Zeldris x Reincarnated!Short!Kind!Reader

Alright, I've had my week-long break for Thanksgiving, so next request! Thanks to kittylove32 for it! So for the sake of the story, we'll just say that Gelda died after the seal was initially released, and Meliodas didn't make it in time to save her. That's the basics of the reader's reincarnation, it'll be explained better in the actual story. I'll also put what song I listened to while creating these, but they might not relate to the story at all. 

{(Y/N)'s POV}

I live in a family of Demon Tamers. You see, the Demon Tamers, as the name suggests, tamed stray demons. We fed them, nurtured them, and showed them not to attack other humans. They took on the forms of humans, and stayed in the village. I grew quite close to some of the demons my age. Kenma, Akaashi, and Sugawara were my friends. (No, I have no shame in using the pretty setter squad, I'm a haikyuu addict.) We would be the ones to gather resources for the village, and we quickly bonded. Despite this, I always felt there was something missing. After about a month, though, the population of the village had grown quite a bit, seeing as the Ten Commandments had recently awoken. The demon footsoldiers had been appearing much more frequently, which meant more opportunities to tame them. 

(A/N): I'm imagining demon kenma and that would be hot but i cant draw so i cant show whats going on in my mind-)

As a result of the sudden population spike, though, the demand for resources grew. Kenma, Akaashi, Sugawara, and I would have to go gather them daily. On the bright side, we grew even closer than before, and would basically be joined at the hip. 

One day, though, we got a break from resource gathering. My parents said that we deserved a break since we had been working so hard. We headed over to the nearby woods to relax. 

"Ahh, it's nice to finally get a break for once, isn't it?" I asked everyone. 

Sugawara nodded. "Mhm! It's not really a break for me though, since I still hafta make sure you guys don't get into any trouble," he said, smirking at me. I opened my mouth to give him a snappy comeback, but nothing came out. 

"You win," I grumbled. I looked over at Akaashi, who was chuckling. "H-hey! Why are you laughing?" 

"It's what you get for always getting distracted," he said, smiling.

I ran over to Kenma. "Kenma, they're ganging up on me again~" I whined. 

He blushed. "T-there's not much I could do about that..." 

I sighed, internally laughing at Kenma's flustered state. "Fine. Then I'm gonna go explore!" I almost ran off by myself, when Sugawara held me back. "Hey! Let go of me!" I struggled against his grip. 

"No, wait," he stated. "There are six presences coming this way. There's a Demon and a human. They're both very powerful, but I can tell they're weakened." 

"Hm... there's a Demon, huh?" Akaashi wondered. "Maybe they know something about the sudden revival of the Commandments." 

"That settles it! Let's go!" I had finally wriggled out of Sugawara's grip, only to be held back by Kenma. I internally groaned.

"We... have to be careful..." he said, flushing red again. "Let's tell your parents that we're going." 

"Ngh... Ok, fine," I gave in. I knew there was no other way to go without getting the consent of my parents first anyways. We headed back towards my family's house. "Mom! Dad! Can we go on an adventure? There's a Demon who can tell us more about what's happening," I shouted. 

My mom looked at me. "Well, as long as you don't get hurt, and you don't go alone," she replied. She knew I had friends who would accompany me, so she asked them to protect me. I know she meant well, but it's a bit annoying. She thinks that just because I'm a human, I can't protect myself. Nonetheless, I liked having my friends to accompany me, so I didn't complain. All three of them agreed, and after my mom set up a bag with supplies for us, we headed off towards the six presences. 

After about an hour of running as fast as we could (and a bit of Akaashi carrying me because I couldn't continuously keep up with their speed,) we had gained sight of the said people. Neither of them looked like demons, though. I turned to Sugawara, confusion filling my face. "Wait... where's the Demon?" I asked.

His face contorted in concentration, focusing on discerning who was who. "I think... the one that looks beat up pretty bad and has yellow hair is the demon," he said. 

"You really didn't need to add the first part, they both look pretty beat up," I replied. "I think we should take them back to the village for healing." The others nodded in agreement, and we carried them back to the village. 

{Meliodas's POV}

I woke up in a bed. That was strange, last I remember, Ban and I had passed out in a rocky field. I quickly sat up, only to be greeted with a girl who was about as tall as me. I could tell, just from the aura she gave off, she was Gelda's reincarnation. Even though she didn't look much like Gelda, with her (H/C) hair, and heterochromia, one eye that was (E/C) and the other red, I still knew. I immediately felt guilty, but I didn't let it show. 

"Who are you and what do you know about the revival of the Ten Commandments?" she questioned. Then, three demons appeared before her. She seemed to be pretty close with them, so I wasn't too concerned about them.

"Ok, first off, I'm Meliodas," I said, replying to the girl's first question. "Before I answer your next question, I have a couple questions for you. Who are you guys and where are we?" As I finished the question, I saw Ban stir awake. The girl noticed this too, but she apparently decided to ignore him until she answered my questions. 

"Fine, I'm (Y/N) (L/N)," she started. "Kenma, Akaashi, Sugawara, and I found you at the rocky field just outside our village, so we carried you guys over here. Now, answer my last question. Also," she turned to Ban, "who are you?" 

"Huh? Me?" Ban asked, pointing to himself. The girl nodded, and Ban replied. "I'm Ban." The girl hummed, and turned back to me. 

"Alright, fine," I said. "I don't know how, but the Ten Commandments' seal was broken, releasing them into the world. This allowed the demon footsoldiers to be released as well, wreaking havoc everywhere they go as well. That's all I know about the revival of the Commandments. Now, if you don't mind, we're going back to our tavern." I tried to leave with Ban, but the one demon that (Y/N) had called Kenma blocked the door. 

"Wait," (Y/N) said. "Can you take me to them?" I looked at her in shock, but her face showed she was adamant about this. I sighed and nodded, but her friends didn't want to let her go alone. 

"(Y/N), I hope you don't think you're doing this by yourself," the one that (Y/N) called Sugawara said. The other one, I suppose Akaashi, nodded his head in approval. "We're coming with you." 

(Y/N) opened her mouth to protest, but she closed it again. "Fine. Just make sure you don't get hurt," she replied. She walked up to Kenma and nodded. Kenma's demon mark appeared, and he spread his dark wings. She climbed onto him, latching on for dear life, and they took off towards the sky. The other two followed. I looked at Ban, who said he would wait for me at the tavern. He jumped off towards the Boar Hat, leaving me to lead the others towards them. 

"Hey, I wanna know something," I started. "I've never seen your village. How did it get so big in a short amount of time?"

"Well, it started out with just me and my parents," (Y/N) began. "They're Demon Tamers. We found a demon footsoldier a few years ago. We nursed it back to health, and allowed it to stay in the village. Later on, we found a few others, and did the same thing. This process just kept going and going, and it lead us to the village we know and love today. That's also how I met these three." 

I lead them towards the Commandments while listening to the stories of (Y/N)'s village. It was pretty interesting, but before I knew it, we were at a ruined castle. "Ok, stay here, I need to talk with the leader first," I said. (Y/N) nodded, and I confronted Zeldris. "Hey Zel! I just wanna talk to you."

"About what?" Zeldris asked.

"About Gelda," I whispered. His eyes widened, and then he nodded his head.

"Don't attack," Zeldris said to the others. "I'm just going to talk to Meliodas about something." 

I lead Zeldris to a spot away from the other Commandments. I saw (Y/N)'s curious eyes land on me, then Zeldris. Her eyes widened, as if she had just remembered something. I began to tell him about (Y/N). 


I was headed to the vampire seal. I had to save Gelda for Zeldris's sake. By the time I got there, Gelda was nearly dead. I killed everyone surrounding her, and went over to her. 

"Gelda!" I exclaimed. She had blood gushing out of her stomach. 

"Meliodas," she started. "I'm not going to make it, so I cast a reincarnation spell on myself. I won't have my memories, but after seeing Zeldris again, I'll remember everything, and fall in love with him again. This is the only way I'll be able to be with him again. Tell him... for me..." she trailed off before dying. 

"I promise..." I whimper, tears spilling out of my eyes.

Flashback end

After I explained what happened, Zeldris was shocked. "W-where is she then?" he pleaded. 

"I'll give her to you, on one condition. You don't attack us or any of the Sins," I negotiated. 

Zeldris visibly thought over his options. "Alright, deal." I then lead him to where I left (Y/N).

{(Y/N)'s POV}

"Hey, guys? I don't think I'm gonna make it back to my parents. If that happens, can you tell them what happened?" I asked my friends. 

Kenma looked down at me in shock. "W-what? (Y/N), what are you talking about?" 

"Well... when I saw the leader of the Ten Commandments, I remembered everything from my past life," I explained. The boys looked at me, surprised. I told them about my life as Gelda, and how I was destined to do this anyways. They were reluctant, but they allowed me to leave, reassuring me that they would tell my parents. I gave each of them a hug, and they flew off. Then, I saw Meliodas and Zeldris approach me. 

"Hey, where'd your friends go?" Meliodas asked. "Never mind that, this is Zeldris. I assume you remember him already." I nodded, and introduced myself to Zeldris. Meliodas smiled, knowing everyone was safe. "Well, I better go back to the tavern. You two lovebirds have fun~" Meliodas cooed, flying off. From that day, I knew I had finally found what I felt had been missing all along.

A/N: Yeahhhhhh. i really didn't like the way this turned out, but I actually have an important announcement to make. It'll be in the next chapter though, which i'll be releasing in a few moments. Anyways, thank you again for the request, and i'll see you guys in the next one.  
