Santa Claus (slash, Albus/Scorpius)

A/N: Slash, don't like don't read.


"Sandy Claws?" Scorpius Malfoy's revolted voice rang out across the grounds. "What in Merlin's name is a Sandy Claws?"

Albus chuckled, placing a gloved hand on top of his boyfriend's. "Santa Claus, Scorp, not Sandy Claws."

Scorpius absentmindedly turned his hand over and entwined his fingers through Albus's, mulling this over. "Alright. Santa Claus, then. What is it?"

"Santa Claus is a figure in Muggle Christmas culture," Albus told Scorpius, smiling. "The story they tell their children is that Santa Claus comes down the chimney on Christmas and leaves presents under the Christmas tree."

Scorpius only looked more puzzled at this explanation. "Don't they have their Floo sealed to unauthorized visitors?"

"Muggles aren't connected to the Floo Network, Scorp," Albus reminded him gently.

"So how does he come in the fire?"

"He doesn't. They say he comes down the chimney."

"Down the chimney? Like... Actually climbing down the chimney? But how would he fit? And how does he get onto the roof?"

"Yes, like actually climbing down the chimney. And it's just a story, Scorp. They say he has a sleigh with a team of reindeer pulling it. They supposedly land on the roof of each house."

" Even the Beauxbatons carriage can't do that!"

"Scorp, it's just a story."

"How do they say he gets to each house in one day?"


This left Scorpius speechless for a moment. "So they do believe in magic?"

"Well, no, not really. Not the adults, anyway. The children believe in lots of things the adults don't."

"Why do they tell stories if they don't believe them?"

"They play pretend to make the kids happy."

"But... What?" Albus smiled at the clear confusion on Scorpius's face.

"They think it's charming to let the kids believe in the stories."

"If they don't believe in magic, why do they tell the kids that it's magic?"

"I suppose it's their way of covering up that they can't give a logical explanation."

"That's stupid."

Albus smiled again as he heard the disdain in Scorpius's face. "It is a bit silly, I suppose."

"Silly? It's more than that!"

As Scorpius went into a rant about how ridiculous the story was, Albus listened with amusement.


Scorpius paused in his rant.

Albus pressed a quick kiss to Scorpius's lips. "How about we finish what we were doing before?"

Scorpius looked confused. "Which was?"

"Nothing," Albus said, smiling again. "Absolutely nothing."

Scorpius smiled. "Sounds like a plan to me."

If anyone were to look out the window, they wouldn't have been able to see the two boys hidden in the shadows of a tall tree near the edge of the lake, lost in their own little world.


A/N: I haven't updated in a long time, sorry to leave you all hanging like that! I've been suffering from a combination of WayTooBusy and NoChristmasInspiration. Which is weird because I love Christmas and holidays in general. Mostly because I get to see all the family I don't usually see at this time of year (it makes me so happy!).

This chapter is dedicated to @LifeIsFreakingLong for requesting an Al/Scorpius or a Rose/Scorpius fic (still working on the Rose/Scorpius fic). Thanks for reading and commenting so much!

Like and comment please!

Question time! What holiday do you celebrate and what do you look forward to most during the Winter Holidays?
