Webcomic and Playlist

Hello! Thank you for taking the time to click this story! I hope you enjoy!

This is a short story I wrote. This only has five chapters. I've used this story to turn into a webcomic, which is currently underway. Actually, Chapter 1 and part of Chapter 2 has already been done and up to read:


But I decided to go ahead and post this "novel" version of Shadopla.

This short story is also on FictionPress as well:  https://www.fictionpress.com/s/3306895/1/Shadopla

The cover is illustrated and designed by me. It's also the cover for the webcomic as well. You can see the full "book" cover at the webcomic version.

This story also has a playlist which you can listen to here:

Ollie Macfarlane: Shadows is the "official, unofficial" theme song of this series.

So without further ado, please enjoy!
