
I'm staring at the white ceiling, trying to feel comfortable in this bed. The curtains are tightly pulled and it's uncomfortably dark. Outside, Jimin and Jungkook have already fallen asleep - at least I think they have. My mind wanders to lots of thoughts.

The loudest one being: this is my life forever now.

The second sub-thought is: Jimin is my brother.

The door suddenly creaks and I instantly prop myself up on my elbows.

"Jimin?" I ask when a bright flash of light makes me yelp in shock. It stings my eyes and forces them shut. And suddenly I'm floating before the sensation of being dragged down the ocean overwhelms me.

"Help!" I shriek before something sharp pierces my neck and the world goes spotty.

And then I go limp.


"Are you sure it was the right potion?"

"Relax, Lee. I know what I'm doing."

"What if she doesn't wake up-"

"She will-"

I groan as it feels like water is moving about in my head. It's disorientating and unusual - I imagine this is how a fish feels out of water. My eyes seem to peel themselves open as I slowly straighten myself. In typical hostage fashion, I'm bound to the chair with rope and in front of me are my two wonderful captors. The room is like a circle, with drawers lining the walls with a parting for the door.

I want to roll my eyes.

It's the pervert and a woman with hair so slick, straight and black it could be mistaken as oil.

"I told you so," the woman grins triumphantly. Her smile resembles that of a Cheshire cat all too well. The commander nods slowly.

"Now we wait for the son to come along," the lady leans against the counter, observing me like I'm a butterfly of the strangest specimen.

"But we already have her. Her dad's sure to open up," the commander's voice is gruff and uncomfortable.

"No. I need to kill the son first. Or you'll never be king," the woman drawls as she pulls her nails close to her eyes for examination. I wrinkle my nose.

"I'm right here," I say loudly and both their eyes dart to me quickly.

"No one asked you to speak, imbecile," the lady walks and leans over me menacingly. I gladly let my eyes glow red.

"I just did. What're you going to do about it?" I raise my chin and a short sharp burst of power physically shocks the lady. Her eyes widen and she slowly turns to face the commander.

"You were right. She's a feisty one," she laughs before instantly looking back at me.

"I'd watch out if I were you," she hisses, a palm on my shoulder. A sharp hot pain burns me but I take it more lightly than normal Landers or angels do. Instead, I deliver the pain right back to her and her hand is quickly off from my shoulder.

"Yes, she is very strong. She will do nicely once this is all over," the lady says with a calculated smile as she circles me. My brows furrow slightly.

"You can't have her once this is over," the commander stands upright and the lady whips her head towards him.

"That was the deal."

"No. She's under my kingdom's custody."

"Your kingdom? It's not even yours yet. And it won't be if you insist she'll be under your control once I make you king," the lady guffaws and the commander falters.

I'm getting more and more annoyed by the second.

"If you don't untie me soon, I'll get out here myself," I say confidently and the lady peers closer at me.

"Oh no, darling, we can't do that quite yet. We're still waiting for..." she trails off when a loud banging disrupts the silence. The lady's lips slip into that thin smile.


She magics the door open and it's Jimin. I think I'm about to groan in relief.

"Who is this?" the woman asks, annoyed, and the commander furrows his brows.

"I think you've got the wrong address, sir-"

"No, I have not," Jimin replies calmly as he locks eyes with me. I'm already one step ahead of him, the ropes are melting away from my hands.

I throw a quick blast at the commander that sends him doubling over. And then the next few things happen quickly too. The woman swivels around and shoots something at me but I duck. Jimin starts casting spells at her in an attempt to tie her down. I'm rising back up when the commander harshly pulls at my foot and drags me down.

I growl and claw at him until he lets go of me before firing off a few electrical spells that make him struggle long enough for me to stand. Jimin's still grappling with the woman whose eyes are bloodshot. I think she's gone mad.

"Go through the portal, Lee!" she shouts at the commander who struggles to stand. She casts a spell that sends Jimin flying to the other end of the room. I'm running towards him when there's a flash of bright painful light behind him. Some oval shape tears through the walls and the commander makes a run for it.

I'm charging towards him in a flurry of panic as the lady intercepts. I extend my hand and shoot her a sleeping spell that sends her tumbling to the ground. All I see is a disorientated Jimin opening his eyes when suddenly he yells...

As the commander trips over Jimin's foot and sends the both of them falling through the portal.
