
The wedding register: "Then I pronounce you by the name of this country for husband and wife. You may kiss the bribe.

R* We smiled at each other enjoying the moment. I was so happy, Sergio moved closer to me and soon enough his lips touched mine. I felt like in paradise, this was a dream, our dream, I want to live in it forever.

S* I kissed Raquel, it felt so amazing, for the first time I kissed my wife, she is my wife now. That's unbelievable. I wanted her to be my wife since the day I met her, since the day I gave her my phone, since the day we met in Hanoi.

R* Sergio wrapped his arms around my waist and all the guests cheered. Feeling the pure happiness in my heart I couldn't stop smiling. When we stopped kissing, he took my hand and we walked out of the church together. There were flowers everywhere, guests were standing and clapping by their hands, it was simply amazing. We walked to our car, Sergio opened the door for me and helped me to get in. All the people went after us and sat in their cars. I was sitting next to Sergio, he was driving, holding my hand, I was looking at our hands. My fingers were slightly twisted with Sergio's. I was looking at his ring, that ring which said that he loves me so much, that ring which said that nothing can tear us apart. 

S* We drove through the whole city honking with our cars, I was so happy. My wife was sitting next to me, holding my hand, I felt her touch and that was enough for me. I would like to watch her this whole time, to see her smile, but that would mean that I would have to put her and our baby in the danger and I couldn't allow that, I would do anything to keep them safe and if it means paying attention to the road, then I have to do that. 

R* We arrived at the luxury restaurant, everything looked amazing, Sergio helped me to get out of the car. I was smiling the whole time, today was our day. The baby move and I looked down at my belly. Sergio stopped.

S: "Raquel? Is everything alright?"
R: "Yes, he just moved, he is just happy for us."

R* I smiled caressing my belly.

S: "Oh, I see, our little man is happy for his parents."

R* He sat down on his knees caressing my baby bump. All of the people stopped and watched us in admiration. Sergio didn't really care all he wanted was to share this most beautiful and most meaningful moment with our son.

S: "You see? I and your mom are really happy that you're here and we can't wait for the day you will arrive."

R* My smile was so wide and so big, everyone had to notice it. My heart was filled with love and I couldn't take my eyes off him talking to our baby. He looked at me and smiled, soon enough he stood up and took my hand again. We continued walking when we suddenly heard someone shout.

P: "Mommy, daddy, wait for me."

R* We turned around and saw Paula running towards us. She ran into Sergio's arms and he lifted her up. They were laughing for a while and then Sergio put her back on the ground.

P: "Mom, can I talk to my baby brother, too?"

R* She asked smiling.

R: "Of course."
P: "Thank you."
P: "This is your big sister, grandma said our parents are getting married today and that means that they are happy."

S* I watched her with admiration, our sweet little girl will soon become the big sister, she will surely take good care of her brother. I looked around and all of the guests were looking at us. I was happy, I was proud of my family. I saw my brother in the crowd smiling and looking at us. I saw Mariví and her thankful eyes for the happiness of her daughter. I saw María finally being happy for her sister. Everything was right in the place when I suddenly saw the familiar face in the crowd. It was her, I took a deep breath staring at her, she was back.

I blinked a few times and looked again. She wasn't there anymore, was this just illusion? I wasn't sure anymore, but I didn't pay a big attention to that. I haven't slept much last night and my brain was surely tired. I noticed Raquel taking my hand. I looked at her and she smiled, I nodded and we continued walking inside.

R* He probably didn't notice, but I knew that something was wrong he was looking into the crowd smiling when he suddenly stopped smiling. I immediately noticed that and looked at the place he was looking at. I just saw a back of some woman. I took a deep breath, he probablůy just saw something. I took his hand and stopped overthinking. We walked into the restaurant like a family. 

Everyone sat at the table, getting their drinks, of course, I got the drink without alcohol, Sergio thought of everything. We were smiling at each other so happy. Andrés stood up and jingled on his glass.

Berlin: "I would like to thank you all for coming, today is my brother's big day, right hermanito?"

R* He looked at Sergio and smiled.

Berlin: "A few hours ago, I didn't even know he was alive and I'm glad he is. I would like to thank Raquel for helping him to enjoy life, without her he would have never experienced love. He would still be in his own world with his books and plans. I wish you both happiness and love." 

S* He finished his speech, it was so beautiful. We were all having fun, we ate, we drank, we even danced, I'm not sure how Raquel did it, but we really had our dance together, I would do anything for her. Even though I was the worst dancer we enjoyed or dance. Holding her in my arms, hugging her, and swaying into the rhythm, that's how this night looked like. 

After a while of dancing, Raquel became tired, she was pregnant after all, she deserved to rest. She sat at the table with Paula and Mativí smiling and laughing. I was watching them when my brother walked next to me.

Berlin: "I'm proud of you."

S* I smiled at him, but I wasn't sure if he should be proud of me, of course, I was happy, I was happy like never, but I couldn't help but think about that what I saw today.

S: "Andrés, I have to talk to you about something."
Berlin: "You don't want to get divorced, do you?"

S* He laughed and I smiled.

S: "No, of course not, she is my everything."

S* I looked at Raquel playing with our daughter.

S: "The problem is that someone is trying to sabotage our happiness."
Berlin: "What do you mean?"

S* He looked at me confused and I took a deep breath.

S: "I saw her again today."

*Next part will be out soon*
*Thank you for reading my story ❤️*
*You can support me on my Instagram @_lcdp.fans_ *
*Love you guys ❤️*
