
I yawn and cover my mouth with my palm, my eyes glazing over. Ms. Ferguson might have a voice that never changes pitch, and she does nothing but lecture, but at least she's nice; I don't want her to see the proof of my boredom.

It doesn't help that it's American History, nothing but dates and names and events to memorize. I like school and I maintain a 3.9, but history has never captured my interest. 

"All right, class," Ms. Ferguson drones, one of her gray curls falling across her forehead. "The next thing we need to talk about is our first quarter project." Several grumbles ripple through the room, and she puts one finger to her thin lips. "If you don't like that, you'll really hate this next part—it's a group project." The groans multiply, and I even slump in my seat and stretch my neck back to look at the white-tiled ceiling. I am a perfectionist, and the thought of my grade depending on the work ethic of someone else makes my stomach queasy. 

I sit up straighter in my seat as Ms. Ferguson calls out names, and my stomach settles when I realize it's a partner project. That wouldn't be so bad, because I'd just have to worry about one other person instead of two or three, and surely—

"Camryn Young and Julian Byrne," Ms. Ferguson calls, holding out an assignment sheet for one of us to grab, and I glance around the room and find the boy who holds the fate of my grade point average in his hands.

When he stands and pushes his dark hair out of his eyes, the striking green and brown heterochromia surprises me. He barely meets my gaze as he steps to the front of the room and takes the paper from Ms. Ferguson's outstretched hand. "Thanks," he mutters, tossing the paper onto my desk as he passes.

The kid who was staring at me yesterday.

I wrinkle my nose and fight to control my facial expressions; I don't need to make this any harder for either of us. The bell rings just as Ms. Ferguson calls the last pair of names, and I fold the paper, shoving it into my backpack as I turn to introduce myself to Julian.

But just like yesterday, he's gone. I exhale from my nose and jog to the hallway, looking back and forth to spot him. On my second pass, I find him on the other end of the hall. I take off as fast as I can while still being polite to my classmates, and when I reach the vestibule with the snack and drink machine, I skid to a stop next to where he is buying a Gatorade.

"Hey," I say, trying to control my breathing. Working out needs to be a priority, Cam.

He bends over to pull his drink from the machine and looks up at me with a raised eyebrow over his green eye. "Hey."

I lean against the wall and offer him a smile. "I'm Cam. I just wanted to introduce myself since we're going to be working together on this project," I say, holding out my hand.

He shakes it with no hesitation and his lips twitch into a crooked smile. "I know who you are. We were in gym together last helped me up when Jacob Keller knocked me down during a volleyball game," he says, no trace of embarrassment in his voice.

The memory comes flooding back to me, and I gasp. Jacob Keller was a senior who had somehow made it through high school without taking PE, and he was a complete asshat. I always thought he was pathetic to get a rush of power from shoving sophomores around. In fact, I told him so as I helped Julian get up from the floor.

"Holy shit, I forgot about that."

"I didn't," he says with a shrug.

When the silence between us lasts for too long, I shake my head and say, "I—I have to run, but I wanted to give you my number so we can make sure we sync up about this project."

"Yeah, okay," he says, handing me his phone. I tap in my number and set my contact name as History Project Cam before passing it back to him.

He snorts and slides his phone into his pocket. "Catch ya later, History Project Cam," he replies before disappearing down the back hallway.

I'm almost to my next class when my phone vibrates in my hand.

Meet me at the public library this afternoon so we can make sure we get you that A, History Project Cam.

I raise my eyebrow and type out a reply: See you then, Gym Class Julian.

The public library is a short walk from my house, but I come straight from school, so it's 3:30 when I pull up in front of the gray stone building and find Julian sitting on the steps, reading a paperback novel. I throw my backpack over my shoulder and jog up to him.

"Sorry I'm late; I had to retake a quiz for Mr. Burke," I say with an edge of annoyance.

He closes his book—The Turn of the Screw—and raises an eyebrow. "Did you cheat on that one too?"

My mouth drops and I cross my arms over my chest. "I didn't—"

He laughs and turns to go inside the library. "Kidding, Cam. I don't even know you, and even I know you'd never cheat."

I roll my eyes and follow him through the double doors. "How do you even know about that?" I whisper as we reach the table in the corner of a side reading room where no one else has settled.

He cocks his head to the side and pulls out a chair for me first and then sits on the other side of the table. "We only have 256 kids in our school. News travels fast."

Cringing, I pull the project paper out of my backpack and unfold it. "New topic: this looks like we have to choose..." I keep talking, but my words sound far away and fuzzy. All I can think about is the fact that everyone in the school knows my business and may or may not think I am not only a cheating girlfriend but also a cheating chemistry student.

As Julian speaks, I can't discern his words. It sounds like I'm at the bottom of a well and he's yelling down to me with his hands covering his mouth.


I snap out of it just in time to see the last tiny flicker of a flame fade from the palm of my hand.

The assignment sheet I had been holding is now nothing but ash and smoke.

"What in the hell?" Julian murmurs, looking up at me with pure alarm in his dual-toned eyes.

My heart springs into my throat, and I do the only thing I know to do: run without looking back.

Oh, this is not good, I think as I slam my car door, ignoring Julian as he runs down the sidewalk, attempting to stop me.  
