Another Link

Shades of black

Fanfiction Based of The Legend of Zelda

Written by: Ravioli

Chapter 3:Another Link

-Hey! — Said a strong man entering by a wide open door.

-Oy! Can I help you in any way? — Answered a brown headed boy.

-Actually, I am here for information...

-Is that so? Who sent you?

-Can't I come for my own services? — Laughed the man sitting on a chair close to the counter.

-Humm... Ok, I guess you are right.

-So... asking from thief to thief, what kind of power on our land would be worth... Stealing?

-Sight— For the last time Gan, I'm not selling you infos that could cost my life! You think I want to die or what?

-Pff! Don't be pathetic. We'd rule the world together! I'm not enough of a psycho for that! HAHAHA!

-Stop it... —He took glasses from a drawer— Is there anything I can help you with today? I can sell you non-deadly information or items.

-Come on, Link! Not gonna help your budd?

The boy looked down, then up to the sealing and lent his sight on the guy with reddish hair and dark skin. Finally breaking:

-FINE! You got me! I'll tell you how I got my powers!

The tall one smirked satisfied.

-You'll have to pay extra for that, ya know?

-Yeah, yeah. As you say, ruppes arn't a problem!

-Good.For.You.— He said, death in his eyes.

-Dude! Relax!


Click, Click! A door opened and a sneaky little head appeared.

-Missed me? —Said Fisher.

-We don't have time for that Kitty! Malon is hurt. Plus, we lost none other than the two most powerful of the group!

-Wouldn't WE be the most powerful?

-Wh- No, I'm useless without her!

-Gee! Ok, ok.

They both went in by the door with the red haired girl on Link's back. « You think she's gonna make it? » asked a bit nervous the feline, his head tilted to the side where the others were. « I hope so... Shade is going to kill me if she doesn't! » The room was silent. Only furtive steps, breathing and Fisher's bell could resonate. It was beginning to get cold and out of atmosphere and the littlest four legged animal felt its back fur going straight up and was repeating « Bad,bad,bad,bad idea... » The wolf then stopped exhausted and placed the girl by the wall.

-I can't anymore... — His breath was heavy. He lifted his sight and saw his companion trembling a sad look on his face mixed with fear, a lot of fear. — Fisher? Are you ok? — He sat up, a bit worried as his cat friend didn't answer. — Is it 'cause Malon is hurt? Or maybe 'cause I was mean to you?

-I— He tripped his words — I don't like this, just two stupid animals and an almost dead human? Can't be good.

-What are you saying? Fisher, if you meen to tell me something, please do!

-Are you able to... I don't know, call Midnight or something?

-Midna? Hum... I only know a song to call an old friend.

-Would he be useful?

-Uh, I don't think so. Is a decayed body useful?

Fisher looked at Hunter with a look on his face. He was super confused.

-Said like that...

-Oh, don't worry! He is still in good shape and... now that I think of it, he somewhat tells me something. He was a soldier and now, my mentor!

-I doubt your level, I wasn't trained by a walking failure!

-You are telling me someone had you as their cat?

-... multiple times, actually.— He said with a sad tone.


-My last owner was a little girl. Her name was Ordy and she was so sweet. She would tell me everything and I would hug her. Though, one day, she left her village and never came back. Now, I only wonder where's my little Ordy...

-Ordin? —Asked Hunter.

-No, Ordy. O R D Y. She had an interesting name, but I loved her.

-I see. Well, I'm sorry to hear that and sorry I mistreated you later. I... don't like personalities close to mine. They kinda clash into each other and... I know it doesn't make much sense but-

-No, I understand, I was there too! People don't like me much. Meh! I had a friend but he was reported lost after a couple of weeks. I didn't want to accompany him because he just wants to go right into action and I like to use my brain! I am a thinked, not a fighter.

-Good! For that we are different. You could make a plan and I will fight the enemies after.


-Ready to continue? I feel like continuing the path.

Fisher smiled and looked at Malon getting up.

-I'm fine! I can walk by myself. Just stay close — Said she.

-Are you certain?

-Kitty, She can't understand a word. If we could go Hylian it would be practical but right now, I can't.


The reduced group restarted their walk into the endless-like corridor.


-So... Hunter? Why do you stay in wolf form?


-What? Can't I like talking to company!

He looked at her and nodded.

-Well transforme.

-He can't! You little idiot! — Said Fisher

-Kitty, you just sound like an angry cat. She can't understand our talking.

-Sight— I know you want to say something, but can't comprehend your words. You can't go back, can you?

Fisher looked at Hunter worried but just ignored his fear and continued walking. A way was still to go before finding the cells.


-What do you think?

-Hmm... Something... big and scary!

-Uh... Is it blue?



-Closer but no.


-Yes! Want a hint?

-Is it a monster?


-A Bokoblin?

-You got it! Well, it wasn't that hard. Next time, i'll do something you can only find in dungeons!

-Like redead?

-Well not them or else you would already know!


-Don't laugh at me! — She said, retaining her own laughter. — Ok, fine... it was funny.

The two friends looked at the sunset, sitting on top of the abandoned shop. A little ghost village was found in the forest. They found it pretty welcoming even with overgrown plants all over the place. Only question, Why were the houses so small? The whole place looked like a big playground for kids. But where were the parents? When anyone went? No answer.

-Yawn— I think I will sleep now. I'm tired.

-Yeah, Me too. Good night Shade.

-Good night, Onny.


A young worker came back with a big pile of books and a bag along with more stuff. He crashed into the counter putting most of his handful on it. He took a roll and unwrapped the ribbon around it.

-Here, This could satisfy your desire for power. — While saying this, he turned the artifact.

-Are you kidding?! You found it! The triforce! Yes! How did you manage? — Said the tallest. — How much for the roll?

-Gan, are you sure you can use such power for good? Do you think you can wield the triforce? — Said his friend worried.

-Haha! I don't need to wield it, I can also make a wish and leave it there! — He paused to laugh — Link, you're funny!

-I'm not joking! - The red haired man took the roll from his hands without listening. — Please! I don't want you to lose your mind!

-You don't trust me? Is it because we are not the same? 'Cause you little hylian don't like gerudos? Or 'cause I'm not supposed to exist? —He shed a tear— You down deserve to own your name! Pff, Hero? You're nothing more than a hypocrite historian! — With dose word said, he left the shop leaving Link scared. Not only for his and his friend's life, but for the sake of Hyrule.

He knew what would happen. He would find that nothing is there and learn he already used a wish... No one can find out.


-Fisher? Fisher!

-He snapped out of his mind.—Hn?

-Are you ok?

-Yep! Safe and sound! Not.A.Problem.

-It doesn't look like it! —Added Hunter

-Uh... Sorry. In my head, I just see my past. It is hunting me down. I... I'm often scared. for my life and my surroundings. I feel useless right now. I am just a cat!

-Don't criticize yourself too much! You know, my self esteem was not going well when I met Midna. She had such powerful tricks and I was stuck as an animal. But, we became close friends and she sheared me up. Now, look at me! I'm stronger than ever... As long as she is there... Which is not the case... Anyway!

-Haha! Thanks. I had the help of a friend actually. But that friend ditched me for artifacts.

-You are talking about Ordy right? — Asked Hunter persuaded.

-No. He... Never mind!

-Tell me! I won't juge.

He raised his sight happy to end the conversation. "Here we are!" More than a dozen of cells were full of horrified persons crying and being for help. From youg hylian to elder ones, the richer to the poorest and every other creature counting some zoras and dekus. Ant the end was Midna trying to open one of the doors. Hunter transfomed back into a human sins he was close to her and asked:

-Midna! Why did you leave Malon? She could have died of second degree burns!

-I couldn't leave them! – She said angry

-Who is «them»? —Asked the blue dressed girl.

-Hi! Hum... is it possible to finish this discussion after getting us out? —Said a masculine voice.

Hunter, Malon and Fisher approached the cell and saw a guy of short light brown hair and White attire adorned with a bright red belt. There was also a kid with all his hair in little braids with colorful pearls and feathers. The youngest had his arms crossed and the older was sitting on his knees.

-Hey, it's the cat! See? I told you it would come back. I am always always right! —Said almost as an insult.

-As you say. — Said the light brown haired smiling.

-So, who are you? —Asked Fisher in a rotoric way.

-I am Mini. And who are you?— Said the little guy answering Fisher's question.

-Wh- How did you understand me? I'm a cat!

-That must be why you did not talk to me! I learned to talk animally like I call it.

The others looked at Mini asking how he could understand and talk back in animal talking.

-I was in some way raised by animals. Actually, they were really tiny creatures that-

-Can you get us out?—The oldest interrupted his friend's gibberish.

-I have been trying since I came here! — Complained Midna.

-That's it. We are stuck! — Said the dark blond.

-Hey. you have not even introduced yourself! Do not be rude.—Said the kid beside him

-Uh, you are right... —Sight— My name is Link and so is his.— He pointed the youngest.— We have nicknames so it would make it easier. I am Sky because I am from over the clouds.

-And I am Mini! After my quest, I was adopted by a group of miniature people. They are called Minish. They raised me pretty well!

-Ok, well... I am Hunter.

-I am Fisher— Said he to Mini.

-You already know me. — Said Midna.

-I'm Malon... We came here with someone else, also Link, but we had a fight and now, we don't know where he went. — Said Malon, a bit concerned. — Shade... I hope he is not too mad. —She whispered to herself.

-So, we have Hunter, Midna, Malon, Fisher, Sky and I? Oh! And Shade. Will he come back?

-We don't know yet. We hope though! — Said Hunter.


-YOU DID WHAT?! — Screamed an old man, so loud that the other outside the shop could hear him.

-I said I'm sorry!

-I don't care, you dumb idiot! How is it a good idea? In what world do you live?

-He... I know him too well. He would have threatened me till I said it!

-I don't think you understand... GET OUT!!!

The young boy felt a tear rolling down his cheek. He said « yes » with his head and left the store. After a long walk, he was back at the stables. He gave his horse apples and mounted her.

The night sky was quickly making its appearance and the stars followed the lead. Hyrule field was peaceful and quiet. Link felt his tears flowing and his emotions overwhelming him. He felt so lonely in his situation. At this point, he just let his mare choose the direction hoping to feel better when he arrives. An hour later, he arrived. Still sleeping, the people there dismounted him and took him inside. It was warm and comfy.

The next day, he was barely able to open his eyes so he just listened to his surroundings. A familiar female voice softly sang and he could smell soup. The voice became closer. He opened his eyes and saw a lady with long hair in a ponytail.

-Why hello there! — She had a warm tone of voice and delicate facial features. — How are you feeling?

-Hmm... —He moaned a « good ».

-I'm not sure you do...

-Well, you should.— He covered his head with a blanket.

-You're moody as I see! Take this soup. I made it for you.


-I recall it being your favorite. Don't want to try it at least?

-Ok... — He got up the couch and took the soup and put it in his lab. Then, he took a spoon full into his mouth. He looked up at the woman and down at his bowl, sad and almost tearing.

-Will you tell me what happened?

-I don't want to...

-I can't help without knowing what to solve.

-I don't care.

-Is there something you can tell me? Did it happened at your job?

-I don't...

-You don't what?

-I don't have a job. Not anymore...

-You got fired? —She paused— What happened?

-Cause I'm a bad employee.

-No, you're not! Just tell me.

-Sight— Fine... I sold an information to someone I shouldn't have.

-Is it that friend of yours?

-You could say that...

-Athon! How many times have I said to you, he is a bad influence! He is only befriending you to get a discount over your back!— She said annoyed.

The young man stayed silent.

-I promised your mom I would take care of you... But you keep putting yourself into danger! Can you stay out of trouble and have a calm job here? You could be a Fisherman! Anything. Can you do that?

-Ok... -He left the place by the door and went to a place in the woods.

There, sat a little pit of water. He elongated his body on the wet grass floor. It was a calm and peaceful place. Some bird chirping made it harmonious and the flow of the water made it even more into a melody. He felt like falling asleep again when he heard someone interpellating his name.

-Link! Link! Where are you? Link!!! -It was a young female voice. Perhaps even a girl of his age.— There you are! —She tried to wake Link up in a failed attempt.— Link Athon! Wakey! Wake up, wake up, wake up!

-Shut up! I want to be alone!

-Cause you think it's gonna solve your Gan prob.?

-No... I just want him not to find out I am the one...

-Shouldn't you have thought about it before making that wish?

-Yes... I should have... I am gonna die!

-Ha Ha! I doubt that!


-Don't worry too much!

-Easy to say for you, Miss goody two shoes!

-Hey! Das not my name!

-It should be!

-I think my name suits me just well!

-Of course you do 'cause you are "the great Zelda, reincarnation of the goddess Hylia"!

-I know I'm not the great Zelda! But you should consider your own self! Am I right, "legendary hero chosen by the goddess"?


-Come on "Young Athon" — She handed her hand to Link imitating the adult's way to call him.

-Ok "Miss Athon" — He said back smiling.


Here end chapter 3 of Shades of black. ^^ I have to say, I am sorry for the messy timeline and the missing information. The answers are coming!

Link Athon's part is not occurring at the same time by the way.

This is his complete name and no, he is not in a game. It's an OC I made
