"Eloise, time to go potty!"  I called to the small white Shih Tzu that Ian had got me has a welcome gift.

Ivy was curled into a ball as Eloise pattered across the floor towards me. I connected the leash with her collar, before going to walk her outside. It was just after my first day at my new school. I was beyond exhausted and just wanted to sleep all day long.

I looked over to where Ashton's car was normally parked and noticed that it wasn't there right now, but there did seem to be a boy who looked around 7 to 10 years old. He was sat on the porch playing around with a soccerball.

I tried to shush the small pup as she barked at the young boy. He looked up and smiled. He immediatly dropped the soccerball and came over. "Can I pet it?" he motioned to Eloise. I nodded my head yes as I smiled.

As he patted the pup's head he asked many different questions.

After telling him that the white dog was indeed a girl named Eloise he had then decided to ask me my name.

"Abigail, but most people just call me Aj. What's your name?" I asked him, noticing that I still hadn't one clue what it was.

"My name is Harry, like Harry Styles which is pretty cool." He replied grinning at the comparison.

Harry just seemed like such a ball of sunshine that I wanted to just squeeze him.

"Ashton was right." He said outloud as if thinking to himself.

Of course I grew confused, "What was Ashton right about?"

Harry motioned for me to bend down, so that I was now to his height. Once we were the same height he leaned over to my ear, "That you're really pretty, but don't tell him I told. He threatened to throw me out the window if I told." he explained.

A blush crept onto my face. Did Ashton really think I was pretty? I couldn't think about it too much though because my attention went to the sound of a car door closing.

Ashton made his way over to us. Eloise barked and tried to run towards Ashton.

"So, I see you've met Mr. Ladies Man. I hope he hasn't tried to flirt with you too much." Ashton ruffled Harry's hair. Harry just rolled his eyes.

I was blushing even more now that Ashton was right in front of me after what I just heard him say about me. Hopefully, it wasn't too noticeable.

"Are you okay? You're looking a bit red in the face. Maybe you should head in to cool down or heat up or what ever the hell is making you redfaced."

Of course he fucking noticed.

Ashton noticing my flushed faced made it even worse and I knew that I had to leave as soon as possible.

"Yeah, I'm feeling a bit lousy. I'll see you guys later. It was nice meeting you Harry." I wasted no time leaving.

Just as I was at my door Ashton called after me. I turned around to look at Ashton, "I'll see you tonight for dinner." He said before waving and walking towards his house.


So, it turns out the my mother and Ian decided it would be a good idea to invite the Irwin's over for dinner. Apparentally it "helps us get to know people".

I mean I don't have a problem with the Irwin's, but I'm still beyond embarrassed about earlier and certainly wasn't ready to face Ashton after this afternoon.

I was dressed in a casual dress and some heels. My mother insisted that I wear heels to be "formal", but really I just felt so out of place with them. I had to put my uncomfortableness in the back of my mind as the doorbell rung. I could hear Kason running down the stairs. I on the other hand wasn't in a hurry at all.

While I made my way to the stairs Saul came behind me. He pushed around me and groaned, "You're so fucking slow."


When I finally got downstairs the Irwin family was inside. Well I thought they all were until I noticed that Ashton wasn't there. Maybe he won't come to dinner.

Everyone settled down into their seats once dinner was done. The doorbell rang as we started to eat. "Saul why don't you go grab that." Ian insisted.

Saul left, but came back with a familiar boy with hazel eyes.

"Sorry I'm late. I had to finish up some homework before coming over." Ashton apologized.



Once dinner was finished the Irwin's stayed a little longer because Anne insisted on helping clean up. Kason decided on showing Harry some of his video games, Lauren wanted to play with Eloise some more, Saul did whatever he does, and Ashton followed me up to my room.

I immediatly took off my heels once I settled on my bed. Ashton did the same beside me. He leaned onto his back and looked around the room.

"That' s my bedroom window." he motioned to the house beside my new one. Of course, his window was right across from mine.

"Just make sure you don't be a creep and spy on me." I joked. I leaned back onto Ashton's stomach since he was taking up the whole bed.

"So, are you going to the football game or soccer whatever you call it tomorrow?" he asked.

I shook my head no.

"You have to come. Don't be a loser."

"I don't even know anyone there." I groaned. Ashton started to play with my hair.

"I'll be there and so will the other boys. C'mon it'll be fun." Ashton was persistant about me coming. Maybe I can meet some new people there. Plus if I don't like it then I can just leave, no big deal.

"Fine. You swear you won't let me be a loner though or else I'll never hang out with you again."

Ashton stuck out his pinky then hooked it with my own.


A/N: I know that isn't Harry's actual age, but it goes with the story, just go along with it.
