
thursday 10:34am, Ari's pov

I'm awoken from my slumber after my phone chimed several times. Annoyed, I pick up my phone knowing all too well Chaewon is spamming me again.


Heeseung went live yesterday at like 12am
I missed it :(
Why does he always go live when it doesn't work out for me
Anyways, how are you doing my favourite human on planet earth

I laugh, "Favourite? Yeah right".


Are you sure Heeseung isn't your favourite human on planet earth?

Bros before hoes

You're making me snort shut up

As I'm about to put down my phone I get a notification.

Lee Heeseung
Hey, do you work today?        5s ago

A smile starts forming on my face, "Speaking of the devil." I open the notification, typing back at him.

Lee Heeseung

Kang Ari
My shift starts at 4pm, you coming tonight?

Lee Heeseung
If I'm in need of a snack, then yep!

Contently I put my phone down, ready to catch some more sleep since I was only in bed at 6am.

My alarm goes off at 3pm, waking me up for work. I sigh, not excited to go to work once again. It's just boring having no one come in, the only fun thing is the 15 minutes Heeseung drops by. I get up eventually, knowing that there's no way out of it. I head to the bathroom taking my work outfit with me.

At last, here I am again at the shop. Patiently waiting for a young man to come say hi. Every time the doorbell chimes I quickly look up but it's either my parents passing by or some random customer I've never seen before. I try and make time pass by playing some games on my phone and texting Chaewon. By now every time the doorbell chimes I don't even bother looking up.

There it goes again, the ding from the doorbell. This time again, I don't look up and just say "welcome". "You're very excited to see me." A familiar voice says. I immediately look up at the sound of his voice, a smile forming as I see his face. "You don't understand how long I've been waiting. You're the only fun customer here." I tell him, receiving a chuckle back. He turns around "I need a recommendation!" he says as he stands in front of the sweets. I furrow my brows, thinking. "Hm... The peach jellies! They're so yummy!" I say. "I mean you can't do much wrong with peach." He tells me, to which I nod in agreement.

He brings the sweets to the counter so that I can scan the little bag. "These are one plus one actually." I tell him so he can get another one. He goes to grab them but instead of taking them, he leaves them on the counter. "They're yours, you like them a lot right? You can have them." He smiles brightly at me. "Thank you Heeseung!" I reply to which he nods.

"How was work today Ari?" He questions, his tone very sincere. I press my lips into a thin line, "Very boring please take me away." I say, my tone dead serious. Heeseung just laughs, "My day was boring too, just dance practice.". I furrow my brows, "All day?" I ask him. He nods at me very slowly. He was about to open his mouth to talk until his phone started ringing. He takes his phone out of his pocket, checking the name before picking up.

3rd person

"What's up Jake?" Heeseung asks his friend on the phone. Ari looks around, not wanting to look like she's eavesdropping. "I'm just getting a snack, I'll be home soon." Heeseung tells the person on the other end. Soon later, the young man puts down his phone from his ear. "My friend Jake wants to play Mario Kart with me, I better be home soon or he'll wake up the others." Heeseung explains to Ari, she nods back at him.

"Are the sweets all you came for?" Ari questioned, slightly confused as to why he'd come all the way here for one small bag of sweets. The man ruffles his hair, "I mainly just wanted to come say hi." he confesses. Ari opens her mouth in an A shape nodding her head over and over again, not really knowing how to react to what he just said. Heeseung turned to look around once more, "Yeah the sweets are all I need. Thank you for the recommendation." he thanks her. Ari hums in response, "Of course, anytime.".

"See you next time!" Heeseung bid his goodbye and turned around on his heels.

Heeseung arrived home, opening the door that revealed the younger boy sitting on the couch. Mario Kart was ready on the tv, Jake was eagerly waiting for his friend to come home. Jake looked at Heeseung's hands, "You went outside to get what? A small bag of sweets?" he questioned, just as confused as Ari was earlier. Heeseung laughed as he shook his head, "I went outside to see the girl working at the store I bought the sweets from." He says with a very calm tone. Jake's eyes widened at the word girl. "Oh my god," he said with his strong Australian accent "You're seeing someone?" Heeseung immediately shakes his left to right, "No, no. Just someone I'm interested in, I don't even know if it's mutual." He explains. The younger boy shifts in his seat, taking a better look at his older friend.

"Can I come with you next time? I want to see what got you so interested in her!" Jake exclaims. "I don't know Jake, I've only seen her twice." Heeseung is unsure of the situation. "I'll be nice, you know I'm the nicest out of all the guys!" Jake says, making Heeseung laugh slightly.

Heeseung's phone buzzes all of a sudden, making Jake perk up. There's only one person that could be texting Heeseung right now. "It's her, right?" Jake asks Heeseung. Heeseung nods as he opens the message, a small smile forming. The smile grows bigger as he keeps scrolling. Without realising Jake is by his side, reading with him.

Kang Ari

Kang Ari
Hey, came home safe? I hope so! Thanks again for the sweets, I may or may not have eaten all of them already.
ㄴ[Image of empty bag of sweets]ㄱ

Heeseung bursts out laughing, Jake's hand flying over his mouth. "Everyone's sleeping be quiet!" Jake says, trying not to laugh as well. "She seems funny!" Jake tells his friend, looking up at him. Heeseung hums, "She is. You can come with me next time you'll see!" he tells the younger one.

"Now let's play Mario Kart!" Heeseung put down his phone after replying to the girl.
