship is an exchange in all waysโ€”but mostly an exchange of kisses.

"Hey, Y/N? I know you just wanted me to pick up some batteries, but the store had this shirt that I just knew would look great on you! It'll match the bracelet I made."


quality time - Tim loves a good, peaceful silence, so he's the type of boyfriend who's content to have you over to do nothing. You don't have to be next to each other, you don't have to be doing the same thing. All that matters is that he can look at you and you'll be there. Nothing is more grounding for him than knowing that you're next to him and real, alive, where he can keep his eyes on you. He loves silenceโ€”but he loves the silence you make together more.

"...Really? You're not bothered just... keeping me company?"

"Tim. You're so dumb. We're keeping each other company."


words of affirmation - Duke's skill for words is hidden in his poetry, but his love to share them is in every conversation. He knows how something unsaid can weigh on a person forever, especially in such a short and unforgiving line of work, so he brings up the things he likes about you all the time. He compliments you, he thanks you when you return the favor. And when you worm your way deep enough into his heart, Duke will shyly slide his notebook of poems your way.

"Can you read me that one I again, Duke? I love it so much."

"I like this one too. To know that I miss you..."


gift-giving - for most of Damian's life, kindness was a luxury. Since he never indulged in that luxury then, he splurges on it now, leaving little gifts where you'll find them like some weird, enamored ghost-stalker. Not once has Damian given you a gift in person, but that won't stop you from chasing him down and giving him a big ol' smooch. You're careful to mention things you want around him, because Damian does not care to know the difference between "want" and "need." You want it, and Damian loves you, so you must have it.

"I found the little gift you left for me, Damian."

"Ah, yes... Good. That's good."

"Thank you, that was really sweet of you. I'm just wondering how you knew I wanted it, since, y'know, I've never talked about it and only had it in my cart online..."


"Did you break into my laptop?"

"...Did you like the gift?"
